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David Tansley and Radionics

If you have been practising radionics for some time, chances are that you have come across David Tansley. He was among the first practitioners to view his field through an esoteric lens and interpret its practice accordingly.

Like Hahnemann, Tansley was a relentless seeker of truth and experimenter. He devised a diagnostic system which shifted away from organ functions and pathology toward causality within the energy body.

The Basics

People often confuse “radinics” with radio, physics or something related. However, in reality it is a form of healing art which incorporates science as well as spiritual elements utilizing subtle force fields and energies for diagnosis and treatment purposes to combat causes of disease in both humanity and other parts of nature.

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Radionics begins from the premise that all matter and energy are vibrational and interdependent, thus accepting that every living being, from humans to animals to plants to soil itself has a distinct energy signature that can be identified through special radionics devices by skilled practitioners. With this device in hand, practitioners are able to identify causes of disease whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual in origin. Finally by employing appropriate remedies and techniques they can reverse them and correct any issue caused by disease.

Radionics was first pioneered by Dr Albert Abrams of San Francisco, and then further refined by numerous pioneering practitioners like Ruth Drown and David Tansley (in the UK). Of note is Tansley’s extensive study of Eastern Wisdom and Alice Bailey; as well as designing his own radionics machines which were tailored for analysing chakras or more subtle energy fields.

Ray Energies theory elevated radionics to become one of the premier holistic healing arts. This book offers an entertaining and informative exploration into this fascinating field – highly recommended.


The author makes an eloquent case that certain core concepts essential for understanding radionics as a healing art are essential in order to comprehend its workings, without them its practice is likely only temporary and not truly healing. He takes advantage of this to contrast homeopathy, often thought of as quack medicine, with radionics which has quite similar central concepts but is usually misunderstood and discredited.


Radionics is an instrumented method of diagnosing and treating disease by tapping into our energy fields that surround our physical bodies and the universal field of energy in which we exist. This can be accomplished at a distance and without physical presence being necessary – the diagnosis being made using a dowsing rod or pendulum and treatment carried out using homeopathic remedies, flower essences, gems or Commands as energy factors.

American physician Albert Abrams (1863-1933), widely revered in his time, became famous for pioneering his concept of diagnosing illness by identifying energy patterns associated with various illnesses. Additionally, he created a system for healing and harmonizing body energy fields to prevent illness and promote wellness; his method now forms the basis of Radionics.

Ruth Drown (1893-1956) expanded on Abrams’ ideas by taking them back to England where she taught her methods. Unfortunately, like any novel approach or revolutionary idea it met some resistance, but Drown persevered and is today respected for her contributions.

As with any new idea, it is vitally important that when dealing with energy fields and subtle anatomy it be done so with caution and with appropriate training. As these are currently outside the accepted realms of scientific understanding it would not be advisable for anyone without such prior training to attempt using radionics without professional guidance.

David Tansley (1934-1988) was a chiropractor, lecturer, and Vice President of the British Radionics Association. He designed a two well machine to treat chakras and energy fields of a more subtle nature. Furthermore, his study of Eastern Wisdom and Alice Bailey assisted his grasp of understanding esoteric aspects of human physiology.

He used the pendulum and rule as diagnostic and treatment techniques from a distance, though other dowsing techniques may also have been utilized. He focused heavily on working with energy centers of the body through meditation to purify them. A practical, down to earth individual who combined his Navy experience with technical knowledge from studies of science.


Radionics as a healing system entails employing subtle force fields and energies to investigate and combat the causes of disease which afflict humanity as well as all the kingdoms of nature. While it’s primarily an endeavor scientific in nature, I personally see it more spiritual in its application – any obstacle to energy flow impedes health so finding and clearing away any blocks from an energy system, whether they stem from internal personality conflicts or external factors is of primary concern to a practitioner.

Radionics cannot be discussed without first providing some background of its history and development. Dr Albert Abrams (1863-1924), an esteemed medical doctor known for writing medical textbooks as well as being an unwavering experimenter and truth seeker who relied solely on himself for funding, first identified its fundamental principles.

Abrams was an adept observer, just like Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) had been. He recognized energetic patterns linked to various diseases; his discoveries went well beyond conventional scientific and medical thought of his time.

Ruth Drown continued this work after his death. Drown incorporated many Eastern concepts and techniques into her radionics practice; consequently, several books were written on this topic by Ruth herself.

However, Tansley was the one to successfully integrate Western and Eastern ideas on man’s subtle bodies into one cohesive system that was both pragmatic and comprehensive. Tansley himself was a chiropractor, having studied Alice Bailey (1880-1949), who relied heavily on concepts developed by Swedenborg.

As a result of this work, the theory that there exists an energy body which provides the blueprint for physical form was developed. This knowledge formed the basis for radiesthesia treatment methods and allowed practitioners to identify and remove blockages in the etheric body causing illness in order to provide effective healthcare treatments.


Radionics can be defined simply as the art and science of supporting self-healing processes in any living system, whether that is human beings, animals, plants or soil. A Radionics practitioner acts not as the healer himself but simply facilitates an energy balance so that our natural abilities to heal ourselves can come forth and thrive.

Radionics is an instrument-aided method of diagnosis and treatment that uses energy patterns as an intermediary to connect practitioner with patient. All pathological states and their causes have specific frequencies of energy patterns which can be identified using Radionics instrument, reflecting in physical, emotional, mental bodies externalizing as diseases. Radionics is capable of reaching levels and dimensions inaccessible to conventional medicine to treat even stubborn cases of illness.

Radionics was originally developed by Dr Albert Abrams of San Francisco (1863-1924). Like Hahnemann, who founded homeopathy, Abrams was both an exceptionally qualified medical practitioner as well as an enthusiastic researcher in his quest for truth and experiments. Abrams was fortunate enough to possess substantial private wealth which enabled him to continue his research without being financially supported from outside sources.

Drown was the first to recognize that various states of health exhibit different vibrational frequencies and developed an instrument capable of measuring this difference. His work was later taken up by researchers such as Ruth Drown, George de la Warr, T. Galen Hieronymus and Malcolm Rae – later chiropractor David Tansley too!

These individuals were aware of the significance of linking Radionics with homeopathy, and worked together to bring a more scientific approach to Radionics art form. Between the 50s and 60s Radionics developed alongside homeopathy with many figures who practiced both therapies simultaneously being active participants in both therapies.

Radionics differs from traditional medicine by not employing chemicals or pharmaceutical drugs in its treatments, instead opting for remedies which carry an etheric imprint of therapeutic substances – homeopathic potencies, flower essences, gem elixirs, color elixirs and color remedies are amongst many others available in Radionics remedies.


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