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Resonance Repatterning Therapy

Resonance Repatterning (formerly Holographic Repatterning) is an effective method to identify and release energy patterns underlying any pain or limitation, while at the same time clearing away blocks or interruptions in your body-mind field through muscle checking for ON and OFF responses to positive intentions.

Muscle testing (kinesiology) helps identify non-coherent statements, before finding healing methods to address and release them. Many who have tried this process report seeing physical and emotional improvement after receiving a session of this process.

What is Repatterning Therapy?

Resonance Repatterning (formerly Holographic Repatterning) is an efficient, deep system for altering our beliefs that are creating problems or hindering progress in life. By helping shift unconscious patterns that hold you back from moving forward in your pursuits of love, ease, success and peace this profound system can support positive transformation in your life.

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Working through emotions that have become stuck within our physical being and creating disconnection between what we want and what is available, this method works by clearing away emotions that create discord between what is desired and what is available. The process is noninvasive yet highly transformative as it combines Chinese Five Element theory, acupuncture meridians, color therapy magnet therapy and sound therapy into one effective healing and transformational approach that reconnects you to your inborn beauty energy field.

Resonance repatterning practitioners believe that our bodies, thoughts and emotions vibrating waves. When these frequencies align to create harmony within ourselves and attract what is best for our health, happiness and wellbeing, life flows more smoothly; otherwise we struggle to effect positive change and often suffer physical symptoms as a result of being out of sync.

At each session, your practitioner uses applied kinesiology to help identify negative patterns that are holding you back. They’ll ask you to respond to specific questions and statements designed to test muscle response; any weakening indicates your body and mind are resonating with non-coherent patterns that have to do with non-coherence; they then “prescribe” an at-home modality for you to do in order to break free of these non-coherence patterns; they then track progress via phone session follow up sessions or in-person/phone sessions to see progress made since initial intervention has begun.


Resonance repatterning can help with almost every problem you are currently facing – be it money issues, health challenges, relationship difficulties, political or fighting patterns or anything else that is creating stress or discomfort in your life. Furthermore, resonance repatterning may even help clear away past trauma that remains locked up within your body mind system.

Chloe Faith Wordsworth, who developed this therapeutic technique, credits 30 years of searching as she sought a means of altering the unconscious patterns within human energy systems. She describes this therapy method as a combination of Energy Psychology and Medicine which works quickly but gently to resolve past trauma.

How Does Repatterning Therapy Work?

Resonance repatterning is a highly effective process that clears non-coherent patterns of energy from your body/mind/spirit system that are blocking you from experiencing abundance and fulfillment in life. The first step in the process involves making these unconscious patterns conscious so they are easier to alter; then healing modalities are identified that will restore balance back into your energy field, so you can move toward what you seek in your life.

Practitioners use applied kinesiology to identify negative patterns that limit you, muscle-check for positive statements you are ready to let go, and use Mandala options to “prescribe” an at-home modality for you to complete – these could include natural or energetic approaches that could be utilized either personally or remotely over the phone/Skype.

For instance, if you’re struggling in your relationship due to old patterns of abuse from childhood, sessions might include helping you release the belief that you don’t deserve a healthy relationship and moving into a more balanced energetic frequency that facilitates one. By doing this, the old pattern will dissolve while simultaneously opening the possibility for new, healthy patterns to emerge.

Resonance repatterning can also support positive change by freeing yourself of patterns that keep you stuck in an unfulfilling job or career, resolving past traumas, healing grief or clearing inherited family patterns. Sometimes its positive results come as an unexpected surprise: for instance, many clients have reported that chronic headaches or other physical symptoms have vanished after participating in resonance repatterning sessions.

This work is unique in that it applies to everyone, no matter their experience or life journey. This is due to it addressing underlying patterns we all carry from early experiences that manifest themselves later as problems, limitations, or challenges in our daily lives.

What are the Benefits of Repatterning Therapy?

Resonance Repatterning helps you break free of blocks, patterns and beliefs that prevent you from living the life you want by bringing subconscious and energy patterns to conscious awareness. Once addressed they won’t interfere with life anymore and you can move forward more easily with joy and clarity.

Resonance repatterning is an integrative form of healing which uses applied Kinesiology (muscle strength testing) to detect where there is lack of coherence within your energetic field, often manifesting through physical symptoms like headaches, pain or high blood pressure. A session then determines the appropriate healing modality required to return balance and harmony to this part of your life.

As it works with your body, mind, and spirit – including issues from your past that still affect you today – EFT/Tapping can assist in relieving physical symptoms as well as emotions such as trauma. Furthermore, other therapies such as EFT/Tapping or acupuncture or holistic practices may be combined for maximum benefit.

This system for creating positive change is powerful, practical and deeply impactful. Based on the principle that all problems can be seen as energetic patterns that need clearing away, many have experienced breakthroughs during sessions – changing not only their lives but even physical symptoms such as pain and allergies as negative energy patterns have been altered.

An effective session begins by identifying areas needing attention through muscle checking (kinesiology). Once identified, a holographic map is created with statements tailored specifically for these disconnection points and used within the body through different healing modalities, colors and movements to shift and clear them away.

As part of a repatterning session, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and review results of the work. Some clients find this helps integrate changes that have been made into everyday life more easily and make them permanent; doing multiple sessions quickly may produce deeper, longer lasting effects.

How Many Sessions Do I Need to See a Change?

Resonance repatterning therapy is a powerful tool for shifting energy and healing the subconscious patterns that keep us stuck. Whether your health concerns, undiagnosed illnesses, or feeling stuck are inhibiting you, resonance repatterning therapy can help shift that pattern of negativity into positive patterns of resonance that resonate more powerfully within yourself and with those around you. It identifies unconscious negative patterns from early life events or experiences and reprograms your subconscious so you resonate more closely with positive ones.

Resonance repatterning works on the principle that your subconscious mind and physical body are intimately interlinked and each feeling has an energetic effect, in other words thoughts and emotions can alter your body chemistry and manifest as pain, illness or anxiety. Vibrating at lower frequencies leads to unbalanced cells with unhealthier energy which can contribute to disease; vibrating higher frequencies is believed to foster healthier cells with more balanced energy that are healthier overall.

A session consists of the practitioner using applied kinesiology (muscle strength testing) to ascertain what your unique body-mind-spirit system requires for change. This non-invasive, lighthearted approach seeks to identify blocks within your energy field and release them so you can begin functioning at more optimal levels. This process may be conducted either directly with you or remotely over Skype or phone.

Your practitioner will also conduct muscle checks during your session to make sure you no longer resonate with patterns of limitation and are strongly responding to statements of growth. Finally, to support this new pattern of resonance and maintain it during the week following your session they will suggest a Positive Action that you can take.

Goal of these sessions is to break harmful patterns so you can lead a full and happy life, free from struggle or discomfort. They offer opportunities for transformation rather than obstacles; drawing from concepts of new physics, neuroscience and energy psychology for support.


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