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The Reiki Remote Healing Symbol

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is the symbol of distance healing used in Reiki. This symbol transcends both time and space to deliver energy wherever needed around the globe.

Reiki energy can be sent outward, to people, places or situations on a physical, emotional or spiritual level. Reiki practitioners work best when they can connect with the energy field of their recipient.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is one of the three symbols attuned to Reiki practitioners at the second level, along with Cho Ku Rei and Sei He Ki. This powerful distance healing symbol allows Reiki practitioners to send energy healing energy directly to a distant location – ideal for supporting healing relationships, mending emotional wounds, and building a harmonious life with our universe.

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When using this symbol, it is recommended to start by visualizing its seven sides and five lines in your mind’s eye to access its full potential. Vibrations sent from this symbol can then be directed toward any area or person as desired – including past situations as well as future ones to bridge time-space gaps.

This symbol can help send energy to those who have passed, reinvigorating their spirits and helping them move on peacefully with life. Additionally, its energy can bring comfort to loved ones grieving the death of someone dear or who have been treated unfairly in the past; providing powerful spiritual forgiveness acts with lasting positive ramifications.

Utilizing this symbol can also help those who are anxious about the future, such as job interviews, exams, medical treatments and similar events. It will help calm nerves and prepare them to face these situations with confidence. Furthermore, its vibration can also be sent through one’s aura, helping them find equilibrium among all aspects of their being.


When ready to send energy towards another, begin by drawing the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in a quiet place that won’t disturb you, in order to focus on your intention for this healing session and channel energy effectively. Visualize yourself sending healing energy towards them or visualize seeing them enveloped by it all at once in your mind’s eye.

How to Use

Energy healing sessions typically occur in person; however, many practitioners now offer remote or distant Reiki as an additional complement. Reiki is a gentle yet noninvasive therapy which works to clear away blocks in your body and bring balance back into your system; therefore it is particularly helpful for those living far away from practitioners or cannot receive hands-on healing sessions themselves.

HSZSN is one of three symbols attuned to Reiki 2 students (Chop Ku Rei and Sei Hei Ki have already been discussed) used to send energy across distance. It serves as a homing device, directing Reiki energy towards its source either within this life or even to past lives or higher dimensions.

One can use the Reiki distance healing symbol on themselves or others – including animals and plants. To ensure maximum benefit from it all, it should be sent with good intentions, directed toward places or spaces which would benefit. Energy will quickly absorb into those receiving it; for maximum results it’s helpful to prepare recipients by asking them to release negative past memories while welcoming in positive changes occurring now.

For distance reiki sessions, simply visualize yourself or someone else in your mind as the recipient and their higher self will connect and allow you to send their highest good. Or you could draw the symbol on an index card and state your intention for healing a specific area; this could especially benefit those trying to break unhealthy habits as it takes 21 days (some sources state this number as being accurate) before any change takes place – thus sending energy daily is an effective way of supporting their journey!

One method involves placing a picture of the individual or situation into your dominant hand palm and invoking reiki distant healing symbol three times over it, similar to when sending Reiki healing for events that took place in the past – this approach can also help those struggling with forgiving and accepting events that occurred previously. Furthermore, energy can also be sent forward in time, helping bring about positive outcomes in the present or future.


Utilizing the distant healing symbol allows you to send Reiki at a distance. This is ideal when working with people located far from you or helping them heal themselves remotely from another location. This symbol may also be used on people, animals, places, events and things from either past, present and future times.

Healing energy can also be used to bring balance back into your energy field by clearing away negative energies such as fear and anger from your life, aiding trauma recovery while creating more equilibrium in life and relieving addictions from holding you hostage.

HSZSN can also be used to create an energetic shield around yourself to block negative energy and electromagnetic pollution, whether working alone or with another person. Simply draw this symbol in the air around you to activate it – making HSZSN one of the most potent Reiki symbols and helping bring you closer to spiritual enlightenment.

Use of the Reiki distant healing symbol can create an energetic bridge from your heart to those needing healing. All it takes to use it effectively is writing down their name or event with their symbol on paper and folding it up for transmission to them – perfect for supporting victims of disasters or sending healing energy directly to world leaders or the general population during times of conflict.

Reiki remote healing symbols can also help heal past experiences by sending energy back to their source. For instance, if you were ever subjected to abuse or experienced something unpleasant in the past, using these symbols you could put down a sheet of paper with their name on it and draw a distant healing symbol on it and use this energy healing practice on them; sending energy healing through them that would heal their energy that has been created by such incidents.


Reiki practitioners cannot diagnose or treat specific diseases; however, energy healing such as Reiki can serve as a complement to traditional medical approaches and be combined with other healing practices for an alternative form of care that has no known side effects. If medication or other therapies don’t seem like enough an answer, consider trying Reiki instead; its noninvasive energy healing technique could offer some relief!

Reiki can also be used for remote sessions with patients who cannot physically come in for treatments. There are various types of distance Reiki sessions, but all involve connecting energetically with the client through intention and visualization – something made possible thanks to the Reiki remote healing symbol which transmits energy across space and time.

This symbol can be used to channel Reiki energy into any area of our past, present, and future experiences as well as cleansing neighborhoods or geographic locations. It works by healing our etheric field that encompasses both past experiences as well as potential future ones.

One of the main purposes of this symbol is to help individuals heal from traumas such as sexual or other forms of emotional abuse, since such forms can have lasting impacts on a victim’s physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Therefore, as a society it’s crucial that we take steps to enhance laws surrounding domestic violence as well as providing more resources for organizations working with victims of abuse.

Reiki power symbols can help to harmonize relationships among friends, lovers, family members, co-workers and so forth. Reiki can soothe emotional disturbances while providing us with insight into other perspectives – however it must be remembered that reiki does not aim at controlling or changing people, but works instead for their highest good.

Another way this symbol can help is by placing it on paper or books and asking Reiki energy to assist in understanding them more quickly and easily. You could even place it on food to bless it and help your body absorb it better.


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