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How Remote Distance Healing Works

Energy healing sessions can be conducted remotely with remote healing techniques, providing relief from pain and discomfort while improving quality of life and increasing overall sense of wellbeing.

Remote healing sessions should take place in an undisturbed, peaceful area that allows both parties involved to increase concentration and focus on their intentions.

Quantum physics

Quantum physics, the branch of modern physics which investigates phenomena at speeds significantly slower than light speed, offers an intriguing framework for remote distance healing. Focusing on subatomic particles and their interactions with one another, quantum physics argues that our world may be less solid and more fluid than we think, suggesting our minds and intentions can have profound effects on physical reality.

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Quantum entanglement, which describes how two particles share similar physical properties despite being separated by great distances, plays an integral part of distant healing sessions. Healers rely on this principle to send healing energy out remotely using technologies like Skype or Facetime; it provides convenient yet secure communication methods between practitioners. But when selecting your practitioner it’s crucial that he or she has been properly trained in this art form.

Remote healing sessions allow a healer to share his or her intention and focus energy with a recipient, creating an exchange of positive vibrations between healer and receiver that’s guided by compassionate intention from both parties involved. He or she may either verbalize this intent verbally, or simply visualize it.

When the intention of a healer resonates with a client, it can trigger an effect at a subatomic level of their DNA that impacts physical sensations, emotions and mental states – an effect known as non-locality which has been increasingly recognized among scientific communities.


Studies that evaluate the effects of meditation and psychedelic drug usage on the brain provide some of the most compelling research in this area. Such analyses have revealed how intricately connected our bodies and minds are, which explains why meaningful connections may occur across great distances.

Scientists have also conducted experiments to demonstrate the non-locality of healing. Cleve Backster conducted one such experiment when his saliva cells showed responses that corresponded with stressful events experienced by astronaut Brian O’Leary himself, suggesting that our bodies form an interlinked network capable of communicating across vast distances.


Intention is a powerful force, and sending healing energy to another requires clear intention. Furthermore, sending energy remotely helps activate their own natural healing response – something evidenced by “right place at right time” phenomena or positive intentions having ripple effects in one’s network – helping heal and transform their life.

Remote healing sessions often utilize energetic tools and symbols that amp up the healing process, from crystals and gemstones with specific energetic properties to Reiki symbols or ancient healing symbols – to create focal points and strengthen connections between healer and client, while at the same time offering comforting experiences that allow recipients to remain relaxed while receiving the energy.

Energy-based healing modalities such as Reiki and Chios energy healing are popular choices for remote distance healing, with practitioners channeling healing energy through the individual’s bioenergetic fields to promote balance on multiple levels: physical, emotional, spiritual.

Studies on distant healing have been conducted, with some studies suggesting it to be just as effective as face-to-face therapy. One particular research project found that distant healing significantly enhanced quality of life for cancer patients; however, further investigation needs to be undertaken as to how these improvements were attained.

To conduct a successful remote healing session, both parties involved must select an unruffled space. It’s also essential that they both mentally and emotionally prepare for it; healers typically spend the first few minutes establishing their intentions and clearing away energy blockages before visualizing who they’re sending healing too while concentrating their energies onto chakras. A distance healing mat can also provide visual guidance while supporting practitioner intentions.

Energy fields

Remote healing sessions rely heavily on the intention of the healer; their energy flows towards their client as a reflection of this good intention and can help clear away blocks from both physical and emotional bodies, as well as improve overall quality of life. Clients may experience waves of heat or deep peace and clarity during sessions; others may even see images or colours appear before them during healing sessions; moreover, movements such as small or large jerks in body movement could release old energy that has built up over time.

Energy healing may seem like the work of mystics in white robes, but its existence and scientific evidence is more real and concrete than imagined. Energy healing operates on the principle of quantum entanglement, which states that all things are interdependent. Modern technology demonstrates this principle through instant communication via time-space continuum bridges that allows instantaneous interaction. Furthermore, science has confirmed the presence of our personal energy fields which conduct information and enable interaction regardless of distance or time constraints.

Healers are trained to recognize and manipulate these energies for healing purposes, using their increased awareness to connect with a recipient’s energy field and subtly apply energy healing techniques. Healers often report feeling fulfilled when conducting distant healing sessions – it is crucial that they practice self-care and energy management during these sessions, however.

Energy healing can provide tremendous emotional health benefits by keeping individuals at an ideal vibrational frequency, relieving past life traumas and supporting spiritual growth. But it should be remembered that not everyone has the ability or capability to perform energy healing – some may naturally gravitate toward this form of therapy while others require further training and experience before being effective practitioners of it themselves.

Remote energy healing sessions should take place in a quiet, comfortable space free from distractions and disturbances. Both parties involved should practice energetic protection techniques such as visualizing an invisible shield around them to block out negative energies, as well as regularly assess their own energy levels so as not to drain themselves during sessions.

Lifestyle changes

Remote distance healing may not be a panacea for illness, but it can be effective at helping individuals address some of their health concerns. It works by harmonizing energy flows in the body, mind and spirit – which in turn improves self-awareness and leads to greater inner peace. Furthermore, remote healing sessions offer flexibility and convenience both healer and recipient; sessions may even take place from their home and at mutually agreeable times.

To ensure a productive session, both client and healer must prepare their environment by clearing it of clutter and charging it with higher frequencies. Healers should practice energetic protection techniques that will protect them from becoming depleted during sessions – this includes visualizing a protective shield of light around themselves as well as practicing grounding or nervous system regulation techniques. It’s also crucial that both parties set clear, positive intentions for the session to maximize its efficacy.

Remote healing sessions involve entering a meditative state and connecting to their client’s energetic field through photographs or other depictions. Sessions generally last around half an hour, and clients should find somewhere comfortable where they feel relaxed to sit comfortably during this process.

People experiencing their first session often report feeling warm and light, experiencing waves of relaxation or seeing images and colors associated with their condition. Furthermore, their body may show small or large jerky movements as its natural way of releasing old energy.

Results of remote healing sessions can be observed immediately and may continue to manifest over the following weeks. To maximize results of remote energy healing sessions, it’s essential that participants eat healthily and drink plenty of water during this period to keep energy flowing freely and sleep soundly and meditate regularly – these steps will further support its beneficial effects.

Rachel Bolton offers tiered packages of remote healing for humans and animals alike, featuring decades of experience and proven results that bring positive change.


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