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What You Need to Know About Quantum Healing

Are you curious about quantum healing? This article covers its science as an alternative healing practice, along with its advantages. Additionally, learn the various benefits that this practice may bring!

Dolores’ sessions have demonstrated how QHHT can uncover forgotten knowledge, such as ancient healing techniques. Its potential for instantaneous healing and accessing higher states of consciousness is immense.

Dolores Cannon

Dolores Cannon is an expert in past life regression and hypnotherapy, specialising in exploring human consciousness, reincarnation, and cosmic origins. Her work has been featured on more than 1000 radio shows including Art Bell’s Dreamland and George Noory’s Coast to Coast; furthermore she has presented at numerous conferences worldwide.

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Dolores’ work explores the profound experiences people can have when feeling detached from this world, believing this to be no mere coincidence but evidence of deeper spiritual connections to higher realms. She has written 17 books about her research in hypnosis and UFOs.

Dolores’ work explores signs that indicate angelic presence within humanity. She explains that angels who manifest as humans often possess strong intuition and an intimate connection to nature, while having the ability to perceive beyond physical realm and act as guides towards enlightenment. Furthermore, these individuals have deep love and respect for all living beings which allows them to provide guidance and healing services across races, religions, backgrounds; often drawn into professions focusing on healing or teaching as well as an unshakeable sense of purpose that transcends personal ambitions.

Joshua Bloom

Joshua Bloom is a pioneer in quantum energy transformation therapy, an innovative therapy which harnesses quantum energy to effect change. It combines scientific understanding and spiritual awareness for maximum impact in aiding emotional and physical wellbeing. In this episode of Gratitude Geek Podcast explores this novel approach as well as its differences from traditional therapeutic models that adhere to Newtonian physics.


Joshua transformed his own life, as well as those of many spiritually inclined people – especially empaths and sensitive souls – over the past 20 years with an innovative process called Quantum Energy Transformation, inspired by Bruce Lipton’s groundbreaking research in Quantum Biology. Joshua has been recognized internationally as an authority on this approach, appearing on radio shows, podcasts, TeleSummits, podcasts and radio shows discussing its application; teaching his clients to shift their energies for total transformation as well as helping to release ailments like fibromyalgia pain anxiety fear migraine headaches allergies attention deficit among many others.

Philip Moriarty

Philip Moriarty is an expert in quantum mechanics who excels at conveying complex ideas to non-scientists. A popular science author, podcaster, and even the star of a music video highlighting this field. We spoke to him about his work – specifically how he gets people excited about quantum healing without falling into “quantum woo”.

Quantum energy healers believe we all possess an innate ability to heal ourselves. They claim they can access the universal life-force energy to assist their clients with getting healthy or recovering from illness. This energy is commonly known as chi or prana; quantum therapists utilize breathing exercises and body awareness exercises to focus and amp up this source. Furthermore, entrainment theory can also be utilized; two objects vibrating at different speeds can become aligned if close enough – this concept has wide application in chemistry, biology, medicine and beyond!

Though quantum healing has yet to be scientifically verified, many have reported its positive effects in helping with physical and mental health issues. While quantum healing can provide great complementary care alongside traditional medical approaches for treating illnesses that warrant serious intervention, it should only ever be used as part of comprehensive healthcare treatment plans administered by certified doctors.

Self-proclaimed TikTok mystics, healers, and wellness influencers have increasingly turned to quantum physics for credibility in their claims – but this can have potentially harmful results. In this episode, I speak with Philip Moriarty of Nottingham University UK; author of “The Very Short Introduction to Quantum Physics”, and host of Physics World Weekly Podcast. Philip shares tips for distinguishing between quantum theory woo and wow; plus unveils his brand new physics-inspired music video!

Oxford University Press’s Very Short Introductions series provides concise yet authoritative introductions to an array of subjects. Perfect for anyone looking for quick ways to gain more in-depth understanding quickly, each title features expert contributions with key facts, figures, analysis perspectives ideas enthusiasm that makes each subject engaging and accessible.

Quantum Energy Transformation

Joshua Bloom is an internationally acclaimed expert on quantum healing. His work blends scientific understanding with spiritual awareness to enable individuals to shift their reality and ease emotional and physical pain more effectively than with traditional therapy models alone. Energy healing provides a powerful alternative that transforms how we perceive both ourselves and the universe around us.

Quantum energy transformation is an innovative technique that leverages quantum physics to produce change within the body. The practice involves deep breathing and engaging in movements designed to release stagnant energy at the cellular level. Through its holistic approach, quantum energy transformation enables individuals to heal themselves by breaking free from old patterns and adopting more empowered identities; connecting to nature’s healing forces; tapping into one’s innate healing powers; tapping into their greater cosmos for support – this holistic healing technique being particularly helpful for empaths and sensitive souls.

Success with quantum energy transformation lies in shifting your identity rather than altering your beliefs. Doing this allows you to become a fully formed energy being and gain more control of your life while fulfilling all of your desired desires. Furthermore, this transformation process is simple and can be completed anywhere at anytime.

Joshua discusses how his quantum energy transformation technique can help you become confident and unstoppable, including two exercises designed to move stuck energy and restore intuition. Furthermore, Joshua provides advice for clearing away negative thought forms or unpleasant feelings that you pick up from others.

Stepping outside your head is the first step toward quantum change, and Joshua provides techniques that will enable you to do this quickly in just a few breaths. Additionally, he discusses why this aspect of his process is the keystone to changing reality for good.

Science and spirituality come together in this blend, using five steps as the roadmap towards permanent change. Joshua uses extraordinary empaths and intuitives to access their inner selves and the Quantum Field, helping hundreds of people like himself free themselves of ailments such as fibromyalgia, pain, anxiety depression allergies migraine headaches ADHD etc.


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