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How to Do Remote Healing

Scientific advancement, spiritual practices and technology all combine to bring us comfort, convenience and healing in our daily lives – remote energy healing being no different.

Quantum healing uses quantum physics principles to transmit energy and intentions across physical distances, acting like a Wi-Fi router sending energy directly to clients.

1. Set Your Intention

Distance healing relies heavily on intention. By channeling healing energy in one direction and amplifying its effectiveness, practitioners are able to send their healing energy towards specific people – making their efforts all the more powerful and efficient.

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Intention is another tool available to clients to improve their own health and well-being. By setting clear intentions such as “I want to heal my liver” or “I want to feel more grounded”, clients can activate the healing process and improve their own wellbeing.

Before embarking on any remote healing session, both healer and receiver must find quiet spaces where they can focus and concentrate in peace and without distractions. The healer should create an environment of relaxation through breathing exercises or meditation while the receiver should find comfortable seating while resting easily to prepare themselves by releasing any negative or limiting beliefs that stand in their way of receiving healing.

To ensure an effective session, both parties must focus their attention on an intention that will help guide healing energy to its destination. For the healer this should be clear and focused thoughts while for receivers this could include positive or healing intentions. Intention is a powerful tool which can be applied in different situations; just remember to remain open-minded to whatever may come from using intention as part of healing plans.


At any distance healing session, both parties should ensure their hands are touching; this helps strengthen and focus energy. If you are new to distance healing, begin by rubbing your hands together briefly before slowly separating them to focus on sensing energy between them; once this energy can be sensed between you, move onto more advanced techniques described below.

At the same time, both healer and recipient should shut off any distractions such as mobile phone ringers during their session in order to ensure that all their focus remains on meeting their intention without anything interfering with or interrupting its flow. This will allow healing energy to move unhindered by interruption.

2. Use a Pendulum

Distance healing or non local healing is an innovative form of energy healing that enables you to send energy all across the globe and help others feel better. It works thanks to a universal energy source connecting all living things on Earth; during remote sessions with CJ as your healer she can sense what body part your energy is healing (whether they live here or elsewhere), then redirect her focus and intention directly at their location instead of hers.

Pendulums provide an effective means of tapping into our intuition and sixth sense, and receiving answers to any queries from higher selves, guardian angels or spiritual teachers. Pendulum dowsing involves using the pendulum to tell you whether something is true or false while remote healing allows energy to travel through client bodies in much the same way it would if they were right in front of you.

An ideal place for conducting remote healing sessions is in a tranquil and comfortable setting, as this allows you to increase concentration and channel healing energy towards the client. Furthermore, scheduling the session during times when recipients of healing will likely be awake and alert will ensure their minds can open themselves up fully to receiving healing energy from you.

As you perform remote healing sessions, it’s important not to get attached to the results of your work. At first it may seem dishearteningly ineffective; over time however you will begin to witness its positive impacts, making it easier for you to trust that what you’re doing makes an impactful difference in someone’s life.

If you are feeling lost when it comes to distant healing, there are numerous books and online resources that can provide you with an introduction. Furthermore, many advanced training courses exist which offer further insights into the mechanics of energy fields as well as techniques for using them for various situations.

3. Perform a Short Prayer

At every healing session, it is vital for healers to have an intention that is pure. They must not try to fix their clients; rather they should allow the universe to heal them naturally and invisibly through remote healing sessions. Only then will remote healing succeed effectively.

Healers must remain open-minded about whatever form the healing takes as this is an organic process that may differ from their expectations. Therefore, it’s essential that a clear intention be set beforehand as well as finding an uninterrupted space where this process can unfold without interference.

Some healers use tools to aid them during healing sessions; such tools could include a radionic machine with dials for specific ailments or a crystal wand, while others utilize pendulums as energy conduits towards patients.

This form of healing has not been scientifically demonstrated and relies heavily on quantum entanglement, the concept that everything in the universe is interconnected regardless of distance between objects. There is evidence to show how energy can travel across great distances. Studies on Reiki therapy, for instance, which has been proven to reduce both pain and anxiety are indicative of this notion. Research on other forms of alternative healing techniques remains more inconclusive. Rupert Sheldrake introduced the concept of morphogenic fields, which suggests there exists a biological internet which connects living beings. According to HeartMath research conducted on how thoughts affect heartbeats of individuals regardless of location – showing they can have physical impacts regardless of our thoughts on ourselves.

When performing remote healing sessions, practitioners should select an avatar representing the person being healed and direct their energy into releasing physical and emotional pain from that avatar. Once complete, practitioners should sit in an unwind position waiting for results of healing to show.

4. Ask for the Healing

Humans strive to bring people closer together through technology, science and spiritual beliefs and practices. Remote energy healing allows anyone with internet access to locate healers they feel a strong personal bond with – it truly brings our world closer together!

Starting a session, clients connect with their energy healing therapist via Zoom video or audio and discuss their main issue(s) and desired outcomes of their session. Sessions may be conducted either face to face, in person, or remotely over the internet.

Both parties will select peaceful spaces that are free from distraction. At this time, the healer will prepare themselves and tune into their energies before commencing with their work – often through meditation or other relaxation techniques – before beginning to direct healing energy towards their client.

A healer may use a proxy image of their client as a focal point to direct their energy towards. A picture, animal or plant that represents them may serve as the perfect means for this. Once energy has been delivered successfully to them, their healer can then envision them freed of physical and emotional discomfort.

Healers and clients should always exercise energetic protection during remote healing sessions. This could involve visualizing a light shield to block out negative energies while permitting healing energy to flow freely. Both parties should regularly check-in with themselves to evaluate their receptivity and energy levels and adjust boundaries as necessary.

No matter your spiritual or scientific interests, remote healing should be on your radar. This powerful form of energy healing can help the body, mind and spirit at the same time – right from your home! If you want to try it for yourself and experience its powerful healing properties for yourself then reach out today for a consultation – we look forward to working together!


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