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Energy Healing Through Group Remote Energy Healing

group remote energy healing

Energy healing is founded on the concept that all living beings possess an energetic life force known as chakras, meridians or auras which is detectable and can be utilized therapeutically.

We conducted this study to describe client experiences of virtual energy healing sessions. Because this pilot study has no control group or standard measures, results may not be generalizable.

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During the session

As soon as a client settles into their remote healing session, they can feel their body relax and tingle, their mental and emotional states become more relaxed, and feelings of warmth, happiness, and compassion towards both themselves and others may begin to surface.

At a group session, all participants are immersed in multidimensional healing energies and frequencies designed to support the group process and goals, with individual participants receiving healing energies tailored specifically to them.

Energy healing works on the principle that thoughts and intentions can influence qi (energy) and electromagnetic fields regardless of distance, making it critical that healers and clients consciously practice energetic protection techniques before and during sessions – for instance putting up an energy shield around themselves to block out negative and draining energies, filter out draining energies from others, or regularly assess their energetic state and responsiveness.

At a session, clients are required to close their eyes, relax their mind and body, and state their intention for healing either verbally or in writing. This process allows them to release everyday stresses while opening up their energy body for healing energy to enter. Once inside their system, a healer will then channel positive healing energy directly towards those areas requiring attention or healing.

This dance requires both parties to synchronize their focus and intentions in unison, often reaching an impasse where both healer and client align their energies, visualizing an energy bridge or connection between them allowing the healer to access their higher selves and channel stronger, more effective healing energy into transmission.

Once a session is over, the healer typically offers a short discussion or wrap-up, or sends their client an email to address anything that stood out to them. Next step? Ground yourself by practicing breathing exercises or visualisation before scheduling another healing session or beginning to incorporate its energy back into their daily lives.

Un growing number of people are realizing the power of distant energy healing, and it’s easy to see why. It can provide emotional comfort and privacy that would otherwise be hard to access face-to-face sessions; plus it’s accessible regardless of geography.

Energy healing can help us connect more fully to ourselves and enhance the quality of our lives. It has many uses in physical and emotional treatment, from anxiety, depression and insomnia to pain management, addictions, immune system disorders and digestive issues. Furthermore, studies published in Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine demonstrated how distant energy healing improved quality of life for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment – promising early results that warrant further investigation.

Before the session

Before beginning an energy healing session, both healer and receiver should select an undisrupted space to prepare in their respective spaces – with the healer tuning into their energies before creating a clear connection between themselves and recipients of energy healing. It is essential that both participants remain completely relaxed during this process – with no expectations being placed upon either party during this process.

A good healer knows exactly how to use the energy they receive from others to meet the recipient’s goals, an art which takes practice and requires strong trust between healer and recipient. Sessions between healer and client often result in various sensations experienced by both participants; such as deep relaxation, inner peace and harmony as well as physical sensations like touch or tingling in different parts of their bodies; others may experience emotional or mental shifts such as thoughts emerging that weren’t there before; even energetic orgasms can sometimes take place!

After each session, both participants take time to seal off the process by using methods such as Cho Ku Rei or Cone of Light as well as self-treatment to prevent any remaining energies from attaching themselves to their energy fields. This step is essential when conducting energy healing from a distance.

Energy healing works through intention and resonance, meaning the stronger and more specific your intentions are, the greater will be its effects on a session’s outcomes. It can be an effective method for both individual and group healing when used alongside other spiritual practices.

As a healing modality, Reiki also benefits from its flexibility. Sessions don’t depend on geographic location or schedules – they can take place whenever it suits both healer and recipient – providing continuity in one’s healing journey and aiding deep-level transformation for lasting effects.

Are you interested in giving meaningful energy healing from a distance? Check out this comprehensive training course which will cover everything necessary. It features group coaching to address any queries that arise, a practice session with class partners and essential one-on-one feedback to develop and hone your skills. Click here for more details and registration – we hope to see you soon!


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