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Remote Tesla Healing Energy

Tesla’s alternating current polyphase system made wireless transmission of electrical power possible and opened the way for remote controlled robots, x-ray equipment, efficient lighting solutions and medical therapy treatments.

Anya travels the globe training people in Tesla Metamorphosis, a healing modality which places users into contact with Tesla Waves – PIP cameras show these waves to be purple in hue, unique to this modality of healing.

Physiological Effects

As a young man, Tesla could often work up to eighteen hours every day and seven days per week with less than five hours of restful sleep each night. His extraordinary work schedule continued into adulthood; only illness or family tragedies could derail it.

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He devoted much of his efforts and energies to numerous research projects, such as developing a wireless power transmission system, bladeless turbine engine, electric motor, fluid diodes, theory of electrical healing between body and mind as well as lecturing on many technical and scientific subjects to the public. In total he delivered more than thirty public lectures about various technical and scientific subjects.

At one of his lectures, Tesla charged himself with hundreds of thousands of volts of high frequency alternating current from a large transformer that he held in his hand. Despite the extreme level of voltage and radiation surrounding him, Tesla was unaffected and was even able to hold metal objects that were being charged while charging himself simultaneously while lighting bulbs thirty feet apart!

This incident led him to discover resonance as a natural principle. Like snowballs rolling down hills and growing to enormous size, even small forces could initiate and unleash unseen forces within nature, completely altering his future experimentations. This realization profoundly altered its course.


Tesla was fascinated with harnessing solar rays, wind power and gravitational potential as sources of sustainable energy production. Realizing that conventional electricity generation – using limited supplies of coal and wood as the energy sources – would eventually exhaust nature’s resources, Tesla set about discovering alternative means of producing energy which were more ecological.

Tesla observed lightning and discovered in 1893 that any disruption in earth’s electric state caused thunder and lightning, along with vibrations which produced thunder. This discovery convinced him of using natural phenomena like this to transmit intelligence and electricity across long distances without using wires.

Psychological Effects

Many have been amazed at Tesla’s remarkable abilities to move things with his mind. For instance, he could charge metal in his hand as well as unconnected light bulbs thirty feet away with two hundred thousand volts of high frequency alternating current without harming either object – making him appear almost magical! Additionally, Tesla claimed that he could transmit information wirelessly over long distances.

His laboratory was equipped with various forms and sizes of Tesla coils and high-frequency transformers that he employed to disrupt the natural electric state of Earth, disrupt intelligence transmission over long distances without wires, and send out signals with resonant frequencies that were received by receivers around the globe.

He accomplished these feats due to his immense energy. This enabled him to work an exhausting schedule of eighteen hours daily seven days a week with minimal sleep and still perform his duties without becoming exhausted or mentally weak. This pattern continued throughout his life without ever debilitating him physically or mentally.

Tesla made many discoveries and inventions during these years that were both practical and psychological. His primary inventions focused on electricity and communication; his major projects included wireless communication and lighting systems. Furthermore, he created the Telautomaton: an electronic device capable of linking body to mind.

He had an intense spiritual nature and was deeply influenced by Eastern religions’ teachings, viewing himself as an “unseen messenger”.

Tesla believed that the universe contained vast, cosmic energies which could be harnessed and utilized for positive change on Earth. To access these forces, he prescribed a strict diet with emphasis on plant life; moderation in habits; as well as avoidance of evil forces such as ignorance, malice, delusions religious fanaticism and warfare.

Spiritual Effects

Many of Tesla’s discoveries were spiritual in nature. This can be seen by his extraordinary abilities, visionary insights, and unique awareness of a higher order – including clairvoyance, prophecy, inner travel and clairvoyant-prophet. Many believe he was acting as a vessel for an evolutionary force to move mankind forward into an incredible future.

As a young man in Croatia, Nikola Tesla was inspired by nature’s phenomenon known as the “snowball effect”. This observed phenomenon revealed to Tesla how small snowballs tossed down a mountain could grow enormously as they made their journey down. This proved that, if only appropriate vibrations could be struck at precisely the right moment, enormous hidden forces could be released and transformed into energy; becoming the basis for his experimental work.

At his peak of experimentation, Tesla would sleep only two to three hours each night and work seven days a week without stopping for rest or breaks. Due to his remarkable concentration and visualization abilities, Tesla rarely made mistakes with his work; rather he understood every aspect of it without ever needing notes for projects or research; his assistants would often report him appearing motionless as though in a trance while working.

On one occasion, Tesla received news that his mother was dying and immediately traveled to be at her bedside. Awakening to realize his mother had passed on profoundly altered his perspective; he saw how his electrical inventions contributed to peaceful progress for mankind.

Tesla was determined to use his discoveries for the benefit of humanity, and saw his wireless world transmission system as being instrumental in this pursuit.

As Tesla made his way toward this goal, he realized he must recharge himself with immense amounts of electricity – attaching a large coil that consumed over 250,000 volts – was necessary. By attaching such an external device – which consumed two hundred thousand volts – to his body he was able to demonstrate the transmission of pictures telegraphically and sounds by devices over thirty feet apart that weren’t physically connected; and also demonstrate how incandescent light bulbs illuminated even though they weren’t switched on!

Emotional Effects

Tesla had an undeniably magnetic personality, drawing people from all backgrounds together. He inspired generations to explore new fields of knowledge while his unique energy waves often healed or restored health in many.

He possessed an enormous intellectual capacity and worked at an astounding rate, remembering all that appeared before his eyes including foreign languages. He would read late into the night or go a whole day without sleeping!

Tesla focused his immense mental and physical energies on one project or research area at a time. Often working nonstop for weeks or even months at a time – only interrupted by family or health issues – his uncompromising schedule allowed for significant discoveries like his polyphase wireless world transmission system invention.

Tesla had realized at this point that he had discovered the fundamental principle of electrical vibration at Earth’s resonant frequency, enabling him to use electrical machines that generated and transmitted power telegraphically around the globe. Furthermore, his discovery provided for radar, refrigeration, x-ray technology, as well as foresaw other future devices used today for everyday life such as transmission pictures via telephones dictaphones electrotherapy and sterilization devices.

As he reached his fifties, physical inventions began to play less of an integral role in his life. Over time, they gave way to public presentations of ideas and inventions from him; his research into polyphase wireless communication systems began giving way to more spiritual concerns.

He became increasingly fascinated with electrical healing and transmitting ideas through psychic mediums. By the late nineteenth century, Tesla’s ideas had gained acceptance by some physicists who engaged in experiments involving mesmerism and psychical communication between mind and body; some believed electromagnetic waves passed through an “ether” which pervaded all matter – his telautomaton being one such manifestation.


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