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How Remote Healing Works

Healer and client can establish a deep energetic bond, even without physically touching one another, that promotes healing on all levels, physical, emotional, spiritual.

Energy healing has evolved from magical practice into science that anyone can learn. This article explores distance healing from multiple perspectives so there’s something here for every reader – be they scientifically curious or spiritually inclined.

Quantum physics

Quantum physics provides energy healing practitioners with several insights from quantum physics that apply directly to energy healing, including how matter and energy are interdependent, that a healer can influence client health from a distance, and creating healing effects through intention and awareness – concepts which challenge conventional beliefs about physical objects and the mind-body connection.

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Quantum physics’ key principle is that matter exists both as particles and waves. This theory rests on the idea that particles can exist simultaneously in multiple states (superposition) and interconnect across vast distances, creating interdependency across time. The concept of waves and particles challenges our conventional perception of our bodies as solid entities; rather it frames it as systems of energy conduits influenced by thought processes and feelings.

Quantum physics also features two key ideas that underlie remote healing; wave-particle duality and nonlocality of phenomena. Particles can exist simultaneously in many locations at once until directly observed; then their states collapse into one state – this suggests that mind can affect body on subatomic levels via remote healing methods.

Quantum entanglement, the link between two particles that transcends space and time, suggests that everything in our universe is interconnected at an quantum level and can be accessed with conscious intention. If one particle changes its state, the other instantly senses this change despite physical distances between them. This phenomenon implies that everything we experience on an everyday level may also exist at some quantum level – which suggests the universe itself could be interlinked beyond our conscious control.


Quantum physics concepts form the basis of remote healing, with practitioners tapping into the Zero Point Energy Field as their source. This ubiquitous energy is believed to be at the source of all matter and energy including that contained within our bodies – its influence being controlled by consciousness; hence its nickname as “healing force.”

Quantum theories propose that energy can travel through space and connect distant locations. Danish theoretical physicist David Bohm’s “holomovement model,” for instance, provides an alternative perspective to our classical view of space and time.


An intention set with heart and clarity about what you wish to achieve are essential ingredients of remote healing sessions, helping direct energy in a beneficial direction and amplify their effect. Therefore, setting positive and heartfelt intentions that align with what you wish for can greatly increase their efficacy while hastening your journey toward wellness.

Intention is an effective and empowering force that can steer your actions and lead to success. By giving purpose to every response–whether verbal, non-verbal, physical or spiritual–intention helps people respond instead of react to people and situations, showing there’s something behind their response rather than simply reacting on a gut level. Furthermore, intention forms the core of spiritual practices like meditation or focusing on positive energy flows which allow you to connect to both higher selves as well as universal energy flows.

Although conventional research methods may have their limitations, there is growing evidence of distant healing. Researchers have studied plants, cells, and animals and have discovered how focused mental intention can influence physical and emotional processes remotely. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate how the human mind can connect to other minds across time and space.

Human studies can be challenging due to factors like hope, expectation and the healer/client relationship; nevertheless there have been well-designed experiments which demonstrate its efficacy. California Pacific Medical Center conducted two double-blind studies with Aids patients and found that those receiving prayer had lower mortality rates.

Quantum physics reveals that every event and interaction is an outcome of probabilities and possibilities; all correlations are nonlocal (meaning something happening somewhere can have an effect elsewhere), so healing intentions may also travel via this medium. Scientists have discovered that particles of matter communicate 20,000 times faster than light.

During a session, clients are instructed to lie down or sit in a quiet environment and connect via phone or Zoom meeting to allow their energy body to be scanned by the healer remotely. Healers then send healing energy directly into their bodies from another remote location – it is essential that clients relax fully so that energy can be easily absorbed.


Physics dictates that space and time are intertwined; therefore energy healing sessions conducted remotely can be just as successful as those held directly. You and your energy healer connect in a meditative state in order to promote healing; this nonlocal event often results in physiological changes and positive results for patients undergoing healing treatments; during this phase the healer and patient energies combine and transcend time and space altogether.

For healers, this means entering into a state of trance-like consciousness in which boundaries between themselves and the universe disappear, then transmitting their energy in form of light or vibrations to their ‘patients’ via distant healing techniques. Researchers studying medicine and spirituality have scientifically researched this practice known as nonlocal healing; results have proven its success!

Energy healing can take place anywhere around the globe. Your experienced energy healer CJ can sense what’s going on within your body even from miles away, then channel energy, focus, and intent towards you to promote healing.

As with any form of healing, distance energy sessions depend on several key elements to be successful. Of the many factors at play here, however, perhaps most crucially is intention on both sides: both parties must sync their intentions together and visualize a bridge of positive vibes between them regardless of distance separating them; this process doesn’t come easily and takes years of dedication and practice before yielding positive results.

Another key element is energy quality. Vibrancy and resonance with you define energy quality; stagnant or dense energies indicate blockages or trauma in the body, so the more vibrant and energetic its vibrations are, the greater their healing effects will be.

Lifestyle modifications can also significantly enhance the results of energy healing sessions. These changes include getting enough restful sleep, eating nutritious meals and practicing grounding and nervous system regulation techniques – these will increase effectiveness of healing sessions while helping ensure you continue feeling better afterwards.


Distance healing (also referred to as energy healing) is an effective form of treatment conducted without physical contact between client and healer. Based on the concept that everything is connected via an energetic field known as the quantum field, this practice has been practiced for millennia with scientific proof confirming its efficacy.

Energy Healing occurs across great distances by way of invisible lines known as meridians that connect healer to receiver. Similar to an electrical grid bringing power into homes, but at higher frequency. Healers use these invisible energy lines to send healing intentions regardless of their physical location.

Remote healing remains controversial among many individuals; however, its efficacy has been demonstrated as an effective means for treating various conditions. From managing pain to stress relief and immune enhancement to slow cellular ageing; remote energy healing offers emotional support and overall well-being benefits for improved quality of life.

One of the key components of any healing session is the intention of the healer. A powerful and positive intention creates a channel through which healing energy flows freely; additionally, this helps the healer tune into receiver’s energetic state so they can direct it toward areas that require healing.

To ensure the success of your clients’ sessions, ensuring a reliable internet connection is of utmost importance. Doing so will help prevent interruptions caused by network lag. Furthermore, video conference software that delivers high-quality visuals may also prove invaluable. To safeguard client confidentiality in remote environments and protect them from potential abuse and harm. It is also crucial that professional boundaries be set with clients so as to prevent their exploitation or abuse by others.


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