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The most effective method to eradicate negative thoughts and replace them by positive thought remotely

1. Preparation & Detection of Negative Thought-Forms

  1. Quiet the Mind & Set Intention:

    • Before operating any radionic or radiesthetic device, center yourself. Spend a few moments in silence, breathing deeply.
    • Form a clear intention: “All negative thought-forms in this field will be identified and removed; they will be replaced by positive, life-affirming energy and mental patterns.”
  2. Radiesthetic Assessment (Measuring Current Bovis Units):

    • Use a pendulum and a Bovis scale chart (commonly used in geobiology and radiesthesia). Ask mentally or aloud: “Please show me the vibrational level/Bovis units of [the subject] with respect to their dominant thought-forms.”
    • Note down the reading. Suppose it shows a relatively low figure (e.g., 6,000 Bovis Units instead of a healthy baseline of 8,000–12,000, or much higher for spiritually aligned states). This reading sets your baseline.
  3. Identify the Nature of Negative Thought Patterns (Optional):

    • You can refine your dowsing to pinpoint categories: fear, anger, self-doubt, etc.
    • Some radionic operators use a “mental & emotional states” rate card or a “psychological negativity index” reference chart. Dowse or “scan” which type(s) of negativity are most prevalent.
    • Alternatively, if you have a radionic device with adjustable dials, you may dowse the exact rate that corresponds to “core negative thought-forms” in this subject.

Why This Matters:
Identifying the kind of negativity can help you choose more precise corrective frequencies or reagent “filters” (e.g., Bach Flower Remedies for fear vs. shame, or crystals specifically for anxiety vs. anger).

2. Clearing (Eradicating) Negative Thoughts by Broadcasting

  1. Set a “Clearing Rate” or Use a Dedicated Clearing Circuit

    • If you have standard radionic “rates” for removing negativity, dial them in. (Many practitioners use known published rates for “negative thought-forms,” “fear,” “psychic debris,” etc.)
    • Alternatively, you can let your device’s stick pad indicate a custom rate. You do this by placing your pendulum or hand on the stick pad while you mentally focus on “Remove all negative thoughts from [Subject].” Adjust the dials until you sense a “stick” or pendulum agreement.
  2. Add a Neutralizing Reagent

    • Place a small container of sea salt (or Himalayan salt) in the input well or next to the radionic plate. Salt has a long tradition in absorbing negativity.
    • Optionally, add a piece of black tourmaline or obsidian to enhance negativity absorption. Some practitioners also use a slip of paper with words like “Transmute Negative Energy.”
  3. Commence the Broadcast

    • With the negativity-clearing rate set (and reagents in place), focus your intention on pulling out the negative vibrations from the subject’s field. Visualize grey or dark clouds leaving the subject, being absorbed by the salt or stone in the well.
    • Allow the broadcast to run for a set duration—anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours, depending on how entrenched you sense the negativity is. Some radionic operators simply let it run overnight.
  4. Dispose of Absorbed Negativity

    • After the clearing session, discard the salt and/or bury it in the earth (if feasible). If you used a crystal, cleanse it under running water or in sunlight to discharge accumulated energetic residue.
    • This physical act finalizes the “removal” and ensures that the negativity has somewhere to go other than lingering in your workspace.

Key Principle:
In classical radiesthesia, salt or black crystals are widely regarded as “sponges” for lower vibrations. By explicitly combining them with a radionic clearing broadcast, you create a focused vortex that draws out negativity from the subject and anchors it in a tangible medium.

3. Replacing Negative Thoughts with Positive Mental Patterns

  1. Switch to a Positive “Replacement Rate” or Program

    • If using a rate-based system, dial in a known “positive mindset,” “optimism,” “self-confidence,” or “love and gratitude” rate.
    • Or again, let your device’s stick pad find a custom rate by focusing on “Broadcast unwavering positive thoughts and mental clarity.”
  2. Add High-Vibration Reagents (to Fill the Void)

    • Bach Flower Remedy: For instance, Gentian is for discouragement, Gorse for hopelessness, Wild Rose for apathy, etc. If your dowsing indicated specific negative emotions earlier, choose the remedy that best suits the positivity you want to instill.
    • Crystals: Rose quartz for unconditional love, citrine for optimism, clear quartz for clarity and amplification.
    • Words or Affirmations: Write statements like “I am worthy, confident, and joyful” or “My mind naturally focuses on positive possibilities” on a piece of paper. Place it in the well.
    • Symbols: A symbol like a heart, a sun image, or a sigil representing joy can further encode positivity.
  3. Begin Positive Broadcast

    • Start your broadcast and envision a bright, golden-white light infusing the subject. Imagine them receiving the energetic imprint of the chosen remedies or affirmations.
    • Sustain this broadcast for at least 10–30 minutes for a single session, or up to a few hours or days if you’re doing long-term transformation work.
  4. Support with Sound or Frequency (Optional but Powerful)

    • If your radionic device allows audio input, you can play high-frequency music (like 528 Hz “Love frequency” or uplifting classical music) into the instrument.
    • Alternatively, do it in the room: simply have the music playing softly. The positive resonance couples with your broadcast and fortifies it.

Why Replacement Is Essential:
After removing negativity, there is an “energetic vacuum.” Filling it promptly with a stable, high-vibration signature ensures that negative patterns do not slip back in.

