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The Benefits of a Resonant Therapy Device

Resonant therapy uses pulsed electromagnetic fields and resonant frequencies to tap into your natural healing potential and unlock innate regenerative potential. These treatments are noninvasive, nonconventional therapies – available exclusively at Regenus Center in East Hanover, New Jersey.

Resonance destruction allows for effective treatment of degenerative and infection diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, cysts and more.

It kills bacteria and viruses

Resonant frequency has proven itself as the most effective means of inactivating viruses and bacteria, as research shows. UHF and SHF electromagnetic waves, specifically UHF and SHF waves can directly inactivate aerosolized or waterborne viruses via Scattered Electromagnetic Radiation (SERT), an effect whereby electromagnetic radiation interacts with viruses to dissipate their energy over a large area. Furthermore, electromagnetic radiation’s effectiveness depends upon both its power density and exposure time – both factors which influence whether electromagnetic radiation inactivates viruses or bacteria depending on whether power density and exposure time alone.

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However, the mechanisms of electromagnetic radiation’s inactivation remain ill-understood. A virus’s small size, lack of cell structure and ability to easily adapt prevent it from being destroyed by electromagnetic waves; furthermore, absorption by polar molecules in its medium can result in significant energy waste that limits effectiveness; however, depending on both type and frequency used the rate of inactivation may vary accordingly.

COVID-19 virus, in particular, has proven itself more vulnerable to high-frequency electromagnetic radiation than other viruses. Researchers using a full-wave EM simulator have discovered specific frequencies which create maximum power deposition within the virus and lead to lethal temperature rise – these findings demonstrate how resonant frequencies may be used as effective tools in killing viruses in various forms.

Future research should focus on clarifying interactions between electromagnetic waves and various types of viruses, and their inactivation by electromagnetic waves. Effects such as resonance spectral resonance mechanisms must also be investigated as they play an integral part in inactivating viruses via electromagnetic waves. Finally, its effectiveness must be tested through clinical trials.


Bio resonance therapy devices work by creating resonant interactions with the selected genome. To achieve this resonance, frequencies must be shifted octaves similar to musical octaves; this adjustment must take place to create resonance between two frequencies and kill microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses; without this adjustment in place, no resonance would exist and thus no positive effects would be observed.

It relieves pain

Resonant therapy is a noninvasive and painless technique involving the application of low-voltage electrical currents to specific parts of the body. Studies have proven its efficacy for treating anxiety, depression, insomnia and chronic pain conditions as well as stimulating specific hormone release to boost natural healing processes – especially beneficial in cases such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis or other joint and muscle conditions.

Resonance therapy is an effective alternative treatment option to opioids and NSAIDs for alleviating pain associated with shingles, headaches, fibromyalgia, and other inflammatory diseases. Furthermore, resonance therapy has also been proven effective at relieving migraines while alleviating fatigue and depression symptoms in sufferers unable to take medications due to health reasons. Resonance therapy could even serve as an appropriate choice if taking medications cannot be tolerated due to other circumstances.

Voice therapy aims to utilize the natural resonances within your vocal tract – comprising of chambers like your mouth and throat – in an efficient and effective manner, in order to improve vocal quality while decreasing strain on the voice. Therapy sessions teach participants how to utilize these chambers more effectively and reduce strain, providing improved vocal quality with reduced strain on the voice. Voice therapy can be an excellent option for singers looking to increase range, power and endurance without risk of injury while decreasing stress or strain on their voices; speakers who desire clear presentations without strain may benefit greatly from voice therapy sessions too; plus it can even assist with common issues like hoarseness or pitch issues!

Resonant frequency therapy’s vibration activates proprioceptors – sensors in muscles that provide information to your brain about where you stand in space – while activating endorphins may provide feelings of relaxation and reduce stress levels, improving posture and balance that may have been compromised due to muscle imbalance.

