The D7212 performs self-diagnostic tests upon power up and reset, sounding an audible buzzer in case any issues are detected by its panels.
Detection points can be divided into up to eight zones, each of which can have its own arm/disarm settings. Furthermore, this system can log events at the panel (on-board points), the D1255 Command Center or RAM II remote account manager.
Product Description
Radionics 7212 is a UL listed security/fire alarm/access control system designed for larger residential or commercial properties, featuring hardwire and wireless technology as well as enclosure options that meet alternate communication options like long range radio. Central station monitoring capabilities complete its functionality. Compatible with 2 wire smoke detectors as initiating devices while meeting Household Fire Alarm Equipment Installations (NFPA 72) requirements.
Features of the D1255 Command Center include 8 on-board points that can be expanded up to 239 via expansion modules and wireless points; eight independently operating areas or account numbers, up to four programmable arm/disarm codes per area, an event log that records up to 255 panel events, which can either be printed locally using the Command Center or uploaded for review with RAM II remotely managed account managers.
Product Specifications
Radionics D7212 is a fully supervised 12 VDC control/communicator featuring 8 onboard points expandable to 40 through hardwire and wireless point expansion modules. Eight programmable skeds allow you to arm/disarm your panel at a specific time/day/week of the week or operate system outputs (such as audible warning signals). Auxiliary outputs allow connection of external devices. UL listed for fire alarm monitoring as per Household Fire Equipment Installation Standards (NFPA 72).
Additional features of the D7212 include relays for detecting intrusion and opening doors or gates, programmable AC Fail time (which sets how long AC power must be absent before acknowledging a failure), and compatibility with D8132 Battery Charger Module to boost backup battery capacity to 36 Ah capacity. It also monitors its AC power by checking voltage at terminals 1 and 2 for continuity; should an issue arise it will activate load shed relay to disconnect backup battery in order to avoid potential short circuit and require either reset or power down of panel to reconnect it back.
For reduced false alarms, the D7212 features an easy way to do just that – lock incoming line with any detector by entering an installer code, set its sensitivity and reduce chances of unwanted intruders gaining entry to your home or business. Plus it comes equipped with a built-in telephone interface so alarms can be directly reported back to local police stations, Central Stations or RAM II remote programmers!
For maximum protection from electromagnetic interference (EMI), when connecting your D7212 to detectors and keypads you must use shielded cable. In order to make sure it remains grounded appropriately and does not exacerbate EMI issues that might occur it’s also important that its drain wire connects directly with a grounding source – this way ensuring the D7212 remains grounded correctly and doesn’t compound potential EMI issues that might arise.
Installation Instructions
The D7212 control communicator can monitor one or two telephone lines as well as multiple sensor loops and off-board points.
Before connecting your D7212 panel to the telephone network, contact your local phone company and request that they set a maximum REN (Relative Electric Noise) limit on your line. If it exceeds this maximum limit, they may request you disconnect your panel until they can rectify it.
Connect the D7212 panel to an RJ31X jack installed by your local telephone company and then connect the other end to your in-house phone system. If the D7212 is properly connected to the telephone network, its red LED should illuminate when running at full capacity; its flash rate should be between 0.5 seconds on and 0.5 seconds off; should any errors arise, its LED may flash 1.0 second on/1.0 second off instead.
Off-board points may be connected to the D7212 panel via either a D8125 POPEX module or on-board relays; on-board points are numbered 1 through 8. Off-board points may include standard sensor loops or POPITs.
POPITs are numbered 9 through 48 and share the same address with on-board points. POPITs may function as sensor loops or expansion loops – or both!
Set debounce counts at 2 for all off-board points to help avoid false alarms caused by detectors that trip but remain stationary. Debounce counts help eliminate alarms that go off as expected due to non-movement by detectors that should have tripped.
The D7212 can notify an AHJ of power outages via an OBFU signal and then request that their alarm monitoring company inform customers directly of this failure.
The D7212 can be programmed to detect when an auxiliary zone has been tripped and display an alarm message on an in-house phone system, alerting an alarm event by reporting FAILING SYSTEM to log. In addition, when command center detects alarm, sending PARAM FAIL reports are also generated and can even be silenced by pressing CMD 4. Restoring battery power clears out this display.
If you experience interference on your telephone line, immediately notify the telephone company and request them to investigate. In certain instances, they may request that your alarm system is temporarily disconnected from their network until all interference has been eliminated; as D7212 control panels transmit signals which could cause jitter or noise issues on phone lines.
To protect the D7212 from electromagnetic interference (EMI), ensure terminal 10’s pin is locked into its disable position before installing detectors or command centers. This will help avoid false alarms by locking non-alarm detectors into non-alarm conditions; and prevent lockout by pressing its lock button.
At power up and reset, the D7212 performs a set of on-board self diagnostic tests that check for potential problems with its components. If any malfunctioning conditions are identified, an internal buzzer sounds and its display flashes indicating trouble spots. For more information, refer to the D7212 Program Entry Guide (74-06915-000).
The D7212 is suitable for Central Station, Local, Police Connect, Mercantile Safe & Vault and Grade A Household systems as well as Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities in Department of Defense installations. Please refer to individual component specifications and installation documents to determine suitability for your application.