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The Effectiveness of Remote Healing Work

Remote healing work has long aroused interest. From scientific to spiritual perspectives, various aspects can be taken into consideration when considering this practice.

I hope that in this blog post I can demystify distant energy healing sessions from various perspectives. Whether you are new to energy healing or already experienced, this information may prove beneficial for all parties involved.

1. Setting the Stage

Remote healing is a versatile, holistic practice that can serve multiple functions. It can improve physical well-being by soothing bodily pains, help heal emotional wounds from past traumas or recent heartbreaks, or correct spiritual imbalances. Furthermore, remote healing provides an avenue of positivity during times of intense stress or anxiety and maintains a healthy vibrational frequency for your wellbeing.

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Workspace Healing works on the principle that human energy and intention can be transmitted across physical distances like radio waves or Wi-Fi signals. A healer acts as a channel for this energy to travel into the universal field which connects us all, where it will then flow into their soul or light body where it can continue pulsing throughout their energy system.

At the core of successful remote energy healing lies true intention. Both healer and recipient must remain fully present with their intent for each session and without any blocks or resistance that might interfere with its outcomes. A healer must be able to achieve a meditative state that transcends boundaries between self and higher consciousness allowing them to access higher self and channel healing energy into clients for transformational change in their lives.

As the recipient, you should prepare by being in an undisturbed space where you can relax fully and open yourself up for this experience. Meditation, deep breathing or other relaxation techniques may be employed here. Meanwhile, your healer should connect their energies and tune into the intention of the session by either using a photo of their recipient or entering their designated healing space.


Energy healing should not be approached as a cure-all; rather, its goal should be restoring your natural flow of energy and realigning it with your divine purpose. Energy healing is a spiritual practice which demands trust, commitment and giving up the ego in order to experience its transformative effects – which explains why many people — including some medical professionals — remain skeptical of distant healing work.

2. Preparing for the Session

Remote healing work requires high concentration and focus. Therefore, it is crucial that you prepare both your energy and mind prior to each session so it will be as productive as possible. In addition, ensure there is enough time and a distraction-free space available so your healing session goes as smoothly as possible.

Clear your energy field and create a sacred space of love and higher light by invoking an energetic cleansing session and clearing away negative energies from your field, and focusing on positive ones instead. It may also be beneficial to utilize energetic protection techniques during sessions by visualising a shield of light around yourself and your client in order to filter out negative or draining energies from around us both. It is wise to regularly assess yourself to assess emotional wellbeing and energy levels, adjust boundaries or seek support when necessary.

The session itself can take place through various means, including Skype/Zoom/video call/photo of client (ideal for those not comfortable with face-to-face sessions). Prior to beginning any healing session it is vital that a conversation takes place between client and healer regarding any areas or concerns you want addressed in session, which will enable your healer to tailor healing specifically to you and ensure maximum benefit is derived from each healing experience.

Once the session commences, your client will be directed to lie down or sit comfortably in an environment designed for relaxation and healing. They may need to close their eyes and take several deep breaths in order to clear their energy field and release any issues which are hindering them from becoming their best selves. This opportunity provides them with an invaluable chance for personal transformation.

As soon as healing energy begins to flow, your client should experience deep relaxation and well-being as they open themselves up to receiving positive life force energy that will nourish both their soul and light body bringing about real and long-term change.

3. During the Session

As its name implies, remote healing sessions take place without both client and practitioner being present at once. Instead, the healer sits quietly without distractions to set an intention and channel universal life force energy into their recipient’s energy field, healing as they go.

Energy work often feels like a soothing breeze or gentle pressure on shoulders and chest, or it may move through your entire body to provide healing and cleansing at a cellular level. Energy therapy has helped address chronic pain, stress and anxiety levels, digestive issues, insomnia, genitourinary issues, low self esteem issues, confusion regarding life purpose as well as physical ailments like smoking, alcoholism or drug dependency as well as negative thought patterns etc.

Once the healer and recipient have aligned their intentions, a delicate dance ensues where both allow healing to happen. Energy flows freely throughout their beings and releases any old or limiting patterns of behavior.

Not only will healing take place through intention alone; sometimes healing also comes about with tools such as radionic machines equipped with lists of ailments and associated “healing dials”, crystal wands or simply holding out a classical pendulum to inquire “Does this person need healing?”.

As part of the healing process, it is vital that both healer and recipient remain fully present and aware of what is transpiring. This can be accomplished by remaining focused in the present moment and noting any physical or emotional changes as the process unfolds. Furthermore, it is crucial that healers maintain clear consciousness throughout so as not to allow their ego interfere with energy flows.

Staying in a clear consciousness helps healers stay open and receptive to guidance from Spirit, providing an openness that facilitates non local correlations; that is, events occurring elsewhere can have an impactful impact on them as if they were together in one room.

4. Post-Session

A healing session involves exchanging energy between healer and client. This type of work draws inspiration from quantum physics’ belief that the human energy field can be harnessed to transmit focused intentions across physical distances. Energy from healers is channeled toward their recipients via tapping into natural connections between biofield and biofield – similar to how wifi routers send radio waves out across networks – where it then flows freely in their body, improving both health and well-being.

Distance healing requires clear intentions from both parties involved; for it to work effectively, both must focus their energies inward, with the healer thinking about what they would like to heal while the recipient feels the energy as a strong vibration of love from it.

One of the keys to successful remote healing sessions lies in setting a positive tone from the outset and anticipating expected outcomes and results. Achieve this will also help eliminate any doubts that may surface during or after your session; these could block its flow and prevent its benefits from manifesting fully.

Keep in mind that everyone experiences healing differently; some report warmth in different areas of their body, tingling sensations, energy flow through them and feeling weightlessness (similar to when someone unburdens themselves of something heavy), while others don’t notice any sensation at all. All these sensations are helpful indicators that healing is taking place, yet their experience is not necessary in order for a session to be successful.

If you are curious about energy healing, there are numerous resources online and in person available. Practitioners also provide Skype and telephone sessions and will teach how to use intention as a powerful means for self-healing from within your own home.


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