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Radionics is an obscure healing modality based on the assumption that all matter emits radiations or vibrations; when implemented mystically, Radionics works with intention as its foundation.
How Radionics Works
Some practitioners of this technique believe that all living things emit vibrational patterns which can be detected and used to promote healing and balance in their lives. Other esoteric beliefs suggest these energies could also help connect to Nature Intelligence as well as subtle energy fields.
Some may make convincing arguments for radionics being scientific, while others find it more challenging and frustrating to demonstrate its scientific validity. This frustration stems from many radionics inventors trying to fit their devices into existing paradigms of science and technology at the time instead of accepting that radionics may function on different terms than its mechanistic and deterministic worldview of science.
One of the more well-known techniques associated with radionics is known as dowsing; this involves using a metal object to detect presence or absence of energies in a specific space. Furthermore, using a pendulum as part of radionics to establish resonance between objects or spaces allows energy transmission in either direction, changing how physical realities around us develop over time.
Experienced traditional operators of magic knew full well that action taken at a distance relied upon life force or Chi energy – this being known as Chi energy – for success. Chi energy provides power for magical and healing activities like radionics.
Chi energy has long been recognized for its relevance in esoteric practices and practitioners have recognized its power to enhance spell casting efforts – even those cast thousands of miles away! Radionics is the modern manifestation of this ancient knowledge. While most radionics practitioners today are doctors, other professionals have also long participated in its development with electronic devices and sophisticated software programs continually being released onto the market.
Using a Radionics Machine
Traditional shamans and spiritual workers throughout history understood that any action at a distance, magick, or spiritual healing required the support of Chi energy to function effectively. Unfortunately, it could be difficult for one person to generate this force alone – traditionally by using their mind (radiesthesia) or with symbols/ritual objects used as tools in magick (known as sigils). Radionics machines now widely available and affordable provide another practical means for harnessing Chi energy effectively for use by anyone.
Radionics is a field based on the belief that all living things produce subtle energy fields or vibrational frequencies that can be detected and altered with specially-designed devices by practitioners. Practitioners believe these energies to be interwoven with life both physically and energetically, and can be adjusted or harmonized in order to promote healing, balance, and good health. Many skeptics, however, have cast doubt upon its scientific plausibility claiming any perceived benefits may simply be the result of placebo effect.
Radionics relies heavily on creating structural equivalents that can be tuned to any trend or target, known as equivalent structural links, that can be easily tuned. Such links have greater stability than sigils and other symbols since they do not move around like the human mind would do; the radionics machine allows for quick and effortless establishment of such links with more power than can be achieved using mental focus alone.
Success in radionics operations depends not only on the make-up of the machine itself but on how much Chi energy is introduced into it and its sophistication of trend link itself. For this purpose, the RAD 2400 HD provides an optimal radionics device as it guarantees massive infusion of Chi energy and guarantees rapid development and powering up of thought forms more rapidly than traditional methods can allow.
Using a Pendulum
One of the most powerful tools of radionics magic is a pendulum. A relatively straightforward device, the pendulum plays an integral part in radionics practice, acting as a form of dowsing to detect subtle energy forms and to guide radionics machines’ operation.
Pendulums come in all sorts of styles and varieties, but for best results it is important to find one of high quality that you can connect with and trust. Metal or wooden pendulums will respond best to energetic signals; crystal or glass pendulums may also work. Some people prefer chains with clasps while others like cords; ultimately your choice will depend on the nature of work you wish to complete using dowsing; therefore it is advisable to do as much research on it beforehand as possible before choosing it as a method.
As soon as your intention is set, make it crystal clear, focused and sincere. Request guidance and assistance with reaching your goal. Once this step has been taken, allow the pendulum to swing freely – don’t try to direct or force its movement; doing so may cause interference and may be counter-productive if done too frequently or frequently enough. Glance away occasionally from it to allow for strange movements of its pendulum; that is perfectly okay too.
Once connected to a pendulum, it can be used to detect various items – for instance:
Natural cosmic-terrestrial radiations, geological faults and ground fractures, geothermal energy sources such as underground springs, Hartmann lines (natural geomagnetic network whose magnetic lines of force form a north-south grid with cells 2 by 2.5 meters apart) Curry lines as well as radioactivity from rocks and radon gas as well as human energies are all potentially electromagnetic forces which have an influence over their surroundings and structures including humans themselves.
Learn the remarkable power of radionics and pendulum magic through this online course, working at your own pace from the comfort of home at your own pace and gaining invaluable skills that can be applied directly to healing or other Mantic Arts practices.
Combining Traditional Spells or Rituals with Radionics
Some practitioners take an ‘unstructured magick’ approach to radionic practice, using whatever feels right in the moment and allowing the machine’s energy to magnify their intention. This may result in creating an unexpected combination of energies which could prove more potency than either method alone.
When trying to achieve goals that require spiritual energy to manifest, such as getting through an obstacle course in life or overcoming personal blocks – whether this pertains to relationships, careers, health outcomes etc – visualization may prove immensely helpful.
Pendulums provide one of the easiest ways to combine traditional spells or rituals with radionics devices, acting as an amplifier of minute reactions that occur during any activity, from finding water or oil buried underground to determining whether a body is operating disharmoniously. This technique resembles percussive diagnostic techniques used in medieval Europe where someone’s abdomen was thumped to determine organs which weren’t functioning optimally.
Other practitioners use radionics to identify specific vibrational frequencies associated with physical matter such as animals, vegetables or minerals and then broadcast these frequencies using a radionics machine in order to correct any distortion in vibrational fields that might be hindering wellbeing in their studies.
Radionics is an energetic healing modality that doesn’t operate exclusively from left-brain logic; rather it operates based on an understanding that there are more aspects to reality than can be perceived with our five senses, such as vibrational energy. Because there are so many points of reference when trying to understand radionics‘ workings, many different frames of reference exist for understanding its workings.
If you are curious to gain more insight into this esoteric healing art, The Radiant Universe by Robert Tansley provides a helpful and thought-provoking perspective.