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The Radionics D9124 Fire Alarm Control Panel

Radionics D9124 control panel offers advanced alarm solutions to schools, universities, manufacturing plants and health care facilities. It has been certified for Central Station, Local and Auxiliary Fire applications by Underwriter’s Laboratory.

Radionics D9124 system configuration offers a base configuration with 127 points of detection or supervision, with optional plug-in polling loop modules to expand this to 246. Each device point’s information is relayed back to a monitoring station via this system.

UL Listed

This UL listed fire alarm control panel (FACP) comes equipped with two expansion slots designed to accommodate plug-in polling circuit modules that support up to 126 analog addresses each, for a total of 252 addressable points. Furthermore, group identification enables individual device points to be combined together into one location or zone for easier system operation.

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The radionics d9124 is an ideal solution for complex installations requiring both CSFM and FM approvals, meeting NFPA 72 requirements. Compatible with numerous Bosch Security Systems initiating devices and alarm notification appliances as well as third-party equipment, it makes an excellent addition to schools, universities, manufacturing plants and health care facilities alike.

This fire alarm panel features two Notification Appliance Circuits that can deliver up to 2.5 amps of 24 volt power for operating horns, strobes and bells. In case of AC mains electricity loss, its internal battery backup provides up to 30 minutes of backup power; plus its control panel features several restricted access function keys that enable silencing alarm and trouble conditions, detector resetting, as well as other important functions – making for an intuitive experience when used for its intended purposes. Finally, its front panel and programming are designed for ease-of-use.

CSFM & FM Approved

The D9124 is a UL Listed fire alarm panel that meets the requirements for most public buildings. It is approved for Central, Local, Auxiliary and Remote Station systems as well as Department of Defense installations in Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities. You can add modules to expand its capabilities according to your needs; plus it boasts 500 event log and alarm verification features as well as having a built-in front panel which makes programming straightforward.


The D9124 is powered by a 16.5 VAC/40 VA internal fused transformer which supplies 1.9 Amps of rectified AC power. A panel reserved 1.4 Amps for devices while employing transient suppression and spark gaps to protect against power surges. AC power circuit protection includes a self-resetting circuit breaker; terminal 10 must be connected to a ground wire (see Installing Grounding in the Installation section for more information).

The D9124’s base system configuration supports up to 127 points of detection or supervision, and by adding modules you can expand up to 246 protection points. It has been approved by both CSFM and FM for complex installation applications like schools, universities, manufacturing plants and health care facilities; additionally it complies with NFPA 72 standards while offering detailed reporting capabilities that enable maintenance staff to quickly identify problems.

Note that using inappropriate handlers will prevent the D9124 from functioning optimally. To test for proper handshake, connect a detector between terminals 8 and 9, the relay in 9 must activate, and when that occurs your detector should go into action and notify both central station as well as provide address details to handler.

The D9124 comes equipped with its own battery backup, but you can increase its capacity further by adding the D8132 Battery Charger Module. This device prevents heavy discharges that could lead to batteries failing early as well as help protect datalocks if an alarm system is disabled or reprogrammed; and prevent false alarms by keeping an operator from silencing trouble conditions until they have been addressed by management.

Detailed Reporting

The Radionics D9124 Fire Alarm Panel is a 24-volt DC, 246 point addressable fire alarm panel designed for complex installations like schools, universities, manufacturing plants and health care facilities. CSFM and FM standards have approved it; its compatibility allows it to work with numerous Radionics/Bosch Security System initiating devices and alarm notification appliances; its comprehensive reporting capabilities help quickly pinpoint service and maintenance problems within systems.

Polling circuit modules connected to each device point transmit accurate and reliable reports directly to the central station monitoring facility, providing fire departments with information that allows them to identify and resolve system service or maintenance issues before they become more serious – potentially saving lives in the process.

When inheriting a Radionics (now Bosch) alarm system in your home, it is vitally important that its keypads work correctly. If they begin beeping continuously, this could indicate either that battery has run low or there is some form of issue; either of which could become serious problems and should be dealt with immediately.

To determine whether your system is functioning as intended, read and understand its instruction manual before becoming acquainted with its buttons and switches. Likewise, familiarize yourself with any display panels present and make sure they are functioning correctly as well. Your instruction manual will also outline all of the necessary steps needed to program a radionics d9124 accordingly.

If you need to edit a radionics d9124 form on-the-go, try an iOS device with pdfFiller installed. This software solution enables you to fill out and sign radionics d9124 forms, among many other types of documents, while typing text, fillable fields, insert images, highlight or blackout data, add comments and much more – you can even email or fax directly from this app, share via URL, download/print multiple formats of this document directly from within it!

Silencing of Troubled Conditions

Radionics D9124 alarm panels stand out from other modern alarm panels by including an option that will silence a “trouble” condition without calling in emergency services, saving both time and money in emergency response costs. Maintenance professionals can then address issues quickly. This feature helps avoid unnecessary dispatch of fire department crews for every beep or flash of light; maintenance staff can then immediately fix the problem directly – thus saving on response costs altogether.

The D9124 was designed to control complex alarm systems at schools, universities, manufacturing plants and health care facilities. It is UL Listed for NFPA 72 compliance and compatible with an array of Radionics/Bosch Security Systems initiating devices and alarm notification appliances. Furthermore, its capacity may be expanded up to 246 points via plug-in polling circuit modules.

Two Notification Appliance Circuits provide up to 2.5 amps of 24 volt power for horns, strobes, bells and other notification appliances. In addition, restricted access function keys enable silencing alarm and trouble conditions as well as zone bypassing, detector resetting, testing and other conventional fire functions.

Knowing what type of panel you have is essential, and can easily be found by lifting up the metal cover on it and looking at its chip. A typical panel should feature either a rectangular or square chip with the revision printed directly onto it.


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