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What is Quantum Healing and How Can it Benefit You?

Quantum healing is an approach to holistically understand and address root cause issues, beyond treating symptoms. This powerful energy healing technique focuses on physical discomfort, emotional strain, mental clarity, spiritual wellness, and holistic well-being.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is an innovative past life regression hypnotherapy method which takes you on an emotional and spiritual journey into your subconscious mind and soul.

What is Quantum Healing?

Quantum healing (also referred to as energy therapy and non-local healing) is an alternative medical practice which utilizes quantum principles in order to promote health and wellbeing. It often complements traditional medical therapies by treating energetic components of physical or mental ailments underlying them; practitioners of this technique believe the body has the capacity to heal itself using this energy source.

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Energy healing has been around for millennia, practiced by many cultures from around the globe and employed by shamans, monks, and healers worldwide to bring balance back into both body and mind. Energy medicine rests on the concept that there’s more to us than meets the eye – including spiritual, emotional, mental and energetic aspects all intertwined together within us all.

Quantum healing rests on the theory that our universe operates based on probabilities, where particles appear and disappear randomly to generate energy and provide building blocks for our universe. Quantum healing works under this principle and utilizes prayerful thinking and intentions as tools to influence these probabilities for positive results. Unfortunately, there is no proof of quantum healing; nevertheless it has become an increasingly popular holistic practice with no harmful side effects.

Some critics of quantum healing claim it misapplies scientific principles, with observed effects at atomic levels not translating to macroscopic human biology. It should be noted, however, that this does not apply to energy healing methods generally; evidence has demonstrated their safety and efficacy with all types of people.


One of the more well-known quantum healing techniques is Quantum-Touch. Practitioners believe they can cultivate and send energy into the body to aid cellular repair, alleviating discomfort and supporting natural healing processes. Breathing and body awareness exercises help focus and amp up life force energy (also referred to as “chi” or prana” in some traditions) for use on healing journeys – without relying on someone physically present for assistance on that journey.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is an effective form of mental relaxation. It operates within the Alpha and Theta brainwave states (from 7Hz to 8Hz) and differs significantly from sleep or deep meditation states in that conscious thought is no longer engaged while subconscious and intuitive mind are fully activated – an optimal state for healing and transformation.

Under hypnosis, people are able to accept suggestions made by either themselves or a therapist as though they were real. For instance, if their therapist suggests their tongue has grown twice its original size, that person might experience it as though this were indeed true. Therapists usually encourage clients to recall early experiences of behaviors or problems they’d experienced and how it affected them in order to help them see them more objectively so that changes can be implemented more neutrally.

People have been entering hypnotic-type trances through meditation for millennia; however, formal explorations began only during the late 1700s, giving hypnosis its scientific legitimacy. Hypnosis can help address fears and anxieties, increase motivation levels and assist with weight loss/cessation/other health-related goals.

Many individuals unfamiliar with hypnotherapy are misinformed about what constitutes hypnosis, thinking they’re being controlled or don’t have any say in what’s going on when in reality they always retain free will and can choose whatever action they wish in this relaxed state. Hypnosis is a safe and natural form of mind-body medicine proven to have positive impacts on body including healing nervous and immune systems.

Hypnosis allows us to access a quantum energy resonance that connects us to higher states of consciousness, providing optimal healing for mind, body, and soul. When tapping into this quantum field we also tap into wisdom of our higher selves which can shed light on issues related to karma, life issues, or our purpose – something Dolores Cannon has accomplished using her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique or QHHT for short.

How is Hypnosis used in Quantum Healing?

Physical and mental issues we experience often stem from energetic imbalances, which stem from individual beliefs and emotions as well as stressors such as environmental factors. Such imbalances can have ripple effects through our bodies that manifest into symptoms like headaches. Our current medical system rarely addresses this source; instead it typically treats only symptoms, leading to endless prescription medication cycles to mask problems rather than address the source.

Quantum Healing, like non-local healing, is an energy therapy method designed to address imbalances in energy flow through quantum particles (also referred to as vibrational energies). The focus is clearing negative vibrations from within your energetic body while restoring harmony; similar principles have also been observed with meditation and mindfulness practices which have scientific support as beneficial to overall wellbeing.

Hypnosis is one of the most powerful tools available to facilitate quantum healing. During a session, clients are guided through hypnotherapy sessions in which their subconscious mind, also known as their Higher Self, provides answers and solutions to questions or challenges they have been experiencing.

Quantum healing centers around focusing on life-force energy, or what practitioners refer to as Chi or Prana. Practitioners will employ various techniques designed to focus and amplify this energy for maximum healing and wellbeing. Such techniques could include visualization and breathing exercises as ways of increasing flow of Prana into their bodies.

One of the most widely practiced quantum healing modalities is QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), created by Dolores Cannon. This process induces deep relaxation through visualization before regressing back in time to an event or period that has had an impactful influence in their lives, whether current, past, or other realms of consciousness.

Although some individuals have reported experiencing physical relief through this treatment, there isn’t enough scientific proof of its success. Still, anecdotal evidence points towards its use for alleviating many conditions and illnesses.

How does Quantum Hypnosis work?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is an advanced form of hypnosis designed to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being on all levels. Individuals can access their subconscious mind and higher selves for healing of phobias, unresolved issues and release of limiting beliefs. Furthermore, QHHT enables clients to explore alternative realities and timelines that might more aligned with their soul’s purpose than conventional forms of hypnosis can do.

At a QHHT session, an individual is guided into a somnambulistic state of trance through visualization. This state occurs twice daily: shortly before awakening consciously and just prior to sleeping. At this point in time, your Higher Self takes over; your Ego largely loses control and your Higher Self guides the session by sharing pertinent information that may be needed at that moment in time.

QHHT clients undergo regression into this life and past lives to help understand and heal trauma that still causes them pain. Furthermore, the Higher Self scans the entire body from head-to-toe for any energetic imbalances or misalignments which need energetic healing or realignment.

After experiencing QHHT sessions, clients typically report experiencing physical, emotional and spiritual benefits that range from physical healing to emotional well-being and spiritual awakening. Clients may report decreased chronic pain levels, anxiety and increased energy levels as well as receiving guidance on important life decisions as well as insights that foster spiritual awakening.

Please be aware that QHHT may assist healing, but does not purport to cure any diseases or ailments. Rather, it recognizes when medical and other logical treatments may be more suitable than QHHT in treating certain conditions as it often addresses deeper-level causes that cannot be effectively addressed through traditional approaches alone. Therefore, for optimal results it is strongly recommended that you locate a practitioner certified in QHHT technique who will guide your journey with confidence.


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