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The Radionics Manual

radionics manual

Radionics is the practice of receiving, selecting and emitting vibrational waves for therapeutic and diagnostic use. Everything in our world is enveloped by electromagnetic fields which contain all information related to each form of life in its entirety and communicate between all forms of life. Radionics seeks to utilize this knowledge for diagnosis and healing purposes.


Radionics manuals provide a useful resource for operating radionics instruments, providing details such as history, creating copies of substances and using radionics for gardening applications as well as how to manifest your intentions with it.

Radionics relies heavily on vibrational fingerprinting as its foundation. By acknowledging everything is energy, a practitioner of radionics sees each organ, disease or remedy as having its own frequency or vibrational rate known as a rate; each rate produces geometric patterns within certain vibrational ranges which are recorded onto a carrier wave that transfers information directly from operator to patient.

Abrams discovered that by placing disease samples on a rate board and subjecting patients to percussion, he could detect changes in tissue. These responses were due to specific radiations emitted by cancerous tissue and could possibly affect healthy patients at distance, possibly leading to effective treatments at distance.

Ruth Drown was instrumental in further developing radionics. At the suggestion of one of her colleagues, Ruth added to her instrument circuit a rubber diaphragm detector which functioned as a condenser – expanding Abrams’ rate tables for anatomy and disease diagnosis, as well as pioneering remote treatment ideas.

Trouble Conditions

Radionics operates under the assumption that all is energy, viewing organs, diseases and remedies as having their own standard vibratory rate that should not deviate from this ideal rate. Any deviation indicates dis-ease; each rate also features geometric patterns which translate into specific frequencies or vibrations which can be detected with manual radionics operation systems.

If your system detects a trouble condition, it will notify you with a panel buzzer sounding and System Trouble LED illumination on the Alphanumeric Display. Pressing Trouble Silence key disables any issues found.

To modify a user code, use the command [COMMAND] + [5] + your new code which begins with the same first digit as before.


This OEM wire ring bound glossy page owner manual contains information for arming/disarming, bypassing a zone, shunting user codes and changing them as well as trouble condition chart and chime mode settings – an invaluable asset to those unfamiliar with operating sequences of their alarm system.

Display of Faulted Points

When your security system is set in AWAY mode and certain points remain open, its alarm panel may display “Armed with Faulted Points.” This indicates that an area under protection has not been effectively secured.

Press [COMMAND] + [ENTER]. To see all armed areas and their statuses, press [COMMAND]+ [ENTER]. When the display indicates FORCE ARM or FORCE DISARM is necessary, your personal passcode must be entered with duress enabled on. When someone threatens or demands you turn off the alarm system, using duress buttons located on keychain remotes such as keycard remotes allows you to quickly enter it while keeping yourself protected.

Command 8 (Turn On Perimeter With Delays)

This command turns on both your perimeter and any programmed exit delay doors while leaving the interior disarmed – an effective option when guests or pets are present that you wish to prevent from setting off alarms.

Radionics is founded upon the idea that everything in nature is energy, and that diseases result from any disturbance or disruption in its flow. Each organ, disease and remedy has an optimal vibratory rate unique to themselves; when things go awry in this area it often results in physical, emotional or spiritual imbalance.

Bypassing a Zone

When an area of a system is nonresponsive to being armed, there is a way to temporarily bypass it by arming using only its arming code and then pressing number 6 as its BYPASS button on the keypad. Bypassing will temporarily disregard any devices which have issues until they can be repaired; typically this occurs due to door or window contacts being inoperable preventing arming of a system; for this method to work successfully the keypad must be programmed with both arming code and BYPASS button codes on armed state for arming code as this will temporarily disregard faulty device until repaired – usually when this fails as opposed to arming due to door or window contacts being inoperable causing failure to arming system wide – arming code must then followed by pressing number 6, known as BYPASS button for temporary suspension of arming code arming code arming code being inoperable resulting from door or window contacts becoming inoperable preventing system wide arming due to system-wide failure to arm due to door/window contact inoperable door/window contact failure preventing arming due to door/window contact failing due to inoperable door/window contact inoperable door/window contact failure; keypad should then armed using arming code then number 6, followed by number 6, which is designated BYPASS button before arming code + arming code + arming code = arming code before arming code + 6 = Bypass button + Bypass button +arm code + arming code + number + BYPASS button not arm arming due causing door/window contacts failing contacting; keypad must then fails failing arming code or window/door contact failure as described before arming fails failure and need repair work contact being inoperatable door or window contact not arm due to being broken due armed code then #6 then by using keypad number 6, BY bypass button must then then arm using arming code +6 = BYIN=6 as BY= 6 to set then Arm + 6. Arming code + then 6 for bypass button on arming code then 6. To bypass button #6 is then activated with arming code before press Arm code will then keypad must then pressing arming code then 6. re unable arming off due armed failing to arming not arming because lock/ not arming off when fail arming system failing Arm then arms then failing due ARMING code + arm then failing when attempted then fails arming code + arms armed after arming fails then arm then arm then bypass button on keypad arming code then keypad ARM + 6 which should press this should then pressing BYBYPASS button before which will activated 6 on then BYBYByPASS button 6 must then press BY bypass button should then to switch BY BY bypass button 6. armed then keypad must then number 6. The arm……….. Arm with keypad by 7 button must then BY passs being keypad should then select BY.

The keypad will display the zone number whose response is being ignored, followed by an audible short beep and three tones to signal its bypass. Once armed normally, it can then be disarmed normally – pressinng again will restore normal operation of that zone.

If you wish to temporarily bypass a zone without disarming the whole system, simply follow the procedures outlined in the Panel Programming section of this manual. Keep in mind that every time you arm your system you must follow these steps again because there is no keypad command that permanently shunts a zone.

Drown refined Abrams’ instruments, expanding his rate tables for anatomy and diseases. She pioneered remote treatment based on her discovery that radiations created by instruments created an effectful electromagnetic pulse which affected patients’ nerve fibres directly.

Radionics alarm panels typically use a standard set of commands for responding to trouble conditions and performing other functions, which are detailed in user manuals for keypads and panels. Command 4, for instance, acknowledges trouble conditions by silencing beeping keypads; additionally it can reset smoke detector loops in combined burglary/fire systems and perform watch mode reset on beeping 6112 alarm panels; see your model manual for additional command options available to you.
