Remote Reiki Healing, commonly referred to as distant or absentee Reiki, allows practitioners to transmit spiritual energy across distance. This technique takes the principle that energy doesn’t respect time and space a step further.
Sessions can be conducted via telephone or video chat (Zoom, Facetime etc) while the client either lies down or sits comfortably during treatment sessions, lasting around 30-60 minutes each time.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an energy healing practice designed to balance and restore balance to both body and emotions, encouraging physical and emotional well-being. Noninvasive and practiced around the globe, Reiki practitioners use their hands to channel universal life energy called Ki that flows throughout all living organisms – using it on clients in various positions such as head, chest, stomach back feet. Clients frequently report feeling heat cold buzzing or tingling sensations at points where energy transfer occurs.
Reiki sessions often leave people feeling more balanced, with some reporting less physical symptoms like pain or anxiety afterward. Furthermore, Reiki helps support mental and spiritual healing by helping clients release negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs from within themselves.
At each session, the practitioner creates a safe space for their client before entering a meditative state to connect with energy. They may use an attunement initiation ritual which opens channels so universal life energy may flow freely through them; these channels remain open for as long as necessary and enable healing and receiving support.
Practitioners also utilize symbols as part of their practice to focus, intensify and facilitate healing processes. Each symbol corresponds to specific healing intentions, life force frequencies or properties associated with healing that aid the practitioner’s efforts. A practitioner can send Reiki energy directly to someone or situation using distant healing – this crosses time and space allowing energy to reach any place at any point in time or space.
Reiki treatments have been reported as helping heal everything from headaches to heart disease. It should be remembered, however, that Reiki should not be seen as a replacement for professional medical or psychological advice; rather it serves as a complementary therapy that complements other treatments – with some even using regular Reiki sessions to overcome addictions.
What is Distance Healing?
Reiki practitioners use the universal life force (or Reiki energy) to balance the chakras (energy centers) in the body, clearing away any blockages that might be causing discomfort or distress. This form of energetic healing does not require direct physical contact between practitioner and client; instead they use intention and visualization techniques to transfer healing energy directly to recipients, providing them with spiritual, emotional and physical wellness regardless of location.
Distance healing can be an effective alternative to in-person sessions for those who prefer it or live too far from a practitioner, as well as those suffering from pain, anxiety, stress and fatigue. It has proven particularly successful for these ailments.
Energy healers employ many approaches to facilitate distance healing sessions, with the most popular one involving connecting with their client via phone or video chat, then sending energy with focused intent through their hands. They may also visualize chakras to release any blocked energy and promote positive flow throughout their bodies and being.
When booking a session for yourself, a loved one, or yourself and another individual it is crucial that an hour be set aside for this process. Make sure you’re in an uninterrupted space where there are no distractions so that you can fully relax during this session. Your practitioner should typically prepare themselves in their own designated space by tuning into energies and setting their intentions prior to meeting with you for their session.
Once the session begins, you should find a comfortable position and close your eyes. Energy will then transfer from the practitioner’s hands into your being and you should experience a gentle yet warming sensation as it flows throughout you. Some practitioners may need to touch you at certain points during the session while others don’t require this interaction at all.
Many individuals find that distance healing can help ease pain, decrease anxiety and boost overall wellbeing. It may especially prove helpful for individuals dealing with illness, grieving the loss of loved ones or looking to create balance and wellness in their lives.
How Does Distance Healing Work?
Energy healing might seem mysterious, but it’s actually an ancient practice with numerous scientifically supported benefits. Reiki sessions work by connecting two people through vibrational energy regardless of physical proximity; acting like an invisible bridge of positive vibes between them.
At a session, practitioners use visualization and intention to send energy towards their recipient. They may focus on either themselves, their energy field, or another surrogate person representing them (e.g. a loved one). The aim is relaxation – you may experience warmth, tingling or peace as signs that the energy is working effectively.
Many people turn to Reiki therapy for various reasons, from chronic pain or infertility issues, relationship tension or spiritual guidance. What most seek is an inner guidance connection as they strive to balance emotional health and energy healing.
At a typical session, clients typically lie down comfortably and close their eyes. The environment should be free from distractions; soft lighting or soothing music might help facilitate further relaxation into the experience and heighten feelings of wellbeing.
While doing your healing session, it’s wise to keep your phone off or on silent so as to prevent notifications that could interfere. Aim for at least half an hour of peaceful contemplation but take as long as needed – whatever works for you is fine!
Recipients should be prepared to let go of any negative feelings and emotions that surface, as these can often be due to blockages in their energetic body. Furthermore, engaging in self-care practices that assist the healing process – for example mindfulness or journaling practices can provide invaluable support.
Some individuals may naturally possess the ability to practice distance healing; however, for optimal safety and results it’s advisable to receive training by an accredited professional. You might like to attend an energy healing training course at Mindvalley where you can learn a range of healing modalities to transform your life.
How Can I Get a Distance Healing Session?
At a distance Reiki session, the practitioner connects to their client’s energy system energetically and channels healing energy regardless of physical location – something made possible because energy knows no bounds.
Energy healing can provide effective solutions for various issues, from chronic pain and emotional trauma, to relationship difficulties and difficulties. Energy healing promotes relaxation which allows your body to release tension, ease discomfort and pain, as well as helping it heal itself by clearing any blockages and supporting our natural innate abilities.
People seek distance Reiki healing sessions for various reasons. Some seek a more peaceful lifestyle; others need guidance in listening to their intuition and finding purposeful living; some need support overcoming serious health conditions like cancer, autoimmune conditions or infertility; yet still others want help breaking karmic patterns that keep them feeling stuck or disassociated from themselves.
Clients in a remote Reiki healing session start off by connecting with their practitioner via video call or phone, discussing what their needs and goals for this session are (e.g. addressing physical/spiritual challenges, relationship issues or health goals). Once connected they rest or meditate during their session which could last as little as 30 minutes up to an hour–sometimes experiencing feelings such as deep relaxation, warmth, tingling sensations, floating sensations and/or oneness similar to in-person treatments; then the practitioner sends energy while checking in periodically with both parties to make sure everyone involved feels comfortable throughout.
Some practitioners also employ the use of an intermediary object such as a teddy bear or pillow as a proxy client and transmit energy into it, then transmitting back out through it directly to them. This technique may be especially helpful for individuals dealing with health issues that prevent them from physically being present for therapy sessions or who don’t wish to directly interact with their practitioner.
Energy healing sessions can be subtle, so it is crucial that clients approach them with an open heart, mind, and body. Furthermore, it is ideal that clients come alone into their session so that they can truly relax and experience it fully. Some clients even report “aha!” moments or connections to loved ones who have passed during these healing sessions which is all part of this beautiful form of work.