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What is Remote Spiritual Healing?

Remote energy healing sessions use universal life force to clear, revitalize and heal. Practitioners utilize visualization and intention to forge a strong energetic link that transcends physical distance.

Quantum physics research supports the notion that energy healing can be effective without an actual healer being present; yet what exactly happens during a session?


Remote energy healing can provide relief to anyone suffering from chronic illness, as well as those looking for extra boost in life. It has long been practiced within spiritual traditions as a healing approach; moreover, its use has also been widely supported by scientific studies which demonstrate its wide array of health benefits.

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Distance healing offers many advantages, not least its ability to remove travel and in-person meetings as obstacles for healing. This makes it ideal for people with limited mobility or who live in remote locations; additionally, traditional therapies may benefit from adding this approach as complementary therapy.

There are various approaches to performing distant healing, with phone or Skype sessions often being the go-to method due to time zone and schedule differences. Another effective strategy for remote healing sessions can include using energetic tools or sacred symbols as these can amplify healing processes and form more integrated fields of healing.

An essential component of remote energy healing is intention. By setting their focus, a practitioner’s intention can direct energy directly towards its recipient, regardless of distance or time constraints. This concept draws from quantum entanglement theory – suggesting all matter and energy are interdependent – or through surrogates such as dolls or photographs, or through friends and family members acting as intermediaries.


Distance spiritual healing offers several advantages, including improving physical wellness and relieving pain or discomfort while also restoring emotional equilibrium. Furthermore, this form of therapy can enhance mental clarity and spiritual balance as well as heal past traumas or recent heartbreaks – particularly helpful for people dealing with grief or sadness. Furthermore, this healing method can reduce anxiety levels, help with sleep quality improvement, replace negative patterns of behavior with healthier positive ones, decrease depression levels and heighten feelings of peace and tranquility.


At a remote spiritual healing session, the healer connects to their client’s energy field and releases healing energy. They may use techniques such as guided visualization or relaxation to help their client access inner healing resources; or energetic tools like sacred symbols to amp up this healing power.

Remote sessions differ from in-person ones in that they don’t require physical contact between client and therapist; this gives clients more freedom, as healing can occur from their homes or offices without incurring additional travel expenses. Furthermore, these sessions provide continuity of care as sessions can be repeated as needed.

Remote spiritual healing offers numerous advantages, including improved overall wellbeing, balanced chakras, and the elimination of emotional blocks. It can also ease stress and anxiety as well as promote sleep; furthermore it has been used successfully to treat various conditions, including chronic pain, insomnia and cancer.

Remote healing sessions may even prove more successful than in-person ones; one client who received remote healing was even able to avoid surgery on their mitral valve prolapse thanks to this session.

One of the key ingredients of successful remote healing sessions lies in setting clear and focused intentions. Both parties involved should set positive intentions to facilitate healing during each session.

Additionally, both healer and client should practice energetic protection. Both should envision an energetic shield of light around them to ward off negative or draining influences; additionally, both should regularly assess their own energy states and emotional responses during sessions to make sure neither one are being depleted of vitality.

Finally, both healer and client should prepare their energy bodies by clearing away any obstacles from their chakras, to allow healing energy to freely flow to its destination areas. Both parties should relax by closing their eyes to allow energy into their subtle bodies.

While many forms of alternative healing are hard to prove, research has demonstrated that distant energy healing can effectively alleviate pain and anxiety. Furthermore, its holistic approach takes into account physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing – thus making it suitable for everyone.


Energy healers frequently ask clients what their intentions are during a remote Soul Healing and Clearing session, and it is extremely important that these intentions be set with purity so as to receive maximum benefit from each session. When setting intentions, make sure yours focus on your desired results such as increased relaxation or shifting perspectives; you may even include goals related to spiritual development like helping others in service of yourself or volunteering yourself as service to society.

Distance healing may seem like an obscure or unconventional practice, but research shows its efficacy is becoming more scientifically established. Researchers have discovered that energy and intention can travel across physical barriers, enabling a healer to impact another person regardless of where they reside. This concept draws heavily upon quantum physics which investigates energy at its smallest possible scales.

Intentions can be powerful tools that have far-reaching ramifications on living systems – including humans. Our prayers, wishes, meditation or thoughts may have an effect on health and wellbeing; studies on the placebo effect have demonstrated this phenomenon.

Recent quantum physics research has provided further evidence of the healing power of intentions, with particular reference to non-locality theory demonstrating how particles of energy can connect instantaneously regardless of physical distance between them. This theory challenges traditional notions of time and space and indicates there may be deeper connections among all living beings than was once believed.

Setting a healing intention helps align the energies between healer and client, creating an energetic bridge across physical boundaries. Furthermore, setting an intention can serve as a powerful way to self-heal and increase vibrational frequency of one’s own energy field; helping you become more present, reduce anxiety levels and ultimately enhance quality of life.

Time zones

Remote energy healing sessions can be performed over the phone or internet from thousands of miles away, just as effectively. Scientists and parapsychology researchers have observed that nonlocal quantum physics principles apply to human consciousness as a whole – this principle even accounts for identical twins separated at birth yet still have many shared lifestyle, marital statuses, experiences etc. It is these same principles which govern remote energy healing sessions as well.


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