Microwave resonance therapy utilizes attenuators to gradually vary frequencies and power density at point RP6, targeting gradually changing frequencies and power density levels. After five sessions, it was found that its characteristic frequency and minimum power density were 61.4 GHz and 0.1 mW/cm2, making this device an excellent alternative to painful and expensive acupuncture sessions.

It reduces inflammation

Inflammation is your body’s way of protecting itself and beginning its own healing process, showing itself through redness, swelling, heat and pain. Inflammation occurs when your immune system sends chemicals directly to an injury site in order to destroy bacteria and viruses and begin the repair process; additionally dilated blood vessels and increased fluid and white blood cell levels may form to further safeguard this area; while effective responses such as this one can make you feel better over time but can also leave fatigued or painful feelings behind.

Resonant therapy devices utilize electromagnetic waves to assist the body’s natural ability to heal itself. As electromagnetic waves penetrate cells of your body and absorb into them, vibrational frequency changes occur, impacting health and wellness as a whole. They can also increase production of ATP–an important energy molecule–leading to reduced inflammation, improved metabolic processes and an increase in blood flow.

This device works by broadcasting an electromagnetic field that encompasses each of your cells’ natural healthy frequencies, helping restore them back to their optimum energy blueprint and resonant frequency, stimulating natural correction. The treatment is gentle, non-invasive and non-toxic – many people report feeling rejuvenated after just one session!

Resonant therapy devices reduce inflammation by modulating your immune system’s cellular responses, making them effective at treating arthritis, fibromyalgia, depression, insomnia, tinnitus high blood pressure syndromes. Furthermore, they can help alleviate effects of stress while improving sleep quality.

Effective therapeutic resonant frequencies have been identified through trial and error with various modalities and devices. A frequency scanning device can also identify these resonances within bacteria, viral, and tissue samples.

Microcurrent therapy uses very mild electrical current (one millionth of an ampere). Microcurrent stimulates your body’s natural healing processes while decreasing inflammation. Furthermore, increasing production of ATP decreases pain levels further. Unfortunately this option is not covered by insurance but offers great potential as something new and innovative.

It is safe

Resonant therapy devices are whole-body vibration treatments used to address chronic health conditions. Their use has been demonstrated to improve balance, reduce musculoskeletal pain and speed recovery from injuries faster. Resonant therapy devices are safe to use while pregnant or nursing mothers, children as well as people taking certain medications may use one for therapy sessions. Resonant therapy devices should not be used by anyone with cardiac pacemakers or metal implants such as pacemakers are advised against.

Genomes and smaller sections of DNA or RNA typically exhibit natural electromagnetic resonant frequencies that fall primarily within the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, yet many current frequency-emitting devices cannot create them. To overcome this limitation, methods proposed here adjust resonant frequencies upward or downward until they fall within frequency-generating range of device.

Additionally, this method can identify subharmonic frequencies corresponding to the first therapeutic resonant frequency of genomic material in an air medium. Once determined, these subharmonic frequencies can be programmed into bio resonance therapy devices and emitted alongside fundamental frequencies to maximize effectiveness while decreasing multiple device requirements.

As a result of destruction resonance therapy, it is possible to identify disease nosodes with specific frequencies by selecting the right potency. This process takes place by testing disease nosodes on a device for bio resonance therapy and watching how they react in patients. If one of these selected nosodes causes resonance in response to its surroundings and destroys organisms that cause disordered functioning in your body.

Individuals using previously unavailable therapeutic resonant frequencies derived by methods of the present invention for genes, gene sections, and constituent proteins of proteins have reported favorable responses using frequencies determined by these methods relating to genes, gene sections, constituent proteins of proteins etc. One such individual suffered from chronic Lyme disease and Ehrlichiosis but after treatment using these frequencies became well enough to return to school.

Similar to chemotherapy, this method detects resonant frequencies of cancerous cell genomes and their precursors, then utilizes this information in a computer program to generate therapeutic resonant frequencies that destroy cancerous cells. Clinical trials have proven this technique more effective than traditional approaches at shrinking tumors.


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