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What is Remote Energy Healing?

remote energy healing

Distance energy healing involves sending vibrational energy across physical spaces to promote someone’s wellbeing without their being present physically. It works through quantum physics principles – specifically entanglement.

Research suggests remote energy healing sessions may be just as effective as in-person treatments.

How It Works

Energy healing is a potency tool, using vibrational energies to promote health and well-being. These vibrational frequencies can travel across physical spaces to connect with someone, no matter their distance from you – creating an invisible bridge of positive vibes between two people.

Since ancient history, various civilizations have shared one fundamental belief: all is energy. Referred to variously as “chi” in Chinese traditions, “prana” in Indian spirituality or “ki” in Japanese practices, this life force powers remote energy healing sessions.

Remote energy healing sessions typically take place via telephone or Skype with clients sitting comfortably at home or work. To make the session as effective as possible, it’s essential that recipients are open and accepting of this experience – this may involve practicing mindfulness meditation techniques prior to receiving their healing session.

Energy healers begin by setting aside space in which to focus their own energies, with the intention of connecting with their receiver. Both parties then sync their focus and intentions together, visualizing a connection being made between them – an auspicious moment that sets the foundation for successful distant energy healing sessions.

Once connected, a healer will start transmitting vibrational energy directly into the recipient. This experience is generally noninvasive and the recipient may or may not feel anything at all depending on their personal energy levels. The process typically lasts an hour during which clients can rest quietly and relax.

Distance healing results can often be seen instantly, and may have profound impacts for some clients. But the true effects may take much longer – perhaps months, weeks, or even years to take hold – due to how long it takes the energetic body to adjust and establish homeostasis following treatment, particularly those focused on releasing trauma stored in physical tissues.

During the Session

Remote energy healing involves both practitioner and healee not being in the same physical location. A healer will create a sacred space using intention, visualization techniques and Reiki symbols to connect with the energy field of their healee and assess any imbalances or blockages that need attention. They then channel healing energy from their hands into their healee’s energy field by amplifying it using these symbols – some may experience sensations such as warmth, tingling or deep relaxation while other may only notice emotional or thought shifts as the session lasts anywhere from 60-90 minutes.

After their healing session, the healee should rest and drink plenty of water to flush their system clean of any accumulated toxins. They will also take time to journal or reflect upon what happened during and as a result of the session.

Energy healing sessions might seem like mere entertainment at first, but they have proven powerful and effective over time. Although it has never been scientifically tested, energy healing does not rely on faith alone but rather relies on energy’s ability to travel over distance as it would with someone physically present.

Many individuals seek energy healing for various reasons, ranging from physical discomfort or emotional distress, to feeling disconnected from themselves. These issues are usually the result of imbalances within energy centers, stress or unresolved emotions.

Energy healing works to clear these energies and restore equilibrium to body, mind and spirit. Changes may be subtle or dramatic depending on each person’s healing needs; regardless, these sessions are powerful steps toward inner peace, serenity and self-discovery.

One of the most frequently asked questions is whether energy healing should be considered prayer. While Reiki uses divine energy, its benefits don’t require its recipient to subscribe to a specific faith system in order to reap its advantages. Instead, Reiki can be used for any situation, person, or event requiring help and guidance from outside sources and offers an effective tool for asking God for assistance and direction from above.

The Benefits

Many people envision energy healing sessions taking place between healer and client in person; however, remote energy healing offers another method that may prove equally as effective.

Remote energy healing utilizes universal life force to balance and align energies within a person or animal’s body, mind and spirit. It has the ability to alleviate many symptoms and concerns ranging from physical pain, depression anxiety to low energy levels; ultimately helping to increase overall well-being for its clientele.

Clients of energy medicine sessions should relax comfortably in an ideal location and focus on breathing deeply to open up their energy field. In addition, clients are instructed to visualise a protective shield of light around themselves with the aim of filtering out negative energies and blocking any draining influences. Healers should regularly evaluate their own energetic state and emotional wellbeing before making necessary adjustments as necessary; additionally they can practice form of energetic protection such as visualising a white light shield that shields from unwanted or excessive healing energy; making sure not to become depleted during sessions.

Though further study on remote energy healing is warranted, initial results from this descriptive study show that virtual energy healing was an effective form of therapy and clients reported having positive experiences and would do it again in future sessions. Although this study provides positive findings, its lack of a control group and standard measures has been raised as potential weaknesses by some critics as potential vulnerabilities to its integrity. Furthermore, its convenience sample could have compromised results and possibly altered them accordingly. At times, spiritual perspectives of participants may have affected their descriptions and results. Despite these limitations, this research remains valid and useful; adding to current literature about remote healing and providing resources to other practitioners and researchers. Furthermore, it could encourage more individuals to utilize alternative medicine treatments for their health needs.