4. Amplifying the Broadcast Multiple Times (Measuring in Bovis Units)

  1. Geometric Amplifiers & Layout

    • Sacred Geometry Under the Device: Place your radionic instrument on a Flower of Life mat, or a labyrinth or Sri Yantra pattern. Many practitioners report that the coherent geometry magnifies the broadcast, as these shapes resonate harmonically with fundamental energy fields.
    • Tensor Rings or Copper Coils: Position one or more tensor rings (simple closed-loop copper wires tuned to specific lengths like 144 MHz fraction) around the device or the witness sample. Such rings are known in subtle-energy circles to increase vital energy flow and can be verified with dowsing: watchers see a jump in Bovis units inside the ring.
  2. Scalar or Torsion Field Tools

    • Mini Scalar Generators: Some use small portable scalar-wave generators (or “quantum nullifiers”) near the radionic device to increase coherence of the broadcast signal.
    • Spiral Antennae: Tools like Lakhovsky coils or BioGeometry spiral plates can further amplify subtle fields by setting up sympathetic resonance.
  3. Crystalline Enhancement

    • Surround the radionic setup with 4 quartz crystals at cardinal points. Quartz is a natural amplifier of subtle energy. Dowse the arrangement to see if it lifts the Bovis reading.
    • You can incorporate additional crystals (e.g., selenite for clarity, amethyst for spiritual uplift). Arrange them in a symmetrical grid around the device or the photograph/witness of the subject.
  4. Pyramid Energy or Orgonite

    • If you have a pyramid (preferably one built to the “Giza proportions” or a properly “tuned” pyramid that does not emit harmful negative green), place the radionic device or subject’s witness within or under the pyramid.
    • Alternatively, place orgonite (resin-metal-quartz composite) near the broadcast well to continuously transmute stray electromagnetic interference and raise the energetic output. Practitioners often measure a significant jump on the Bovis scale inside orgonite fields.
  5. Raising the Operator’s Vibration

    • Remember that your own consciousness can act as an amplifier. Center yourself in a positive emotional state (gratitude, joy, compassion) while operating the device. In many radionic theories, the operator’s mind is part of the circuit; a highly coherent operator can increase the broadcast power.
    • Some advanced users practice HeartMath® coherence or quick meditations that sync heart and brain rhythms, achieving a calm but elevated mindset right before broadcasting. You can measure your synergy effect by dowsing or Bovis scale again—often the reading is significantly higher when the operator is in a coherent state.

5. Re-Measure Bovis Units and Validate Results

  1. Post-Broadcast Assessment

    • After a clearing session and a positive broadcast, use your pendulum and Bovis scale again. Ask: “Now show me the current Bovis level of [Subject’s] mental field or thought-pattern field.”
    • A successful clearing + positive infusion typically yields a marked increase in Bovis units (e.g., from 6,000 to 12,000 or higher).
  2. Repeat as Needed

    • Deep-seated negative patterns may require repeated broadcasts over days or weeks. Observe if the Bovis level remains high or slowly drifts back down.
    • Encourage the subject (if possible) to practice complementary positivity habits (affirmations, journaling, meditation) so the new positive energetic pattern stabilizes in daily life.
  3. Look for Tangible Shifts

    • Ultimately, real proof comes in changes in mood, thinking, and behavior. The Bovis scale is an energetic indicator, but it should correlate with an increased sense of optimism and reduced negative self-talk in the subject.

Summary of the Most Effective Method

  1. Identify & Dowse the subject’s current vibrational baseline (Bovis units) and pinpoint the nature of negative thought-forms.
  2. Clear Negative Thoughts by setting a radionic “removal rate” or intention, using salt or absorbing crystals in the instrument’s input well, and running that broadcast until negativity is fully discharged.
  3. Replace with Positivity via a new rate or program, broadcasting affirmations, Bach remedies, or high-vibrational elements (crystals, symbols) that encode positive mental states.
  4. Amplify the broadcast using geometric layouts, scalar/torsion tools, crystal grids, or pyramid/orgonite synergy – along with maintaining a coherent emotional state in the operator.
  5. Recheck Bovis Units regularly and repeat the cycle if needed. Support the subject with simple daily positivity practices so the new mental pattern “locks in.”

By following this structured approach, you address both removal of unwanted mental energy and infusion of beneficial vibrations, and you systematically enhance the broadcast’s amplitude such that a significant increase can be measured on the Bovis scale.

References & Notes

  • Bovis Scale: Named after French radiesthesist André Bovis. Widely used in geobiology and bioenergy contexts to measure “vitality” or “subtle energy.”
  • Radionic Rates: Numerous compilations exist, e.g., David V. Tansley, “Radionics & The Subtle Anatomy of Man.”
  • Salt & Crystals: Folk and esoteric usage for absorbing negative energy is centuries-old; modern dowsers confirm these by measuring changes on Bovis or pendulum charts.
  • Tensor Rings: Popularized by Slim Spurling (the “Spurling Ring”); believed to generate a quantum or scalar vortex. Many dowsers report increased Bovis measurements inside the ring.
  • Orgonite: Inspired by Wilhelm Reich’s “Orgone” theory. Resin-metal-quartz pieces are said to consistently transform stagnant or negative energies into positive life-force.
  • Geometry & Sacred Shapes: The Flower of Life, Sri Yantra, Labyrinth designs are often used to focus and amplify subtle energy. See works by Dr. Ibrahim Karim (BioGeometry) for deeper study.
  • Emotional Coherence: The HeartMath Institute’s studies show how heart-focused breathing and positive emotion states can shift electromagnetic fields in the body and environment. Radionics theories frequently emphasize that the operator’s mindset influences broadcast power.

By employing the steps above and harnessing these references, you will have a comprehensive, radionic/radiesthetic protocol to eradicate negative thoughts, instill positive mental patterns, and amplify the vibrational broadcast so strongly that it shows a demonstrable rise in Bovis units for the recipient.


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