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Sagi Remote Healing Download

Sagi proves that healing nonlocally at a distance is no mere magic trick but an actual quantum science whose effects can be monitored and verified. Drawing upon Ervin Laszlo’s Akashic information field, she shows how diagnose and transmit healing information via photographs, dowsing with geometric symbols, homeopathy and chakras.

What is Remote Healing?

Energy healing has emerged as an invaluable means of supporting holistic health and wellness. Commonly known as nonlocal healing, remote energy healing allows practitioners to provide treatments directly from home. Energy healing offers numerous advantages, including increased physical and emotional well-being, energy increases levels, spiritual expansion and personal transformation.

At a remote energy healing session, the healer will enter a state of meditation which allows them to make an intuitive connection with their client – either in person or over the phone – before beginning channeling light into his or her soul and light body, something which works equally well with people and animals alike. Healers will often also use higher frequency frequencies themselves or chimes or singing bowls as tools to rid themselves of negative energies that don’t serve them and their clients’ well-being.

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Distance healing works on the assumption that everything in the universe is connected through vibration and frequency – known as quantum entanglement – which allows practitioners to send energy directly to clients regardless of physical distance between them. Sessions usually focus on sending healing energy towards a specific chakra or energetic center in the body.

People often report that remote healing sessions help them feel less stress, anxiety and depression. Others find relief from chronic pain relief; symptoms reduction; as well as improved sleep quality.

Energy healing should not be seen as a replacement for conventional medicine; rather, it can complement it and hasten recovery processes – especially if an acute condition requires immediate medical intervention.


Research and anecdotal evidence support distance healing as an energy therapy modality. While some may remain skeptical about it, its growing popularity suggests it should be given a chance. No longer is distance healing reserved solely for powerful shamans – now, its scientific technique can be taught.

How to Do a Remote Healing

Distance healing operates under the principle that energy can be transmitted with focussed intention, just as music can lift our mood or pull at our emotions even from thousands of miles away.

Healing sessions begin by selecting peaceful spaces without distractions for their sessions, using meditation techniques or relaxation methods to deepen concentration and prepare them. Each session becomes an intricate dance between healer and recipient as their energies meet each other while aligning their intentions.

Once both healer and client have prepared for their session, they communicate via Zoom, Skype or another video chat service such as Video Call. A high-speed internet connection is important to avoid interruptions caused by network lag.

During the session, a healer channels energy towards an object or photo that best represents their client. By channeling their heart’s energy towards this proxy, a person can release any negative patterns or traumas holding them back, as well as receive soul clearing to release old contracts, agreements, blockages or cords that hinder progress forward.

Clients should relax both their physical and energetic bodies by lying or sitting comfortably and closing their eyes to allow positive changes to take place in their qi and electromagnetic fields. Energy flow may feel like warm breeze of warm air flowing over their bodies or an expansion of consciousness; with results including improved health, vitality and well-being; this process may also foster greater self-understanding, personal growth and higher perception.

How to Perform a Remote Healing

Are You an Experienced Healer? You should already be familiar with the process of conducting remote healing sessions. In person or via zoom, it’s crucial that both parties chose an environment where they can focus solely on healing goals without distractions – this includes having access to high speed internet so as to avoid interruptions due to network lag.

Once they’ve created an ideal space, healers are ready to begin channeling energy towards their client. This might involve clearing their space of any negative energies and tuning into their vibrational frequencies; some healers use chants, the symbol for HSZSN or Reiki mantra (recommended in Divine Healing Hands) or Reiki mantra (also recommended) in order to tap into oneness and transmit healing from heart to heart.

They will ask their client to lie or sit comfortably and close their eyes before initiating relaxation techniques to help their mind and body unwind, while the healer channels positive waves of energy into them.

The healer will then clear and cleanse their client’s energetic field of any old patterns, traumas, agreements, cords or contracts that are impeding progress in their lives. With clear energy at play, manifesting what they desire will become easier.


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