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Radionics Remote Healing

Radionics Remote Healing is an alternative therapy dating back over one hundred years, grounded on the principle that an individual’s fingerprint, body-smell, hand writing signature signature thump impression or hair sample uniquely represents their etheric energy pattern.

This technique allows a practitioner to identify imbalances and disharmonies that lie behind an individual’s physical symptoms, as well as any animals or plants present in their care.

How it Works

Radionics, an ancient alternative therapy dating back to the 19th century, is an energy balancing technique based on the principle that every living organism produces its own distinct energy pattern that can be harnessed to diagnose and treat various health conditions. Radionics is a healing art which blends physical science with paraphysics – where science meets spirituality – creating an artful healing art which blends science with spirituality; similar principles can also be found in acupuncture or homeopathy practices.

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Radionics practitioners utilize a pendulum to analyze energy patterns of patients using pendulum scanning and sending. A person’s aura or energetic blueprint contains vital information about his/her body, such as root causes of symptoms. With their expertise, radionics practitioners use pendulum analysis to detect imbalances within an individual’s energy system in order to restore balance and harmony to physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

To do this, the practitioner captures an energy sample from an individual (such as photographs, fingernail clippings or hair strands) and uses a radionics machine to broadcast therapeutic treatments regardless of distance. A series of dials on this machine allow practitioners to customize energy send out via radionics according to an individual’s particular frequency and intensity needs ensuring personalized treatments tailored specifically for that person and condition.

As recent discoveries in physics demonstrate, this is possible because, at certain levels, matter and energy cannot be separated; all matter is composed of electromagnetic energy, and everything connected at a quantum level; therefore changes to one part of a system may affect other parts even when they’re far apart.


This is also how healing energy can be delivered remotely to people. Our radionics broadcasting devices work by taking a sample of an individual’s energy, then transmitting vibrations tailored specifically for that individual at that point in time – acting like coded instructions to trigger and activate self-healing processes in their bodies.


Radionics is an ancient healing technique used for more than 100 years. It was developed by American physician Albert Abrams (1863 – 1924). Abrams discovered that disease appeared as an imbalance of electrons within living cells, while healthy tissues emit energy at specific frequency vibrations that can be detected using appropriate instruments.

Radionics employs various techniques to detect and correct energy imbalances. One of its distinctive aspects is its remote working ability; practitioners identify imbalances by analyzing samples such as hair, blood or photographs and using special equipment to send healing energy directly to their patient at different locations around the globe.

Remote approach therapy enables practitioners to treat many health problems without needing the physical presence of patients, making this service particularly useful for chronic condition sufferers or those living abroad. Analysis focuses on root causes rather than simply masking symptoms; ultimately patients find they become more resilient against illness effects and are better able to overcome physical, emotional and mental obstacles after receiving treatment.

Radionics can also help those seeking to balance their personal energy and enhance overall wellness, by addressing negative thinking patterns or any limiting beliefs which might prevent us from reaching our full potential.

Radionic therapy can also assist the body’s natural self-healing processes and boost athletic performance. When performed by trained practitioners, Radionic can identify and remove energy blocks within the body, as well as improving physical health as well as mental focus and concentration.

Radionics has become an increasingly popular option among pet owners as a means to balance energy flows and enhance overall wellbeing in animals. Radionics can help to ease animal anxiety during times of stress or facilitate natural recovery from injuries; however, radionics should never replace professional veterinary advice before starting treatment.


Radionics remote healing utilizes a technique based on the belief that all living systems emit an energy pattern, to address underlying causes of disease and imbalance within an individual’s energetic field. Utilizing intuition-guided vibrational medicine treatments with energetically balanced vibrational frequencies to heal at a cellular level and restore natural equilibrium of body systems while creating an inner sense of wellbeing – much like Homeopathy or Acupuncture! This type of alternative therapy offers significant health benefits.

Radionics was originally invented by Dr Abrams during the 1930’s as a way for practitioners to operate from afar and analyze people’s energy fields from a distance, providing early health analysis before physical symptoms emerge or diagnoseable conditions are identified by medical practitioners. Practitioners use intuition to detect any disharmonies in an individual’s energy field and encourage a return to more harmonious structure that promotes wellbeing.

Energy levels are measured using resonating frequencies and adjusted with samples such as hair or photographs. A practitioner then poses questions to their patient that create brain signals which allow them to read energy patterns. With this data in hand, an image is then created of their energetic situation which can then be corrected using healing frequencies tailored specifically for that individual’s case.

The bio-field is an invisible layer of information found within and surrounding all living and nonliving systems, made up of energy known as quantum entanglement that allows information to be altered at distance through quantum entanglement physics and influence an event’s outcome. Therefore, radionics treatments can be done from great distance and is particularly helpful for individuals who cannot reach a practitioner directly – our practitioner directory will allow you to locate one near you who specializes in radionics for an holistic healing solution with multiple benefits for humans, animals and plants alike!


Radionics practitioners utilize subtle energy fields to identify and treat conditions that do not respond to traditional medical treatments, balancing an individual’s energetic system in order to trigger their body’s natural self-healing mechanisms. Practitioners don’t even need to physically be present when treating clients – they can treat anyone, anywhere around the globe as long as they provide their details as well as either body fluid sample(s) or an image of their energy blueprint(s).

All living organisms emit vibrations or auras which are detectable with sensitive electronic devices. By harnessing this data, radionics practitioners can scan for imbalances in an aura using techniques similar to how police dogs sniff for criminal suspects. They utilize thumb impressions, fingernail marks, hair samples, blood spots samples of urine or saliva samples or photos taken of an individual to capture energy signatures that will then be fed into technological devices called “radinic rates,” providing sufficient data for diagnosis and treatment plans.

After conducting a comprehensive evaluation of their client, practitioners are able to detect any patterns, beliefs or blocks which are interfering with their state of health – this may include negative thought processes, repetitive behavior or other lifestyle habits which could pose future complications.

Practitioners can then craft a bioresonance healing pattern tailored to their client, which will alter his/her energy blueprint and eliminate lower frequency habits or patterns that don’t serve them. Practitioners may also direct higher frequency patterns towards helping their client lead a healthier lifestyle.

Alternative energy medicine therapies like biofeedback can be utilized by anyone seeking an alternate form of energy medicine, whether for treating chronic illnesses, increasing athletic performance, relieving geopathic stress in homes and businesses, improving plant or pet growth or anything else related to energy medicine. Biofeedback offers fascinating insight into energy bodies while its versatility makes it an excellent complement to traditional medical practices.


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