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Copen Radionics – The Crossroads of Science, Spirituality and Holistic Healing

Radionic instruments provide a thorough assessment of an organism from physical, astral, and mental levels. Furthermore, these tools enable direct balancing (broadcasting) of disturbed areas directly after analysis is completed.

RatesBook contains all classical rates (Organs and Symptoms, Homeopathic Rates Listing and Acupuncture Rates etc) used by Copen MK2 and Scope Q instruments as well as those working using Base 10 Rates system radionics devices.


Radionics stands as a testament to resilience and innovation of those who defied traditional norms, challenging conventional norms with unconventional solutions. Today, this artform stands at the crossroads between science, spirituality and holistic healing – it provides practical means to balance and improve a person’s energetic state so they become healthier over time.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

Radionics was originally defined by its focus on electromagnetic energy and used it to diagnose and treat illness remotely via complex electrical devices. Over time, however, its scope broadened to encompass various energetic phenomena outside the standard framework of physics–what we would now refer to as subtle energies.

Albert Abrams (1863-1924), is widely credited with founding modern radionics. His method of differential diagnosis evolved out of percussive diagnosis used in medieval Europe wherein abdominal organs were thumped to determine areas of disharmonied function; Abrams further refined this by using glass pieces to rub on their abdomens while looking for any “stickiness” which indicated unbalance or disharmony in organ functions.

Abrams went on to develop “organ and symptom” rates which form the foundation of today’s radionics rate system. He also devised a way of transmitting these rates from instrument to instrument, enabling radionics to spread over wider geographical areas and become known as radionics medicine. The result was powerful yet effective alternative medicine known as radionics.


Early radionics instruments used the Abrams rates in a straightforward manner: one or more rate bands were connected to an “output” electrode on a test subject (typically healthy individuals) while an output terminal, usually silver-plated copper foot plates, was attached to their feet so as to receive transmission of these “rate” signals; test subjects could be located anywhere as long as their instrument could receive these signals.

As radionics technology advanced, it was possible to use computers to store and transmit these data signals, making more complex analyses and treatments possible; such as telepathic communication between two locations or remote control of electronic equipment – even revamping homeopathic potentisation methodology!


Radionics is an alternative medicine practice that employs electronic devices to diagnose and treat illness. It works on the presumption that detectable electromagnetic radiation emitted by living matter can be interpreted diagnostically and transmitted across distance to heal disease at a distance. Radionics incorporates energy forms which cannot be objectively measured by modern physics such as telepathy and clairvoyance as well as energetic phenomena outside standard physical science’s purview, such as electronic homeopathy or electronic acupuncture – its use being known as electronic homeopathy or electronic acupuncture

Modern radionics is a complex interplay of electrical devices that uses radio waves to interact with subtle energies around and within the body. It was first invented by Bruce Copen, widely considered the founding father of modern radionics. An Englishman by birth and by education, Bruce was known for being both scientific and charismatic – leading an extraordinary life and pioneering in many fields including radionics and radiesthesia; authoring many books about both subjects.

Radionics has traditionally been employed for diagnosis and treatment of both physical and energetic body conditions, using various instruments and techniques such as pendulum dowsing to achieve this purpose. Other devices designed specifically to aid this practice may help facilitate remote viewing or wish fulfillment.

One of the most useful instruments for this kind of work is a radionic computer, a machine which performs analysis on simple samples before allowing an operator to send frequencies directly into their bodies in order to balance any imbalances and adjust accordingly using a special rate book that includes frequencies associated with various organs, diseases and symptoms.

These rates can be stored on an instrument and broadcast at any time, while some operators have discovered that these rate broadcasts can work over distance – this process is known as “braodcasting”, and can provide remarkable healing benefits.

The ASLD90 was one of the first radionics devices to offer this capability and remains one of the most advanced models available today. Fully compatible with CARE C11 software, this device enables operators to seamlessly transition between traditional analog work methods and more digital approaches to working.


Bruce Copen’s dowsing and radionic instruments provide the ideal way to balance subtle energy fields in humans, animals and plants alike – providing an effective means of controlling pests that threaten the food crops that sustain human civilisation.

Radionic instruments can also help balance bioenergetic states of organs, glands, and other parts of a person or animal’s body with radionic instruments, providing tremendously helpful results when treating emotional disorders or overcoming psychological obstacles such as fear and phobias. When applied to pets this could result in better behavior at home and reduced veterinary costs for skin diseases or parasite infestation.

Recently, most radi o nics practice was limited to medical purposes involving humans and animals; with an emerging interest in agricultural radio nics there has been a rise in need to balance subtle energies of animals and plants as well.

Agriculture-specific radionics is especially relevant, as its application allows farmers to save water.

Hydroponics can help mitigate many of the negative impacts modern living conditions have on plant health and vitality, while agricultural radio is becoming an increasingly viable alternative to chemical- and pesticide-based agriculture, which has harmful side effects on humans, the environment and animals that live among it.

Over time, several subjective methods such as radiesthesia, kinesiology, RAC and electro-acupuncture have been created which provide biofeedback in an accurate and repeatable way, making measurements possible in this context.


Radionics, as a form of energy medicine, addresses imbalances of the body’s energetic system. Based on principles similar to homeopathy, it treats physical symptoms of illness with electronic devices capable of sending healing energies directly to people, animals and plants alike – an ancient practice at the intersection of modern science and spirituality.

Radionics was first popularised by American doctor Albert Abrams during the 1940s, becoming a mainstream approach to holistic health. Dr. Copen built upon this work by creating the radionic soil analyser known as Model Y which was released to the public for use in 1947 – making a lasting contribution to radionics as an artform.

Though its roots lie in ancient healing practices, modern energy healing technology has advanced beyond that, to incorporate modern science and other forms of subtle energy healing. It uses frequencies of energy which correspond with organs, diseases and psychological states in order to heal both physical and energetic bodies simultaneously. Furthermore, energy healing provides an effective means of diagnosing and treating various conditions affecting animals or plants alike.

Beyond its medical applications, radionics is used for various other tasks beyond medicine such as finding water and precious minerals, geological radiations that pose harm, missing persons search and the study of interfering energies that cause disease in living beings. Furthermore, its pendulum at the core of radionics often performs this dowsing work – while some more elaborate devices were created specifically to achieve goals outside health and wellness such as remote viewing, time travel or wish fulfillment.

Radionics has many uses in medicine and other natural therapies, including homeopathy, biochimistry and naturopath i c healing. Furthermore, its applications in agriculture include finding water sources and precious minerals as well as detecting interference zones which might damage or destroy crops.


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