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What is Quantum Healing Meditation?

Quantum healing has its supporters, but scientists generally consider it pseudoscience. One criticism centers around its misinterpretation of modern physics; scientists largely hold to the viewpoint that macroscopic objects like human cells cannot exhibit quantum properties.

Deepak Chopra pioneered quantum healing in 1989 by combining mind-body medicine principles with those from quantum physics, meditation and the ancient Indian system of Ayurveda. While his methods are proven effective, research shows that even placebo effects can produce positive results.

Visualization (monchhobi)

Visualization is an integral component of quantum healing. When you imagine something, your mind sends signals to your brain which cause physical changes in the body – creating energy which may help heal and grow you, strengthen immune systems and protect from illness – strengthening immune systems is also thought to protect from illness; doctors have used visualization along with regular treatment plans as part of cancer patient treatments; this technique was found to extend lives and in some cases even cure cancer completely.

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Deepak Chopra developed quantum healing in 1989 through a blend of ancient healing traditions, Western medicine, science and physics, Transcendental Meditation (TM) training, Ayurveda Indian system of medicine as well as other sources of spirituality. He combined all this information into mind-body medicine that seeks to link physical body with deeper levels of awareness.

Quantum healing may be considered pseudoscience by scientific standards, yet many have found it helpful. Its foundation lies in the belief that all matter is composed of tiny particles called quarks which appear and disappear at random, colliding to generate energy, and creating our physical world. Quantum healing claims to transmit our thoughts, beliefs and expectations out into space through this energy field.

Quantum healing uses visualization and prayer as tools for harnessing this belief that is so integral to quantum medicine. This practice relies on what’s known as the placebo effect – where believing you will get better influences both your physiological and mental states in ways which produce lasting change – making it imperative that people believe they will heal even without tangible evidence to back this up.



Prayer is the act of connecting humans to something sacred or holy: god(s), transcendent realm(s), or supernatural powers. Present across all religions throughout history, prayer can take many forms – corporate or individual- whether seeking healing for an illness or showing appreciation – it’s an articulation of human heart to the infinite that unites all humans together in prayer.

Emotions such as fear, joy and sorrow all play an essential part in prayer; however, these factors alone cannot explain its deep inspiration. Belief in an Infinite Absolute is part of human genetic makeup; therefore its healing power lies within this belief and has been confirmed numerous times through scientific studies.

Deepak Chopra first introduced the idea of quantum healing in 1989 through his book Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind-Body Medicine. His novel approach was informed by Eastern philosophy and practices such as Transcendental Meditation (TM) and Ayurveda; ancient systems which see health as the balance of body, mind and spirit; as well as quantum physics’ belief that physical phenomena such as electromagnetic radiation or vibrations can be controlled through consciousness.

Although quantum healing has its supporters, most scientists view it as pseudoscience. Their primary criticism lies with its misinterpretation of modern physics which states that macroscopic objects such as human bodies and individual cells cannot display quantum properties.

This course will teach you how to lead clients through quantum healing sessions using hypnosis, energy healing and quantum healing techniques. By helping clients connect with their Higher Selves and explore future timelines, this CTAA-accredited course provides all the tools you need for a career as a quantum healer!

Energy Healing

Quantum healing meditation involves energy transfer and faith in our body’s natural ability to heal itself. The idea behind quantum healing meditation is similar to quantum physics: just as we see its principles manifested at an energetic level within us all, quantum healing takes that idea one step further by using life force energy (known as “chi or prana in some cultures) for self healing purposes – helping others through its use by using focused breathing exercises to magnify or focus this force and augmenting it further with various breathing exercises to amplify this force further.

Energy work utilizes this idea of tapping into our etheric blueprint in order to alter any negative patterns that shape our reality, such as lack of abundance, limiting beliefs, sabotage or addictive behaviors. Focused on releasing and letting go of these patterns thus opening the way for new choices to emerge and take place in life.

While many individuals report improvements from this therapy, there is little scientific support. That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be tried if you are experiencing emotional difficulty.

Reiki and quantum touch are both widely utilized forms of energy healing. While these techniques do not possess scientific proof, they do provide a soothing and relaxing environment which may help balance the mind and body.

These practices combine science with spirituality, drawing inspiration from Deepak Chopra’s 1989 book Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind-Body Medicine. Chopra offers explanations of sudden and remarkable healing of the human body such as cancer remissions that defy traditional medical methods, yet are unexplained by conventional medical theory. According to him, such extraordinary forms of healing are linked with quantum physics and consciousness theories. He claims that when broken down to its core elements, molecules become composed of nonphysical energy instead of physical matter, creating an intricate web of interconnecting energy vortices which vibrate at different frequencies – when these vibrations match those of another person, an effortless exchange occurs which brings about desired change on all levels: physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.


Quantum healing practitioners utilize breathing, body awareness and meditation techniques to amplify and focus the energy that makes up our life-force (known in Chinese as “chi” and in Sanskrit as “prana”). Quantum healing therapists believe they can create an energy field of high vibration around an area experiencing pain or disease that then resonates with its natural healing powers – creating an energy field which resonates with your natural healing powers to facilitate faster recovery times and less pain overall.

Quantum healing may have some vocal proponents, but the scientific community generally views it as nonsensical. One key criticism lies in its systematic misinterpretation of modern physics – specifically when applied to individual cells which exhibit quantum properties – making macroscopic objects too large to demonstrate these quantum phenomena. Quantum healing literature often does not cover this topic either.

The placebo effect occurs when someone believes that receiving medical treatments will aid their well-being. Many scientists have conducted extensive studies into this phenomenon and discovered its powerful healing benefits; even traditional medical therapies may benefit from it in part.

No matter the truth of such claims, quantum healing has become an increasingly popular form of alternative medicine. People have reported feeling better after participating in quantum healing sessions and there is some evidence suggesting it can relieve pain and anxiety. However, it’s important to remember that quantum healing does not intend to replace conventional medical treatments; rather it works in combination with them for overall wellness purposes.

Quantum Touch is a scientifically-backed energetic healing technique that utilizes your Life Force Energy to optimize healing and promote optimal well-being. Studies have shown its ability to reduce back and neck pain, realign skeletal structure, balance organs and glands, alleviate headaches and menstrual cramping as well as decrease inflammation significantly – it can even be used preventively as well. Quantum Touch may even help those living with chronic illnesses as well.

Are you interested in becoming a practitioner of Quantum Healing? Check out our CTAA-accredited courses below! Our CTAA course will teach you how to facilitate sessions that connect clients to their Higher Selves via Quantum Healing sessions. The focus is more on future timelines than past lives; however we provide a script which allows you to work on past lives if this is what attracts you.


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