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Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Reverse Aging?

Hormone replacement therapy can make you feel younger while also combatting age-related symptoms such as thin skin, wrinkles, hot flashes, sleep disruption and bone density loss. Depending on your medical history, doctors may suggest estrogen alone or an estrogen/progestin combination therapy regimen as treatment options.

At Nava Health, we utilize bioidentical hormones that are molecularly equivalent to those produced by your body for safe and tailored treatment that meets individual needs.

Increased Energy

HRT restores hormone levels to their former levels during perimenopause and menopause, helping you feel more energetic while decreasing risk for age-related diseases like heart disease and osteoporosis. HRT comes in many forms such as pills, gels, skin patches or injections – be sure to talk to your physician about which would best meet your needs.

If you are experiencing fatigue, it may be due to low hormone levels. Consulting a qualified healthcare professional specializing in menopause management in OKC may help identify what’s causing it and find solutions – including tests to rule out more serious conditions.

HRT increases energy by balancing hormones responsible for symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings – all symptoms which reduce quality of life and hamper everyday activity. Hormone replacement therapy can significantly alleviate these problems and restore your vitality so you can live life to its fullest.

Hormone replacement therapy can also help to diminish the appearance of wrinkles by aiding your body to increase levels of hyaluronic acid – an ingredient which enhances skin thickness and elasticity – naturally. Furthermore, taking hormone replacement therapy increases moisture retention for plumper skin that appears younger-looking.

HRT can enhance your quality of life in another way by helping reduce hot flashes, which are common during perimenopause and menopause, and can become disruptive to daily activities. Hormone replacement therapy has proven very successful at alleviating hot flashes so you can live a fuller life free from them.

HRT replenishes the body with the much-needed estrogen it needs for healthy perimenopause and menopause transition, helping prevent new wrinkles from forming while making skin appear duller. HRT may prevent this by replenishing oestrogen levels – keeping you looking younger while improving thickness, elasticity, fine line reduction, wrinkle erasure and stimulating collagen production – plus strengthening bones and improving muscle mass, helping you maintain a healthy weight without osteoporosis or osteopenia risk factors.

Less Stress

Hormonal fluctuations with age can leave us feeling stressed and anxious, which HRT can help address by restoring natural balance to hormones, decreasing feelings of stress and anxiety and providing you with a more positive outlook on life. HRT may also help increase libido while diminishing mood swings.

Hormonal imbalances have many detrimental effects on skin, hair and overall health that HRT can help mitigate. HRT restores hormone levels to help alleviate any signs of aging caused by these imbalances, such as fine lines and wrinkles, dryness, hair loss, weight gain muscle loss and poor sleep quality.

Once your body adjusts to HRT, you should find yourself experiencing less menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats – as well as feeling more energetic with life overall.

Women who still have their uterus may choose between estrogen only or adding in cyclic progesterone as an additional form of contraception; both forms come in pill form, gel form, or subcutaneous pellet form. Women who have had both their uterus and ovaries removed may take estrogen along with any surgically removed hormones used during the hysterectomy surgery procedure.

HRT can make nails healthier and stronger due to restoring balance to sex hormone levels through this therapy, particularly estrogen and progesterone levels which had dropped below their optimal levels in previous treatment plans. Low levels of estrogen and progesterone were the cause of cracked, dry nails looking cracked and dull; with HRT however you can rehydrate nails as well as stimulate collagen growth for stronger strength with more shine!

HRT comes with relatively few risks, making it worth discussing with a healthcare provider before initiating treatment. They will ensure you are suitable for the therapy and that there are no medical reasons that preclude its use; some women may require medications which interact with HRT; it’s best to consult your provider first when beginning any hormonal replacement therapy therapy regimens.

Better Skin

Individual’s physical appearance and energy levels play an essential role in their self-image and ability to interact with others. Aging can cause drastic hormonal shifts that negatively impact these factors; HRT may help counteract some of them for you so you appear younger!

Hormone replacement therapy can help menopausal women reduce skin thinning, wrinkles, and dryness through menopause by providing essential hormones like estrogen which help maintain healthy skin development and healing processes. With estrogen’s aiding of this process comes a smoother complexion and youthful-looking complexion!

Studies have demonstrated that HRT increases production of glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans – water-holding molecules which help keep skin hydrated and retain its structure – as well as thickness. Estrogen reduces transepidermal water loss that causes dryness to the epidermis, thus alleviating itchy dry skin issues.

Maheux et al reported in one double-blind placebo randomized controlled trial that women taking oral cyclical estrogens for six months experienced an average 33% increase in dermal thickness. Sauerbronn et al found that oral cyclical estrogen use resulted in decreased wrinkles and an increase in skin elasticity after six months use.

Vibrant Vitality Clinic specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), using hormones that are chemically similar to the ones produced naturally by your body. These treatments are combined to develop a customized hormone replacement treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs, including oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone administered via pills, pellets or cream. These pellets are small implants placed under your skin by your physician to release hormones gradually into your system over time. Each pellet measures roughly the size of a grain of rice. BHRT is an effective method for combatting signs of aging, as it avoids long-term side effects that are sometimes experienced with traditional hormone treatments such as estrogen and progesterone therapy. Many refer to BHRT as “The Fountain of Youth”, as it restores your youthful looks while simultaneously offering you all of the healthful advantages associated with living a healthier lifestyle.
