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Quantum Radionics and Esoteric Psychology

Radionics can be defined as an off-site diagnosis/treatment technique used remotely, using a pendulum and device with dials, sample holder etc. as its basis.

TimeWaver compares oscillation patterns of noise generators and uses this information to perform a database query for analysis and optimization, helping the user work substantially more cause-oriented than before.

Quantum physics

Contrary to Newtonian mechanics, quantum theory depicts the world through particles and waves. This interaction between particles and waves cannot be understood using classical physics alone and is explained through superposition and entanglement principles of quantum physics. Quantum physics also helps explain how objects can influence each other across vast distances using what’s known as “spooky action at a distance” — another explanation quantum physics offers us for how energy medicine integrates quantum physics, ancient healing traditions, and Esoteric psychology to heal through energy medicine as part of energy medicine practices that utilizes all three of these concepts to bring its practice.

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Albert Abrams made significant discoveries about cancerous cells’ electromagnetic radiation in the 1930s. Additionally, percussion on patient skin could cause physical reactions in their muscles. This discovery marked the dawn of radionics as we know it today. Ruth Drown later refined Abram’s instruments further; her work included creating rates tables for various diseases as well as improving instrument accuracy.

Burkhard Heim states that the quantum model allows one to achieve radionics effects at an energetic level where frequencies manifest themselves, or alternatively be seen as an exchange of information and codes within energy fields – something made possible due to matter and antimatter being twins on this level.

Photons can be directed toward a semi-transparent mirror or light quantum resonator and, depending on where they pass, generate either 1 or 0. If they pass through, their value increases by one; otherwise reflected, its value decreases. What seems random may actually be an authentic manifestation of radionic information fields and applied similarly with other energies like acoustic vibrations and electroacupuncture treatments.


According to a new theory, quantum physics combined with ancient healing traditions can help us address some of our most pressing health challenges. It offers an effective healing approach with potential to change lives; yet until quantum physics becomes fully understood in all areas, we should exercise caution when adopting such changes into everyday life.

Energy medicine

Energy medicine is an alternative healing modality designed to restore optimal health in individuals through their energetic systems. Based on quantum physics’ theory that all matter and energy are interchangeable, and closely associated with the concept that all forms of life exude an aura or field of energy that surrounds them; energy medicine seeks to assess this aura’s properties before attempting to balance its balance similarly as doctors would assess blood or tissue samples or balance blood chemistry samples for analysis and balance purposes.

Energy healing is a non-invasive, complementary alternative therapy used to treat various illnesses and conditions. Practitioners utilize frequencies to detect imbalances within the body and address them using various healing techniques such as acupuncture, homeopathy or bioresonance therapy – this often combined with nutritional counseling or other natural healing practices for maximum effectiveness.

Energy healing can do more than treat illness; it can also support spiritual awareness and mental clarity, help overcome fear, limiting beliefs that limit potential and clear emotional blocks and release negative karma. Any individual can practice energy healing provided they have clear intentions and an eagerness to heal.

Pinky Daga, CEO and curator of the Quantum Energy Conclave 2, has written her latest book entitled “Quantum Radionics: The Art of Energy Healing”. In it she details how radionics is an ancient yet contemporary technique for transmitting therapeutic energies across distance to heal humans, animals and plants regardless of distance. Combined with quantum physics principles as well as master radiesthetic practices radiesthetics is both ancient and modern simultaneously.

An energy “witness”, such as hair, nails, blood, urine or digital photos taken using DNA technology can help determine the user’s energy state and balance, which in turn allows us to create remedies and treat illness caused by imbalanced energy states.

Ancient healing traditions

People have used ancient healing traditions for millennia to maintain good health and balance their energies, including herbal medicine, acupuncture, massages and rituals. These practices work to balance all four bodies – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual – bringing individuals back into balance; often with astonishingly positive results.

Ancient cultures had a sophisticated understanding of health maintenance. They realized that body, mind, soul and spirit were interdependent systems and understood that maintaining mental, spiritual and emotional well-being was key for maintaining life and healing physically. Furthermore, they had a deep knowledge of energy fields which surround us that interconnect – an understanding that quantum physics later confirmed.

Radionics is a form of energy medicine that studies vibration and frequency within matter, such as our human energy field. Vibration rates can be measured using quantum rates and can be analyzed to detect imbalances; radionic specialists can then interpret this information and provide functional energy analysis about an individual’s wellbeing; it can even be transmitted long distance using specially equipped devices.

Shehnaz Soni has been studying and practicing energy and quantum medicine for over ten years. She holds certifications as both conventional and hieroglyphic advanced Radiestesia practitioners, in addition to Radionics practitioners. Additionally, she employs Reiki, Akashic Records readings, multiple Flower essences homeopathy aromatherapies to complement her analysis as well as Spiritual Shamanism including drum journey for trauma relief and emotional regulation.

Her training allows her to formulate a unique existential process that brings her and those she works with much closer to understanding how the body-mind-soul, existence and universe work in real time. This path has provided profound transformational results both personally and collectively; any person looking for greater happiness and fulfillment in life should embark upon this path together with her.

Esoteric psychology

Esoteric psychology focuses on the soul or self. Its goal is to assist people in attaining inner peace and greater insight into life’s deeper significance while encouraging compassion and fostering spiritual development. Though not widely accepted by scientific communities, esoteric therapy has grown increasingly popular as an alternative approach to mental health care.

Esoteric psychology draws heavily upon astrology for its teachings. Seven differentiated rays are said to influence human behaviour by altering hereditary equipment and the environment that surrounds an individual; additionally, these influences may be altered by spiritual qualities believed to reside within him (or her).

Quantum radionics is an electromagnetic healing technique utilizing quantum physics principles to treat imbalances in energy systems of the body from a distance, using Einstein’s theory that all matter vibrates at its own unique frequency, instantly communicating across vast distances with one another.

Quantum radionics has its roots in 19th-century experiments. Much like how W. Crookes’ work led to modern electrical engineering, Albert Abrams developed his own methods for remotely analysing and intervening on living or nonliving entities – his discoveries eventually leading to numerous new technologies like radionics.

Esoteric psychology differs from traditional psychoanalysis by not seeking to repress or identify unconscious motives; rather it investigates the soul and its role in our lives. Esoteric therapy takes an holistic approach towards mind and body health that considers not only physical aspects but also energetic vibrational resonance within people’s energetic fields. Esoteric practices rely on this principle that all things in existence contain energy – vibration is what connects everything, so esoteric psychology strives to find ways of creating harmonious energetic resonance within us all.


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