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Featured Video From Veritasium – Ways to Reverse Aging

Scientists are actively researching ways to reverse aging. Studies using Yamanaka factors have proven its ability to rejuvenate cells in mice eyes and brains, however researchers hope this technology can be applied more broadly; until then resveratrol and similar compounds may delay aging by slowing epigenetic changes.

How it works

Most of us recognize Michael Stevens and Derek Mueller from their popular YouTube science channels Vsauce and Veritasium, which are highly esteemed among physicists for their engaging explanations of complex scientific concepts. Both channels have earned widespread praise among both audiences and physicists alike for being easy to comprehend yet still engaging. Both Michael and Derek possess excellent on-screen personalities with wonderful facial expressions, voice modulation abilities, genuine acting talent and are adept at keeping viewers’ attention for 20-30 minute videos by making them engaging and enjoyable – as evidenced by their latest video which focused on shortening telomeres that shorten with age.


Researchers have successfully reversed aging in lab cells by reversing cellular senescence. They accomplished this using a chemical cocktail that inhibits genes responsible for cell proliferation and allows embryonic-like cell development to take place in them. The team’s results indicate that, should they successfully implement their work in living humans, it may be possible to extend human lifespan by reversing aging processes and stopping or slowing cellular function loss. Though the results of this study are encouraging, it remains unlikely that scientists can ever achieve immortality or significantly extend human lifespans without altering our DNA or replacing biological parts as in the Ship of Theseus story. Such an undertaking would likely involve various gene therapies or synthetic replacements to make possible.

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