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What is a Virtual Radionic Instrument?

virtual radionic instrument

Virtual Radionic Instrument (VRI) is a program that enables you to utilize various tools for analysis, broadcasts and remedy creation. Designed specifically for base 10 functions and offering a free trial version.

Abrams discovered that tapping the belly of patients produced dull sounds which he associated with specific diseases. His work proved controversial and was persecuted for.

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The History of Radionics

Radionics is a system for manipulating life forces for healing and increasing psychic perception, originally developed by American physician Albert Abrams (1863 – 1924). His work went against medical establishment of his time and led to persecution by authorities. Abrams devised a method for measuring various diseases’ energy patterns using radionic Rates that were measured on his device called a Box.

Ruth Drown was a chiropractor by trade who continued the work of Abrams while adding a unique twist: treating someone from a distance. To do this she utilized two circuits; one for assessment and another for treatment which enabled her to make diagnoses remotely and send healing energies directly. This represented a radical departure from traditional medical thinking as it allowed for greater insight into understanding vibrational health of humans.

T Galen Hieronymous was another pivotal figure in the development of radionics, studying energetic emanations of both organic and inorganic matter. He discovered the wavelength was linked with energy; showing how sunlight’s rays favour plant growth; as well as discovering an invisible component, Alloptic energy, that contributes to photosynthesis; this discovery helped explain why photosynthesis works by showing that photosynthesis works due to Alloptic energy rather than just wavelength alone.

Bruce Copen, George de La Warr and Malcolm Rae were other pioneers of radionics who contributed significantly to its advancement. These men built on Abrams, Drown and Hieronymous’ foundational work by developing non-electric instruments and using reference cards (or simulator cards) for analysis purposes. Furthermore, these pioneers introduced magnetism into radionics – something which would later prove pivotal to its advancement.

The Inventors of Radionics

Albert Abrams (1863 – 1924), was the pioneer who first recognized and developed Radionics. While practising medicine in California during the late 19th century, Abrams developed and began perfecting Radionic techniques which became known as Radionics. Abrams created an effective system for diagnosing and healing both physical and spiritual ailments using this system of diagnosing and healing known as Radionics. Working under the theory that illness results from imbalanced energies which could be transmitted remotely for correction.

Early Radionics instruments included a stick pad, pendulum and electrostatic fields to transmit frequencies. Later these were replaced by oscillators which allowed practitioners to use their thoughts as frequency transmission. Abrams also developed his system of “Rates,” which related both diseased states as well as various healing modalities like herbs, homeopathy, colour and frequency healing methods – these rates still refer back to modern Radionics but have since been amended by subsequent researchers.

Abrams was followed by several inventors who further improved his technology, such as George de La Warr, Ruth Drown and Malcolm Rae who built on Abrams work by discovering that hair samples could be used remotely to identify and treat diseases at a distance. Furthermore, these individuals created sophisticated devices which made analysis and broadcast easier than before.

Radionics was introduced into practice by Dr David Tansley during the late 19th and early 20th century, expanding access to Radionics by expanding its use among practitioners from different fields. Later, in the 1970s and 80s he introduced Eastern influences into it by including energetic field concepts into analysis and treatment methodologies; this further broadened Radionics practice while showing its adaptability with evolving holistic philosophies.

Today, many people use electronic technology and the Internet to investigate and operate on many levels – mental, astral and physical. Some practitioners even claim to be able to affect both astral and physical bodies through directed intent alone – something some may dismiss as pseudoscience but which others have shown works effectively: healing without pills or surgery, growing crops without fertilizers, stopping insect predation and many other feats which defy mechanistic science are just some examples.

The Instruments of Radionics

Radionics operates under the concept that human consciousness may be harnessed and projected in order to benefit an individual or nature by employing various instruments that operate at pre-physical levels subtending matter. Through these instruments, humans are able to interact positively with the subtle anatomy that underlies physical bodies such as their energy field which in turn produces symptoms for physical ailments.

Radionic Practitioners use dowsing techniques in combination with radionic instruments to analyse and treat patients. By broadcasting clearly defined healing energies directly to them regardless of distance, Radionic Practitioners can deliver healing energies directly to each patient regardless of physical proximity. A sample of hair from each patient acts as an anchor because its energy field contains information about their entire body – as well as physical structure and chemical properties reflecting organs and tissues within that individual person’s system; making hair samples invaluable diagnostic tools.

Radionic Practitioners also can create remedies by printing magnetic or electronic patterns onto carrier substances. Patients are then advised to take this remedy for a specified timeframe, in order to restore balance to their life force and avoid disease.

George Delawarr conducted extensive experiments in this emerging discipline, developing devices to work with energy fields associated with diseases. With these instruments he could compare frequencies from healthy and sick people in order to detect root causes for illness.

Malcon Rae was another innovator who discovered electromagnetic emanations can have properties which promote plant growth. He believed this solar component of photosynthesis, and could even use its energy for treatment. To demonstrate these subtle forces he used a simple pendulum and cardboard sheet, as well as creating what became known as Rae Power Simulator device.

The Applications of Radionics

Radionics is an alternative medical therapy using energy to treat disease. It was first created by Dr. Albert Abrams who believed that different frequencies can be detected as forms of radiation; his instrument allowed him to identify them and find which treatments were most successful in treating each case.

This device utilized an oscillating circuit and radio-frequency energy to generate an electromagnetic field which could be projected onto human bodies with negative frequencies to help balance out and heal them. This was the inaugural Radionics machine ever constructed and served as an inspiration for other similar machines to follow later.

Radionics can also help treat emotional and mental disorders. It can assist in improving performance, breaking addictions and clearing away spiritual blockages – as well as being used to manifest what one wants out of life.

Radionics can also be utilized at a distance. Albert Abrams and George Delawarr were the first to realize this potential when they experimented with bioplasm, the aura surrounding human bodies. Furthermore, using electro photography they photographed edges of cut leaves that still retained their original borders when photographed from different angles.

Modern scientific discovery and research tend to study subjects by breaking them down into individual components and explaining them individually, but radionics takes a more holistic approach to comprehending a subject. By adopting this philosophy, one can gain a more complete picture and understand that all matter vibrating energy that can be altered by vibrational energy – supported by the new discoveries such as quantum entanglement which shows us everything is connected at some level.


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