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How Does Radionics Really Work?

Radionics is an energy healing practice used to treat health conditions as well as soil, crops and animals without using drugs or chemicals.

All living things possess an invisible energy field that sustains and vitalises them, providing vitality. If this field becomes weaker, dis-ease may appear; Radionics employs a dowsing technique with special instruments to identify vulnerabilities within it.

What is Radionics?

Radionics is an analysis and treatment technique which uses energy dowsing instruments and extended sensory perception to detect imbalanced energy patterns causing disease in people, animals, plants or their environments – from humans and animals through plants to environments – such as soil. Once identified by practitioners they are corrected through use of special dowsing equipment combined with extended-sensory perception or “radiesthesia.”

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Radionics operates under the assumption that all living organisms, including humans, possess an energy field which helps sustain their physical bodies. If this field becomes depleted through stress or other means, its ability to function may become impaired and must be restored using “radionic” remedies designed to provide the appropriate level of balancing energy.

Holistic therapy addresses all aspects of life – physical, psychological and emotional health. It is noninvasive, does not use drugs or harmful substances and will not interfere with other treatments being utilized. Holistic therapies can be employed to improve general well-being, prevent illness and aid recovery from illness.

Radionic treatment is administered remotely through an interactive holographic link based on hair samples to connect directly with their practitioner and explore their energy patterns. Clients fill out a case history form and provide small samples of hair so the practitioner can build an intimate bond, with all data kept strictly confidential.


As this treatment is complementary to, rather than replacing, traditional veterinary care, qualified practitioners always strive to work alongside mainstream medicine, being fully informed about an animal’s medical history and potential treatment options. Therefore it is imperative that all clients receive written referral from their vet.

How does Radionics work?

Radionics works simply by broadcasting clearly defined healing energies over distance. This form of energy healing is founded on the idea that each individual possesses their own individual energy pattern that should remain balanced and harmonious in order to experience good health; any imbalance or distortions within this pattern could result in illness or disease for an individual.

Dr Albert Abrams (1863-1924) established the core principles of Radionics, while Ruth Drown (1891-1972), his student, added an important twist when she discovered it was possible to treat patients from a distance using hair as a witness between practitioner and machine (based on holographic principles as organic material in hair mirrors the entire body) thus enabling treatment to take place without needing client present.

By using pendulums and various Radionic instruments, practitioners can diagnose their patients by scanning their energy pattern. This allows the practitioner to pinpoint any imbalances at the root cause of a patients problem and then offer solutions. All types of physical and mental ailments can be treated using this approach from minor ailments like hay fever to chronic conditions like arthritis or inflammatory diseases.

Radionics can also help improve mental and emotional stability as well as clearing away environmental pollutants and supporting plant growth, both horticulture-wise and agriculture-wise.

Why is Radionics so effective?

Radionics rests upon the principle that everything exists with its own vibrational signature that can be detected at electromagnetic levels by modern instruments. This allows Radionics analysis of clinical symptoms as a disturbance in this field and disease recognition through vibrational signature analysis.

Dowsing in Radionics is an effective way of detecting imbalances in a patient’s subtle energy field and choosing suitable patterns to correct it. Treatment sessions may be conducted remotely and even animals can benefit from using this technique.

Homoeopathic remedies, flower remedies, gem essences, colors and antidote patterns for bacteria and viruses are among the many healing patterns available to Radionic practitioners, who must select one for optimal use in order to obtain positive results. Dowsing may also help identify effective non-Radionic treatments; in many instances Radionic practitioners work in combination with traditional medicine when necessary.

Radionics can also be a valuable preventative health measure. Conducting regular checks of the subtle energy within our bodies is beneficial to all, especially children and babies. Animals and plants alike benefit as well – horse riders commonly practice “putting their horse on the box”.

Radionics is an extremely flexible tool, and can be used with virtually any physical object with vibrational frequency – this can include crystals, statues, prayer beads, rabbit’s feet or church bells; even drumbeats from shamanistic drumming can serve as receivers of Radionics-derived energy.

Does Radionics work for animals?

Radionics is a healing modality which can be applied to people, pets, farm animals and plants alike. Utilizing dowsing technology, Radionics uses pre-physical assessment of body imbalances and provides energy healing support at pre-physical level to heal themselves from within. At its core is an understanding that various forms of matter possess vibrational patterns which can be detected using specialised instruments like pendulum dowsing devices by trained practitioners using these instruments for evaluation purposes.

Therapists perform an in-depth assessment to identify any imbalances or blockages that require correcting. This may involve identifying negative thought patterns that have the potential of manifesting into physical ailments or incoherent behaviors and eliminating them from their lives.

Once an underlying pattern of disease has been identified, effective remedies are provided to aid self-healing processes. This may involve homeopathic medicines, flower remedies, gem essences and colours or antidote patterns against bacteria viruses or pathogens; often practitioners will also dowse for complementary non-Radionic therapies to enhance effectiveness of treatment alongside radionic therapies.

Radionics differs from conventional medical treatments in that it can access levels and dimensions that are inaccessible to modern medicine, thus making it an effective tool in treating conditions that manifest themselves as named diseases and eliminating their root causes at an internal level. As an excellent adjunct therapy to other forms of healing such as acupuncture, herbal treatments, homeopathy or physiotherapy; some practitioners will even work closely with orthodox procedures both with human patients as well as animal patients.

Does Radionics work for plants?

Radionics is an holistic energy treatment based on the concept that all living things possess an invisible energy field that sustains and vitalises them, yet can become compromised due to various reasons and cause emotional or physical illness. Radionics practitioners use intuitive skills and dowsing instruments to detect imbalances within this energy field and select remedies for healing purposes.

This healing method is founded on the idea that everything has an energy vibrational frequency that can be measured using pendulums or dowsing rods. This concept relates to quantum physics which suggests all particles of matter are interconnected, meaning any changes in one can have an immediate impact on others even from great distances away.

Radionics practitioners utilize equipment designed to detect resonance or “vibrations” for each rate, represented by a number and letter code (as seen below). The rates cover an extensive array of topics relating to human anatomy and physiology; pathogens (bacteria, viruses and fungi); poisons/toxins; as well as all common diseases.

Once a rate has been identified, a practitioner dowses to determine appropriate remedies and uses Radionics instrument to broadcast them onto the subject. The goal is to release any “toxic frequencies” limiting their bio-energy so it can return to its natural strength; typically this involves homoeopathic remedies, flower essences or gem essences; but alternative approaches could include diet plans or homeopathic preparations targeted against parasites, viruses or bacteria.


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