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What is Quantum Healing?

Quantum healing is a holistic approach that seeks to treat body, mind, and spirit holistically using channeling, intuition, Reiki, Kinesiology muscle testing regression, empathy as part of its practice.

Gareth Strangemore-Jones provides individual Quantum Energy sessions as well as workshops covering its principles. He covers everything from its purpose and how-to’s to providing valuable guidelines.

Mind-Body Connection

Mind and body were designed to work in unison to promote optimal health; but sometimes the relationship becomes tenuous. For instance, stress has been shown to decrease immunity and make it harder for the immune system to fight infection and cancer; studies indicate that stress-reducing techniques like talk therapy and meditation increase immune system resistance against disease.

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Quantum healing, an emerging field of medicine, promotes the concept that our bodies are composed of more than physical matter. According to Deepak Chopra’s “Quantum Healing,” our bodies are controlled by an intelligence network rooted in quantum reality that is capable of altering fundamental patterns that define our physiology.

Quantum healing combines Western medicine and ancient Indian practices, such as Ayurveda. Quantum healing draws upon ideas from quantum physics as well as this holistic practice which strives to balance body, mind, and spirit. Chopra asserts that when physical and mental elements of one’s body are out of sync with each other they may result in symptoms ranging from digestive distress to emotional upsets.

Quantum healing centers around mindfulness. This involves being in the present moment and letting go of negative emotions such as anger and fear. Furthermore, mindfulness involves regular physical activities like yoga or tai chi as well as eating nutritious food to achieve total wellbeing.


Chopra claims that visualization and affirmations practices aid the body in healing itself and may even cure diseases. Studies have also demonstrated how positive thinking and visualization can enhance immunity while increasing vaccine effectiveness; some users have experienced faster healing responses after employing such methods.

Though many researchers remain skeptic of the mind-body connection, evidence does exist supporting its theory. For instance, scientists recently conducted brain scans on newborns, 1-year-olds and 9-year-olds and discovered an increasing network of connections which are tied to aspects of learning, memory and emotion health in each age cohort studied.

Life-Force Energy

Energy healing refers to Life Force Energy as the vital life energy flowing through our bodies. If amplified, this vital force can help heal physical bodies while also creating spiritual connections and feelings of interconnectivity with nature and other universe inhabitants. Quantum Healing should not be seen as a replacement for traditional medical treatments but should instead be utilized alongside them; some scientists have even expressed doubt over this form of therapy as being scientifically tested or proven effective through controlled studies.

Energy healing combines quantum physics and holistic health concepts to promote well-being. Their underlying philosophy suggests that our mental states and beliefs have an immense effect on physical wellbeing – similar to meditation practices which have been proven to reduce stress levels and improve physical wellbeing. For optimal results, make sure you get enough sleep and consume healthy foods as part of an energy healing regimen.

Quantum Healing‘s central belief is that our bodies naturally exist in an ideal state of health. All healing is self-healing; any blockages or excesses in life force energy can result in sickness. A therapist is thought to be capable of amplifying and channeling this life force energy to areas of the body needing healing.

Scientists are finally beginning to acknowledge the power of energy that has long been recognized by eastern cultures. It pervades our material world and provides access to direct experiences of unity consciousness.

Researchers are making great strides toward understanding how energy flows within our bodies, from its links with cell metabolism and resonance at different frequencies leading to exciting medical advancements.

Life-Force Energy, or Torsion energy, has become an integral component of quantum healing. It is an immensely powerful force capable of altering electromagnetic fields within cells to alter chemical reactions occurring inside them and create auras measurable with Kirlian GDV cameras as well as serving as a blueprint directing each cell in your body towards growth and specialization in specific ways – which accounts for many successful new healing methods. This special force lies at the core of successful new therapies.

Psychic Abilities

There are various psychic abilities, but three of the more prevalent are clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. These allow individuals to perceive information outside the five senses and use this ability to make contact with other people and objects throughout the universe. These methods are also employed to aid others in healing themselves and improving their lives. Jim began working professionally with clients since 2008 as a Reconnective Healing Practitioner(r) and developer of the Quantum Multi-Dimensional Healing method or QMDH(tm). Jim utilizes his natural gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience to observe and assess each client’s bio-electrical field (or aura), in order to quickly diagnose energy imbalances within them and provide quicker and more effective treatments.

Quantum healing is an unconventional form of mind-body medicine that claims miraculous results for people. The concept is grounded on the idea that health does not result solely from biological processes at a molecular level but instead depends heavily on energy fields; and can thus explain phenomena which cannot be explained using traditional medical treatment alone.

Quantum healing may not have much scientific evidence behind it, yet many patients have reported positive experiences. Quantum healing may help relieve stress that can contribute to health issues; however, it should not be seen as a replacement for traditional medical treatments.

Quantum healing involves altering one’s consciousness to bring about mind-body energy balance, drawing from the premise that our bodies contain an energetic life force called “chi” in China and “prana” in other cultures. Trained practitioners can focus and amp up this force using techniques combining body awareness exercises with breathing exercises in order to harness this vital resource for health.

Quantum healing may be relatively new as an option therapy, but its roots date back centuries in other traditions like reiki and Chinese medicine. While some scientists have criticized quantum healing practices, others view them as an effective alternative way of treating or curing cancer. As holistic treatments work differently for each individual, always experiment to see which ones have an effect on your symptoms.


Quantum healing is a type of energy medicine that employs various techniques to harmonize mind and body. The practice stems from the belief that our bodies contain an energetic life force known as “chi”, when this life force becomes imbalanced it can result in illness. Practitioners use various techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation to transfer and amp up this life force energy; many users report improvements in both health and well-being after using quantum healing – while some scientists may believe its results to be placebo effects, it remains worth trying if conventional treatments fail!

Quantum healing operates under the assumption that all parts of our universe are interdependent, from your physical body and emotions to spirituality and spirit. Therefore, changing your energy frequency affects everyone around you – including at a quantum level where subatomic particles appear and disappear randomly to form matter that serves as the foundation of existence.

Quantum healing techniques such as Reiki and quantum touch offer various forms of holistic therapy that don’t rely on scientific evidence for effectiveness, yet still help relieve stress and promote positive mindsets. They are sometimes combined with conventional medicine in order to boost overall patient health.

Reiki and quantum healing both use the transference of energy from the universe into human bodies in order to heal and balance mind, body and soul. Although they share similarities, there are some distinctions – for instance reiki healing involves more ritualistic processes than quantum therapy.

QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon. A QHHT session involves regression to experience past life scenes and receive answers to your deepest queries, often lasting two or three hours. Participants connect to their Higher Self or Super Consciousness during this process – providing invaluable information about health, relationships and careers.


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