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Does NAD Reverse Aging?

TikTok has recently seen widespread discussion surrounding an “anti-ageing drug”, but in reality the truth may be more complex.

NAD+ levels decline with age, yet increasing them with NAD+ Redox supplements seems to help people feel younger. Research on mice indicates that taking NAD+ Redox supplements could extend lifespan and healthspan in humans.

1. Increased Energy

NAD helps boost energy by supporting mitochondria, the powerhouses of your cells. This provides increased stamina and decreased fatigue; additionally it boosts cognitive function and mental clarity – many users report sharper thinking after taking NAD supplements while others experience general improvement in vitality and well-being.

Science shows that increasing NAD levels can slow aging, even reverse some aspects in preclinical models. Furthermore, increasing NAD may offer promising solutions for numerous age-related conditions and diseases including insulin insensitivity, cell senescence and neurodegeneration.

For optimal NAD precursor usage, experts advise taking NAD precursors that work synergistically to increase cell NAD+ levels such as nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and nicotinamide riboside (NR). These natural compounds can be found in foods such as fish, chicken, whole grains as well as in dietary supplements.

NMN and NR have been shown to significantly extend lifespan in laboratory animal models, possibly through activating SIRT3 and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases enzymes which regulate important cell processes that affect health and longevity.

Consuming foods rich in natural compounds, exercising regularly and limiting sun exposure are also great ways to increase NAD+ levels. Your body uses NAD+ to repair damage caused by UV rays; thus the more UV exposure there is, the less NAD+ there is for other essential functions. Sleep, staying hydrated and managing stress are other great ways to increase NAD levels; but before adding supplements into your daily routine if pregnant or breastfeeding it is important that a healthcare provider first advises a safe dose for you specifically.

2. Better Sleep

NAD+ is an essential coenzyme involved in numerous bodily processes, including energy production in cells. As a nutrient supplement taken to increase energy, but also for anti-ageing reasons, many are hopeful about its ability to “reverse” aging; further research must be completed before its efficacy can be established as an anti-ageing remedy.

Before taking nutritional ribonucleic supplements (NR), consult with a medical provider first. There are still numerous steps you must take in order to optimize overall health and ensure longevity – such as prioritizing sleep, exercise, and healthy eating habits.

3. Reduced Stress

Variables, processes and pathways all play a part in the ageing process. These include genomic instability, telomere attrition, epigenetic changes, mitochondrial dysfunction, deregulated nutrient sensing and cell senescence (to name just a few). Chronically low levels of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is now widely believed to play a central role in many hallmarks of aging.

NAD+ is an essential substrate for two major enzymes that play an essential role in cell repair and longevity, including sirtuins and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases, that reduce ATP generation or other protein actions, such as sirtuins. When these enzymes consume NAD+ for their own metabolic needs they reduce its availability for other purposes – an effect seen in certain diseases associated with accelerated ageing such as ataxia telangiectasia, xeroderma pigmentosum group A or Cockayne syndrome which reduce function significantly as part of their effects.

Oral supplementation of NAD+ precursor compounds such as nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and nicotinamide riboside (NR) is currently the most prevalent way to increase cell NAD+ levels; however, this approach fails to address root causes for its decline, only providing short-term solutions.

Research to date indicates that NAD+ boosters such as NMN and NR may help extend healthspan and slow premature aging by attenuating stress’s effects on mitochondrial DNA and protein acetylation, increasing key sirtuin activity, and postponing ageing-associated mitochondrial dysfunction. More research needs to be completed before such claims can be verified – therefore it’s best to consult your healthcare provider prior to including supplements in your diet regimen.

4. Increased Mental Focus

Many older adults suffer from reduced mental clarity and focus, more commonly known as “brain fog.” Brain fog makes it hard to think clearly and reduce productivity; increasing NAD+ levels may help reverse this by encouraging improved communication between cells resulting in better concentration, more rapid thinking and overall cognitive function.

NAD+ plays an essential role in brain processes such as cell metabolism and signaling. Additionally, NAD+ helps generate energy production while upholding DNA integrity. Furthermore, NAD+ supplements may enhance memory retention and mental clarity due to increasing levels of mitochondrial activity within the brain which could improve overall cognitive performance. Studies have revealed the impact of increasing NAD+ supplementation by improving mental clarity as a result.

NAD+ precursors are natural compounds that can help boost levels of NAD+ in your body through supplementation. Once consumed, these molecules can be transformed into NAD+ via an enzyme pathway known as the Preiss-Handler pathway; beginning with nicotinic acid being processed by NAPRT into NAMN before being converted by NMNAT into NAAD for final synthesis by NAAD synthetase into active NAD+ molecules.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the power of NAD+ precursors such as NR and NMN to prevent or slow aging, including in healthy adults over 52. A randomized, double-blind study with healthy individuals over 52 found that administering one oral dose over seven days increased blood NAD+ concentrations dose-dependently with no adverse side effects [31]. Additionally, NMN proved beneficial against premature aging models such as C. elegans model of xeroderma pigmentosum group A and ataxia telangiectasia due to mutation of ATM (ataxia telangiectasia-related mitotic checkpoint kinase) [31].

5. Decreased Fatigue

If you find yourself struggling with fatigue and feeling worn-down throughout the day, ATP could be low. As an energy carrier molecule supporting essential processes like DNA replication and cell respiration, ATP levels play a vital role. NAD IV therapy boosts ATP levels to give you more energy while simultaneously improving mitochondrial health and increasing neural signaling pathways within your brain – improving cognitive performance as well as memory loss prevention.

Chronically low levels of NAD have been identified as one of the primary contributors to aging, contributing to multiple hallmarks associated with it. Replenishing NAD with its precursors like NMN has been found to delay or reverse multiple aspects of cell aging including increased oxidative stress, deregulated nutrient sensing and shortening telomeres.

NAD levels appear to extend life expectancy and enhance healthspan in laboratory animal models, partially through inhibiting PARPs with NMN; this allows SIRT1 to function more normally and reduce cell damage caused by oxidation.

Increased NAD levels may help with weight loss, energy production and skin elasticity – all key aspects of an active lifestyle and reduced disease risk. Keep in mind, however, that NAD alone won’t cure anything; you must follow a healthy diet and exercise to benefit fully. Always consult with a healthcare provider regarding dosage. It may be safer for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to seek advice first before supplementing NAD too heavily (taking too much could cause harmful side effects). For most people the most efficient method of supplementation with NAD would likely involve eating foods containing it or taking an NR supplement (nicotinamide riboside).
