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What is Quantum Healing Therapy?

Quantum healing is a holistic form of medicine which takes into account the connections between body, mind and spirit as well as energy healing and hypnosis.

QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon over 45 years ago, incorporating techniques that combine aligning the conscious mind with an all-knowing subconscious, helping clients recall past lives or other-dimensional experiences during sessions.

It is a form of energy healing

Quantum Healing is an energy healing modality combining quantum physics concepts with holistic health practices. The basic belief behind quantum healing is that the body consists of an energetic life force which can become disrupted through negative thoughts or emotions, leading to chronic pain or illness – thus quantify healing seeks to release this disruption and stimulate its natural ability for self healing.

Quantum healing may seem like pseudoscience, but there is some evidence supporting its benefits. Quantum healing has been used to manage symptoms associated with mental illnesses like anxiety and depression; physical conditions like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome; even blood pressure reduction! A quantum healing session allows energy transference that promotes relaxation while increasing cellular health – all helping reduce stress levels significantly.

Quantum healing practitioners can assist you in connecting to your Higher Self or spirit guides to seek guidance on spiritual and emotional aspects of your life. Practitioners commonly employ QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique). During sessions, practitioners use hypnosis to bypass conscious mind chatter while still remaining semi-awake, so clients may receive information from the Subconscious mind in a semi-awake state; often past lives are explored alongside possible future scenarios.

The foundation of this theory rests on the belief that tiny particles appear and disappear at random, colliding to produce energy and create the building blocks for our universe. They can be controlled using quantum mechanics, with intention or manipulation being sufficient to direct them in particular directions. This concept parallels what many believe in regards to reiki or Chinese medicine: our bodies contain an energetic substance known as chi, which can be affected by emotions and beliefs that arise within ourselves.

Quantum healing techniques can be utilized to address many symptoms, from high blood pressure and insomnia, to hormonal imbalances which cause acne or decrease in male libido. Furthermore, quantum healing may address any underlying causes for these issues such as stress or anxiety that might be contributing factors.

It is a form of hypnosis

Quantum healing is an holistic practice that uses the mind’s power to promote health. Techniques may include meditation and visualization, breathing exercises and physical contact to increase wellbeing. Quantum healing works by clearing away negative energy that causes headaches or other health problems while helping the body rebalance its natural life force (or “chi” or prana).

QHHT sessions involve being guided into a relaxed state similar to sleep by an experienced practitioner, which allows access to your subconscious mind and higher self. Sessions may help provide answers to life’s questions or insight into past lives; as well as emotional relief and spiritual growth.

Quantum healing may not have a firm scientific basis; nonetheless, many who utilize its therapy report improvement. Some experts, however, contend that quantum healing treatments are little more than placebos; nonetheless, the results of quantum healing seem promising, with evidence showing it helps treat conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndrome and anxiety.

Stressful conditions often have their roots in unresolved emotions and traumas that remain unhealed, while environmental toxins may disrupt hormonal balance, leading to acne breakouts, menstrual cycle dysfunctions, infertility in women or low libido in men. Quantum healing offers relief by clearing away emotional blocks and freeing energy blockages within our bodies.

Quantum healing should not be seen as a replacement to traditional medicine; rather, it should be utilized alongside it to boost healing. Quantum healing has many advantages over western medicine in that it does not require costly equipment or surgeries and has proven more successful at treating chronic diseases than western medicine alone. Furthermore, quantum healing is non-invasive and less traumatic than its Western counterpart.

Though some physicians remain wary of holistic forms of healing, there has been increasing interest in incorporating quantum principles into conventional medicine. Some have even claimed that holistic methods may even be more effective at treating certain illnesses than pharmaceutical medications alone. It’s important to remember that what works for one person won’t necessarily work for everyone – that’s why it’s advisable to try various therapies before choosing which ones you will pursue long term.

It is a form of meditation

Quantum healing is a relatively new approach to health care that integrates principles from quantum physics with holistic and alternative medicine practices. Based on quantum theory, quantum healing holds that our bodies are composed of energy vibrations which we can tap into for improved health and well-being. While quantum healing may seem like magic at first, its basis lies firmly within science.

Quantum healing‘s core belief is that our thoughts and emotions can alter our physical state, connecting to the divine to receive guidance on any problems. Quantum healing seeks to heal on all levels – mental, emotional, spiritual.

Scientifically speaking, quantum healing relies on the principle of entrainment – when two objects vibrating at different speeds start vibrating at equal frequencies simultaneously. Entrainment has applications across fields including chemistry, neurology, biology and medicine; quantum healing practitioners utilize high frequency life force energy to place a field of healing energy around areas experiencing pain, stress inflammation or disease that they believe bolster the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Quantum healing sessions begin by practicing grounding and centering techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises or simple stretching. Next comes opening yourself to your intuition – whether this means thinking about goals and intentions or focussing on positive aspects of life – or using visualization and affirmations techniques.

Hypnosis is used by practitioners of quantum healing to access the subconscious mind and access past life memories that reside there, which helps clear away root causes of present-day problems. A practitioner can guide you through past life regression to show various other-dimensional experiences from your life’s journey; then select those which most apply in helping to heal on all levels.

Although many may criticize quantum healing due to a lack of scientific evidence supporting it, trying this form of healing might just help reduce stress and enhance overall wellbeing.

It is a form of self-healing

Quantum healing therapy entails employing various techniques designed to aid self-healing. These techniques may reduce stress and anxiety levels as well as help people overcome emotional traumas, treat chronic diseases such as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome and use natural energy healing mechanisms from within your own body instead of medications – however these techniques should never replace conventional medical advice or treatment methods.

Quantum healing‘s principles are grounded in the belief that all matter and energy exists as interdependent systems with various densities, making it possible to influence these systems using various techniques such as pure focused intention and centring. Quantum healing techniques can be utilized by either the practitioner or their patient in order to enhance health and enhance well-being in all aspects of life. Quantum healing has become particularly well-known as an effective means of treating mental health conditions associated with stress. Quantum healing has the power to lower high blood pressure levels and can help those suffering from insomnia find better restful nights’ rest. Stress and anxiety often contribute to these conditions; therefore it’s crucial that ways are found to address them.

Quantum healing offers many advantages, from increased relaxation and improved mood, to relieving chronic pain such as headaches. Furthermore, it may reduce depression risk and psychological disorders; and help those struggling with addictions such as alcohol or drug abuse overcome cravings by lowering stress levels and releasing negative emotions more efficiently.

Gareth Strangemore-Jones is an experienced holistic healer with over two decades of practice across several holistic therapies such as Reiki, Tai Chi, Yoga, Pranayam and Tantric Energy healing. His studies include Deepak Chopra, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Dr Joe Dispenza to name just a few.

Gareth provides individual Quantum Healing treatments based on the work of Dolores Cannon (QHHT), Deepak Chopra MD, Dr Bruce Lipton (molecular cell biologist), and Gregg Braden (scientist and visionary). These methods work with your body’s innate intelligence to facilitate natural healing while also offering guidance about physical ailments and their underlying causes.
