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Remote Healing – Once Considered Esoteric, is Gaining Support in the Scientific Realm

Remote healing was once considered an esoteric practice; however, research in quantum physics, bioenergetic fields, and intention suggest that it could help relieve physical symptoms while increasing overall wellness.

Many remote healers employ various tools such as radionics, crystals and pendulums in order to facilitate distance healing. Utilizing such instruments makes the process faster and simpler for all parties involved.


Remote healing was once considered an esoteric practice; today however it is increasingly being accepted within scientific circles. Studies of quantum physics, intention power and bioenergetic fields provide insights into how distant healing works. Their discoveries suggest that energy and intention transcend physical barriers to bring about healing and well-being – which exemplify non-locality as an idea.

Remote healing sessions typically involve two people connected by some form of energetic signal, subtle or not. Many healers refer to it as vibrational energy; regardless, their vibrations interact to produce healing effects for one another. Furthermore, it must always remain present – or at least close by at all times! It may even be that both parties could be located separately but simultaneously.

Non-locality is an integral component of quantum mechanics, the study of matter and energy at microscopic scales. Scientists believe non-locality explains why particles or energies can connect instantaneously regardless of distance separating them – thus countering local realism’s argument that our universe consists solely of isolated objects.

Scientists typically find it challenging to accept that there exists a universal field of energy that connects objects at a distance, due to dualistic assumptions built into science itself and because randomized, double-blind clinical trials are used as the gold standard of testing therapies; hence any beliefs or intentions held by healers or researchers during such tests are generally disregarded as irrelevant factors.

One such assumption is that distant healing energies are transmitted via electromagnetic radiation. While electromagnetic waves do behave this way, electromagnetic waves aren’t the only means of transmitting energy – another potential route could come from quantum reference points or reference points located far away – Caslav Brukner of University of Vienna and Austrian Academy of Sciences conducted experiments to test this idea; their experiments demonstrated that observers’ reference points also exhibit quantum properties.


Just as it is possible to sense someone’s love even when they are physically distant, healing energy can also travel great distances through intention rather than proximity or time constraints.

When conducting remote healing sessions, both parties need to be relaxed and open to accepting positive energy waves. Ideally, they should meet in quiet, undisturbed spaces where they can focus solely on their healing intention and connect with their energies through mediation or deep breathing exercises; healers may use tools such as crystals and gemstones with specific energetic properties or sacred symbols to amplify healing connections further.

During sessions, it’s common for healers and clients to experience an overwhelming sense of harmony between themselves – often described as peace, lightness and well-being. This connection could result from clearing their energy fields by invoking higher frequencies or vibrations, or could simply reflect shared intentions for healing and compassion between healer and client.

Strengthen this connection by both parties consciously connecting with their inner spiritual beings and aligning their intentions. Furthermore, healers may ask their guides or angels for assistance during sessions. It’s also essential that both parties remain open-minded during a healing session as the process may lead in unexpected directions.

As with any new skill, learning how to conduct distance healing sessions takes practice and patience, but once you understand its inner workings and benefits it can become an invaluable asset in both wellness and personal development.

Distance energy healing offers you the comforts of home while tapping into powerful energies that transcend space and time. It can be particularly helpful for people who find human interaction uncomfortable or who cannot travel as it gives access to healing practices they otherwise wouldn’t have access to. Furthermore, this form of treatment also ensures continuity of care as your needs alter over time.


Remote healing sessions make it possible for practitioners to provide services all around the world, without traditional forms requiring clients to travel directly to a healer’s location. Remote sessions offer more flexible solutions that fit better into busy modern lifestyles; healers can use video chat apps like Skype or Zoom to connect with clients directly and engage in face-to-face sessions while monitoring body language – creating an enduring sense of connection and trust, making the healing process more successful overall.

Some healers also utilize audio recordings as part of their energy work with clients, providing flexible and convenient energy work sessions for clients. Audio recordings may help guide a client through an energy healing session or reinforce its effects by reminding them of positive messages and intentions during energy work sessions – and can be heard privately within their home environment.

Healers may employ various tools and symbols to amplify their healing energy, such as crystals or gemstones with particular energetic properties or ancient symbols that symbolize balance. These serve as focal points, allowing healing energy to pass through them to reach both physical and emotional bodies of clients.

When practicing distant healing, it is crucial for healers to set an explicit intention. A focused intention activates consciousness and produces beneficial shifts in the qi and electromagnetic energy fields associated with health and wellbeing – this energy can then be transmitted over great distances for an efficient yet holistic healing experience.

As part of an in-remote healing session, healers must also practice energetic protection. This can be accomplished by visualising an invisible shield surrounding their bodies to ward off negative energies from entering. Healers should regularly check their own energy levels so as not to deplete themselves during sessions.

Though distance healing might sound strange, it can be an effective way to enhance both your physical and emotional wellbeing. Distance healing can reduce stress levels, improve sleep patterns and enhance emotional stability – as well as help break through any spiritual blockages you might be facing – ultimately drawing you closer to discovering your true spiritual self and unlocking all of its potential.


Remote energy healing sessions can be an efficient and safe solution to emotional or physical imbalances. To make them most beneficial, both parties involved need to establish clear intentions with one another as well as providing a relaxed space for their session. Furthermore, having access to high-speed Wi-Fi internet connection or streaming data plan works effectively; using headset with microphone will increase sound quality for better personal interaction between healer and client, enabling both of you to focus on energies and intentions during session.

Wellness practitioners have increasingly turned to tele-healing, or online video consultations, as a means of reaching more clients and building trust relationships. Telehealing has grown increasingly popular and can be especially useful for people without enough time or resources to visit a practitioner in person.

This paper utilizes various data sources to investigate the potential for integration between healers and biomedical health workers. Observations was carried out both at biomedical clinics as well as in homes of healers in Northern Ghana; semi-structured interviews were held with 20 registered healers and 15 biomedical health staff; fifteen informal/unstructured interviews were also conducted.

Results of the study demonstrate that successful integration initiatives depend on developing positive interpersonal relationships between healers and biomedical health staff. Healers who know biomedical health workers as colleagues are more likely to refer patients their clinics, something which is especially vital in places like Northern Ghana where greeting is a social norm. Other recommendations for integration include training healers, providing appropriate forms of appreciation/recognition, providing aid and equipment, and conducting communication campaigns that support integration while encouraging behavioural changes among biomedical staff. All these measures are cost-effective and can be implemented locally – they simply require sustained commitment and support from all parties involved to establish an enduring system for integration.
