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Remote Energy Healing Reviews

Quantum physics has demonstrated the efficacy of distant healing sessions because the energy is unrestricted by time or space constraints.

Rachel offers two packages – either individual sessions for humans, or combinations that incorporate both humans and animals (recommended). Her proven method creates powerful change within all aspects of physical wellbeing.

Choosing a Practitioner

When seeking energy healing, it is essential that they select an effective practitioner. This is especially crucial if sessions will take place remotely rather than face-to-face. There are various modalities available and selecting one will depend on an individual’s individual needs and goals – examples being Reiki, sound healing and spiritual coaching.

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An energy healing session works on the simple principle that its practitioner tunes into their client’s energetic field, detects any imbalances and then directs healing energy towards those areas. When healing in person, they may use physical techniques like touching; when treating remotely they use visual methods to connect with their energy field and send healing energy directly.

At the outset of each session, the healer will ask their client to lie down and relax. Invariably, during this time the client will experience feelings of relaxation and well-being; at times even physical sensations such as warmth or tingling may arise. When completed, their healer usually provides feedback and guidance towards improving wellness.

Magdalena energy healing is a widely practiced remote energy healing modality. This modality draws upon Mary Magdalena’s positive emotional traits and attributes in order to concentrate healing energy onto a client’s energy field. Practitioners do not need to adhere to any particular religion or belief system in order to successfully channel Mary’s presence effectively.


Energy healing sessions not only address physical ailments, but can also assist clients in making positive life changes. According to studies, participants who undergo energy healing experience an enhanced ability to make decisions and remain calm during stressful situations.

At the core of selecting an energy healing practitioner lies finding someone you feel at ease working with – this ensures a strong relationship and feeling secure during sessions, helping maximize results from energy healing sessions and get results that satisfy you.

Preparing for a Session

At the start of each session, it’s essential to find a quiet environment without distractions and sip on some water as this helps move energy. Your practitioner may ask you to lay down and rest while performing healing techniques on you during this session.

Clients typically connect with an energy healer over Skype or another platform and discuss areas they wish to work on and goals they have for the session, before setting a suitable time and date for it – any time day or night is suitable.

Once they’re ready, clients are asked to relax in their home or another safe location with no interruptions for around an hour-long session that may have lasting effects for days, weeks or even a lifetime.

During a session, clients should experience an exhilarating tingle of energy all over their bodies, then be sent toward any areas needing healing energy by the practitioner. It is essential that clients allow this flow to occur naturally as it knows best what will benefit their unique situation.

A session can also bring in higher vibrations to help clients shift and release negative beliefs, patterns or thoughts which cause suffering, known as emotional body release and healing.

Remote healing sessions often leave many skeptical, as people doubt whether healing will take place. But it is vital for clients to trust the process of remote sessions and not try to force it. Practitioners may perform sessions at unexpected times due to quantum physics and entanglement; even then, this does not mean the client won’t benefit as it still remains effective but may take longer for them to notice results.

The Session

Remote Energy Healing is an alternative form of energy healing performed without the practitioner and client being physically in close proximity. This is achieved using visualization techniques to connect with and assess the client’s energetic field for any imbalances or blockages that need addressing, before sending energy towards restoring balance and holistic healing.

Though not as widely practiced as face-to-face sessions, this form of healing is just as effective and powerful. Based on quantum physics’ principle that energy cannot be restricted by time or distance, healing energy can be sent no matter where a client may be located as long as their intentions are clear and they seek genuine change.

An average session typically lasts an hour and will often involve clearing away subconscious blocks that interfere with the body’s natural ability to heal itself, whether that means emotional, mental or physical distress, illness or pain. Once these obstacles have been cleared away, clients can more intuitively move toward greater healthiness.

Following a session, it is highly advised that clients take time for themselves to rest and relax as well as drink plenty of water and stay hydrated by sipping plenty of fluids such as tea or water. Furthermore, alcohol or caffeine should be avoided for several hours post-session, while grounding practices are recommended as an effective means of adapting to any changes that have taken place.

Energy healing can be an incredible addition to a holistic wellness routine and should be part of it on an ongoing basis. It is particularly helpful for those living with chronic illnesses like arthritis and fibromyalgia as well as anyone looking for overall improvements to health and wellbeing. Incorporating energy healing into daily lifestyle practices such as meditation or yoga or other modalities like crystals aromatics or sound can add even further possibilities of benefit!


Though Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and energy healing may sound like alternative remedies, scientific studies demonstrate their efficacy at relieving stress and anxiety while alleviating pain and depression, slowing cell ageing, improving overall physical health and wellbeing, as well as slowing cellular ageing.

Remote energy healing involves creating an intense energetic connection between practitioner and client despite physical distance, to enable healing energy to flow and foster transformation at multiple levels – physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Face-to-face sessions often leave clients feeling self-conscious or vulnerable; online therapy offers them comfort and privacy to engage fully and receive healing energy.

Though it may sound farfetched, recent physics experiments have proven that everything is connected and that distance is simply an illusion. Two physicists received the 2017 Nobel Prize for their groundbreaking research into quantum entanglement – which demonstrated how subatomic particles act together even though separated by vast distances.

Clients of remote energy healing should understand that it is no different to in-person treatments; in fact, it may even be more effective. According to research done by physicists, remote healing causes similar biological changes in cells as in-person treatments do. It should be noted, however, that maintaining the cleanliness of the environment where healing takes place in order to achieve maximum effectiveness.

Therefore, it is of vital importance that clients follow all recommended preparation steps prior to their sessions. This means ensuring they have eaten and drunk enough liquid before attending, which will aid their focus and comfort during the session. Ideally they should try lying down during their treatment so as to maximize its effects.

Before any EFT session, it is crucial that clients prepare their energy bodies by clearing away negative emotions and emphasizing positive ones, like love, gratitude, and compassion. This step is especially crucial given EFT can be used to release emotional blocks which cause physical ailments.


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