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Kundalini Psychic Healing – Remote Kundalini Psychic Healing

Kundalini psychic healing is an energy healing session designed to awaken and activate your kundalini energy, both on an astral and etheric body level, as well as within chakras.

Kundalini is seen by shamans as the force driving Shakti, or Goddess who brings creation, alive. Yoga shares these roots through its symbols and practices.

Energy Healing

Energy healing refers to a range of holistic healing practices designed to support emotional and physical wellbeing. This practice includes methods that balance our energetic body (also referred to as aura or spirit body) as well as restore our life force energy flow through chakras and release emotional blocks and karma that have become barriers in life.

Energy healing sessions tap into an endless source of life force energy that flows directly through our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies, working in concert to foster health on all levels. This channeled energy is sometimes known as divine or universal energy, Source energy or subtle energy.

Energy healing comes in various forms and methods; each practitioner may have his or her own approach and style of energy healing that best fits you and your goals. Finding someone you feel at ease with and trust is vitally important if you want your sessions to be effective.

During a session, the healer will typically use their hands to gently move and clear any stagnant energy from their client, which may cause various physical sensations, including tingling, heat, coldness, pressure twitching or rushes. Furthermore, emotions often change throughout a healing session as energy is moved or cleared from their system.

Energy healing alone will not break negative patterns like self-sabotage or toxic relationships – these must be emotionally processed to be properly healed on a soul level. To do so, feel your emotions and process them before engaging in healing work.

As it’s essential that remote healing only work if someone is open to receiving it, any attempts at entering will likely be met with rejection from their energy field and defense mechanisms if their energy field is closed off consciously or unconsciously – this can cause very intense psychic battles; so this should only be attempted with proper training – although healing without consent is rarer still.

Astral Body

People who are gifted in psychic abilities tend to have strong links to their astral body. Energy healing can stimulate these connections and open them up to receiving wisdom and insight from these other planes of existence.

The astral body is our energetic counterpart to physical bodies. Everyone possesses one, though not necessarily aware of it. This plane can provide access to spiritual realms and dimensions of being, making astral travel and projection possible.

According to Theosophical teachings, the astral body consists of life-giving material which responds to thought. The shape and size of an astral body depend on a person’s thoughts; hence clairvoyants can discern its state by following its thought patterns.

Our energy system, known as the astral body, is responsible for our emotions. While it may temporarily disconnect from its physical counterpart, the astral body still plays a role. Furthermore, this energy body can be used to travel between different high-frequency planes of reality known as Astral Universe – this realm where dreams take place and messages from beyond are received.

Once your astral body becomes detached from physical reality, even minor vibrations such as when someone hugs you can be enough to dislodge it from its connection to earthly matters – so it is vital to always anchor it firmly within it. To stay grounded and grounded it’s crucial that energy fields stay tethered.

Astral states can have serious implications on physical health. Individuals experiencing low astral states may find it hard to return to physical reality on their own and this can result in serious medical issues, so taking good care in maintaining one’s astral body and regularly engaging in meditation to reconnect it to physical reality – through visualization techniques this may happen quicker when its time.

Etheric Body

Before birth, an etheric double is created which serves as the matrix for physical development. Much like leaves on a tree, this network of energy forms an outline of your body. When disturbed, dis-ease may manifest physically through illness. By healing at this level first, healing on physical manifestation may be avoided altogether.

Spiritual healers can detect issues in the etheric body and use remote Kundalini psychic healing to correct these before they manifest in physical form. To do this effectively requires developing sensitive hearing through sound baths, personal and spiritual development programs and living an overall healthy lifestyle; since both the astral and physical bodies are inter-related.

If your etheric body becomes disassociated with physical reality it can create unwanted, uncontrollable clairvoyance and confusion, as well as disrupt the flow of energy within your aura, leading to decreased vitality and mental clarity. A remote Kundalini psychic energy healing session with one of our healers can reconnect your etheric body and restore this linkage.

As we experience life here on earth, our etheric body becomes younger until death when it is severed from physical existence and enters a new one – an existence determined by life experiences and choices made during life; the higher our karmic level becomes the more evolved is its existence in etheric form.

When it comes to protecting our etheric bodies from negative influences, having a pure heart and benevolent disposition are the ultimate safeguards against such things as Kundalini awakening or other unanticipated spiritual challenges we might be up against. Unfortunately though, this may not always be possible and for this reason other methods exist such as protective shells; we can also use breathing to shield ourselves from negative vibrations using both fast shallow breathing (which keeps us on edge) or slow deep breaths that calm and center the mind.


Chakras (pronounced krah) are energy centers found throughout the body that are believed to be spinning vortices of life force or prana, which flow freely within and throughout your life force. Blockages to one’s chakras may occur from many factors including negative thinking, chemically processed food products, stress and lack of physical activity – opening and balancing these centers is said to restore free flow of energy within oneself and aid healing on multiple levels.

Chakras, or energy wheels, can be found along the spine and head area where subtle energy channels called nadis converge. Seven main chakras may act as hubs where energy gathers to be dispersed across body systems as well as minds and spirits.

Kundalini energy, commonly referred to as Kundalini, resides within our root chakra at the base of our spines and when awakened through yoga can unite body, mind and spirit – providing healing energies as well as increasing our awareness of our spiritual and esoteric identities. When one chakra opens it helps release Kundalini as it ascends through all seven chakras in turn bringing healing energies.

As chakras rotate, it is thought to purify and balance the etheric body – this has an impactful ripple-through to affect physical body and mental state. A person’s chakras may be connected with their emotions, feelings and habits as well as health or healing abilities.

As an example, our sacral chakra is tied to sexual energy and how we relate to others, while the heart chakra relates to self-love and kindness towards others. Additionally, throat chakra plays an integral part in conveying inner truths to others and crown chakra is associated with connection to higher powers and spirituality.

The chakra system first made its debut in ancient Indian texts called Vedas, written between 1500 BCE and 1000 CE. Since then, yoga and other alternative spiritual practices have made more people aware of it, while western therapists and healers are beginning to utilize its concept as part of their framework for understanding how mind, body and spirit are linked.
