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Julia Cannon, Daughter of Dolores Cannon, teaches Remote Healing

Julia Cannon, daughter of Dolores Cannon and QHHT LEVEL 2 practitioner, discusses connecting to your higher self for healing and guidance. Additionally, Julia highlights that our bodies communicate in subtle ways which require listening in order to heal effectively.

Lightcasting, her innovative form of energy healing, uses intuitive lights to bring balance back into the body and can be performed both physically and remotely. She provides these sessions both on location and remotely.

Quantum Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Technique (QHHT)

QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon, an internationally-recognized hypnotherapist and past life regression therapist. She pioneered this technique to access the subconscious mind, helping clients overcome physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges. Today, Dolores’ daughter Julia teaches this QHHT process worldwide in order to assist people in healing, finding their purpose, and living more fulfilling lives.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

QHHT sessions involve guiding a client into a deep state of relaxation before communicating with their subconscious to obtain answers that would otherwise remain hidden to conscious thought. Sessions can take place either face-to-face, over the phone or internet; virtual sessions may prove particularly useful if living far away from an experienced QHHT practitioner.

QHHT practitioners act as guides throughout a session, but the real healing power lies within each client. Access and release can occur via the subliminal realms of their subconscious minds – making a QHHT session truly life changing and transformative.

Past life regression is one of the most powerful healing tools available to us humans. It can be used to address various conditions such as physical illness, anxiety, depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Furthermore, past life regression can uncover emotional traumas or limiting beliefs which prevent personal growth and healing thereby leading to personal transformation and healing.


QHHT sessions typically occur over the telephone or internet; however, some practitioners offer in-person sessions as well. Prior to each session, clients should create a list of questions for their Higher Selves as well as abstain from consuming alcohol and caffeine on that particular day.

At a QHHT session, subjects are instructed to relax and let go of conscious control in order to experience memories that relate directly to their current lives from their past. Sessions may also include visits to between-life states where valuable insights into current lives may be gained.

QHHT sessions usually last 2.5-3.0 hours on average; however, they may last longer depending on an individual and their questions. Hypnosis typically occupies approximately 50% of this time while interviews and post-hypnosis reviews take up the remaining time.

Reconnective Healing

Reconnective healing is an energy healing technique that connects you with the light of the universe, helping people both physically and emotionally heal while improving overall wellbeing. Reconnective healing sessions use frequencies designed to release negative emotions while restoring equilibrium to the body – this may take just hours to days for its effects to become noticeable; for best results however you may require three sessions.

Reconnection healing stands apart from both Reiki and spiritual healing in that it utilizes new frequencies to revitalize your bio field, the unified field that surrounds and encompasses your physical body as well as thoughts, feelings, and spirit. Reconnective frequencies reconnect your body with ley lines which connect us all over time and space.

This process can restore the natural balance between body, mind and spirit that was lost due to stress and fatigue. Furthermore, it will improve your ability to sense and perceive energy – the foundation of all things. As a result, life will become richer and more fulfilling.

Reconnective Healing could be just what’s needed to bring balance back into your life. An energy healing therapy, it allows you to reconnect to yourself and achieve your goals more easily than ever. Non-invasive and anywhere accessible, Reconnective Healing has proven its health benefits with reduced effects of chronic illness as well as an improvement in quality of life.

Julia Cannon is a licensed Reconnective Healer and author of “Soul Speak – The Language of Your Body.” With a nursing background, Julia brings empathy, human body understanding and intuition to her energy work sessions – both in-person and remote sessions are available.


Julia Cannon, daughter of Dolores Cannon and founder of QHHT, brings an exceptional blend of compassion, understanding of human anatomy and intuition to her work as a nurse. Recently she has begun sharing Lightcasting – a novel energy healing modality whereby intuitive lights from her hands are channelled directly into someone’s energy field to balance out any imbalances and also gain impressions (a form of communication from their soul) which she uses for healing on physical, mental and spiritual levels.

She has written the book Soul Speak to share the language of our bodies and how to access our inner soul for answers and healing. If you would like more information on this or any of her works, visit her website.

Intuitive Energy Work

Intuitive energy healing is a non-invasive form of alternative medicine used to address physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. Based on the belief that energy connects all areas of one’s being (body, mind, spirit), intuitive energy healing helps alleviate pain relief while clearing energetic blockages preventing overall health improvements. Practitioners use their intuition to detect imbalances within an energy field before employing techniques designed to restore equilibrium back into balance using intuitive energy healing techniques.

An intuitive energy healing session begins when a practitioner scans their client’s energy field or aura in search of any blockages. They will then attempt to eliminate these obstructions by cutting cords that cause symptoms of illness or dis-ease, with holistic medicine also often employed alongside traditional healing modalities.

Like any skill, intuitive energy healing requires practice to become proficient at. To develop your intuitive abilities further, study different energy healing modalities and practice with clients. Furthermore, good energy hygiene should be practiced so as not to absorb negativity from clients or the environment – and making time for regular meditation and self-care practices will keep you healthy and balanced.

Intuitive energy healers can detect and clear energetic blockages in your aura and chakras – the energy centers located throughout the body. Remote intuitive healing sessions may also be available as human energy fields don’t experience physical limitations like time and distance restrictions. When searching for intuitive energy healing practitioners, make sure they fit with your personality by asking about fees, session length, availability as well as fees to find one who’s the best match.

Julia Cannon is a nurse and intuitive energy healer trained in several modalities such as QHHT and Reconnective Healing. Additionally, Julia offers Soul Speak–a course on using the power of heartbeat to tap into intuitive guidance–with her nursing background providing her a soothing combination of compassion and human body awareness that creates a unique approach to intuitive energy healing that addresses root causes of illness.


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