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The Radionics D9124 Control Panel

Radionics D9124 fire alarm panel provides comprehensive fire protection solutions for complex installations like schools, universities, manufacturing plants and health care facilities. With detailed reporting capabilities to identify system service and maintenance issues quickly.

It’s not unusual to inherit a Radionics (now Bosch Security Systems) alarm system in a home you purchase, so if the keypads are continuously beeping check for low battery or any “trouble” conditions.

UL Listed

Radionics D9412G security alarm/fire alarm system is ideal for larger residential and commercial applications. This 24 VDC control/communicator supports eight on-board points that may be expanded up to 239, as well as two notification appliance circuits capable of providing 2.5 amps of 24 volt power for operating horns, strobes, bells etc.

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Bosch Security Systems initiating devices and alarm notification appliances can easily interface with it to meet the requirements of NFPA 72. Additionally, this UL listed fire alarm system boasts comprehensive reporting capabilities with both CSFM and FM certification as well as detailed reporting capabilities – perfect for complex installations in schools, universities, manufacturing plants, or health care facilities.

If you have an installed Radionics alarm that is non-programmable, removing the keypad(s) may allow you to identify its model number. An alternative way is using Google Images with your panel model number and “keypad” search to bring up photos of similar keypads used. Once you know this number, search for a local Radionics dealer or consider replacing your system with one that meets UL Listed and CSAA525 specifications.

CSFM & FM Approved

Radionics D9124 Fire Alarm Panel is a 246 point addressable fire alarm panel designed to meet the complex installation needs of schools, universities, manufacturing plants and health care facilities. CSFM and FM approval is combined with its listing to NFPA 72 standards; furthermore its compatibility with Bosch Security Systems initiating devices and alarm notification appliances allows it to quickly identify systemic issues and provide solutions quickly.


While code officials make decisions on what products can be approved, third-party evaluation and testing is essential to have products listed. This process includes rigorous tests for durability and longevity as well as audits to verify compliance with specific quality standards. Having UL or FM approval on a product gives stakeholders peace of mind knowing it is safe to use.

Detailed Reporting Capabilities

The D9412G control panel is ideal for complex installations and is compatible with Radionics/Bosch Security Systems initiating devices and alarm notification appliances, as well as alarm notification appliances from different brands such as Radionics/Bosch. UL Listed for both fire and burglar alarm, with options for CSFM and FM approvals; with on-board and expansion point identification with up to 252 addressable points; eight “skeds,” scheduled events that perform specific functions such as arming or disarming the system or operating the system outputs; additionally this control panel reports status via Uplink radios/LAN/WAN or alternate communications paths such as Uplink radios/LAN/WANs for reporting status reports on alternate communications paths such as Uplink radios/LAN/WANs for reporting status reports status via alternate communication paths such as Uplink radios/LAN/WANs etc.

Modern alarm panels may allow users to reset to factory default using jumpers or special key combinations, but in order to restore a Radionics panel to its factory default settings it must be loaded with either RPS or programmer default account and uploaded directly onto it. Norb at Obsolete Radionics may be able to recover panels with missing or lost datalocks by downloading a default account and uploading it onto it directly.

Some older Omegalarm systems such as the 4112 and 8112 models can be recovered using a datalock; however, not all do. Programming tools available include 5100 or 5200 handheld programmers with “handlers” supporting various functions; RPS is the latest downloader available from Bosch Security that connects directly with panels using DX4020 modules installed at each panel or networked via modem connection; these downloaders may be connected using either direct wiring or modem connectivity to the panel(s).

No Silencing of “Troubled” Conditions

Although this feature of fire alarm systems is essential, it may become frustrating if either you or your maintenance person forgets to silence “troubled” conditions and the system starts beeping constantly. Unfortunately, without valid codes or handheld programers available exclusively through Radionics alarm dealers it is impossible to shut off those trouble conditions without their assistance; to stop beeping keypads you may need professional intervention, however DIY Alarm System Battery Replacement might help too if that turns out to be your issue. In total there can be up to 246 points of monitoring using just one panel!


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