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How Does NMN Reverse Aging?

Though NMN supplements have shown promising anti-ageing effects in preclinical trials, their safety and effectiveness on human physiology remains in question due to them often being sold as functional food products rather than fully tested therapeutic drugs.

NMN is an essential precursor of the essential molecule nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). According to animal studies, supplementing with NAD+ precursors extends lifespan and decreases age-related conditions.

1. Boosts NAD Levels

NAD is an essential coenzyme essential to many metabolic processes in the body. It aids cellular energy production and DNA repair. With age comes decreased NAD levels due to DNA damage, chronic inflammation and oxidative stress; supplementation with NMN (or its precursors such as NR, NADH or vitamin B3) can restore these levels; research in mice has demonstrated this; supplementing with these products also improve metabolism while helping weight loss while helping preserve stem cell health, helping counteract the natural decline associated with ageing stem cell decline as stem cells number and function as well.

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Studies also demonstrate that NMN enhances the activity of SIRT1, an antioxidant protein which protects against oxidative stress, cell death and aging. When fed to rats, this NMN increases SIRT1 production while simultaneously raising NAD levels – this boost leads to mitochondrial growth as well as improving energy production within cells which helps stave off age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s.

High blood levels of NAD help reduce age-related inflammation and oxidative stress, leading to improved heart health and decreased risk for stroke and cardiovascular disease. Another study demonstrated how NMN stimulates proliferation of human vascular cells; endothelial cells play an essential part in cardiovascular wellness.

NMN also helps improve blood glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, optimizing body response to higher carb foods for easy weight loss while supporting a healthy metabolic rate.


NMN also improves bone density, slowing osteoporosis’s progression. Furthermore, it boosts energy, mood and mental clarity among older adults promoting both mental and physical wellness.

While we still await a fountain of youth, advances in anti-ageing science are providing real methods to extend life and enhance its quality. Peak NMN is an all-in-one anti-ageing supplement containing berberine and reduceose for healthy glucose levels and insulin sensitivity; and spermidine which supports memory and cognition. Give Peak NMN a try now!

2. Improves Circulation

Researchers can measure our blood vessel stiffness to estimate their age; Katayoshi and colleagues discovered that taking NMN reduced this stiffness significantly among middle-aged participants with high blood pressure or glucose levels – effectively making their blood vessels approximately two years younger. They believe this may help NMN help prevent cardiovascular disease.

NMN also increases blood vessel formation in cells lining muscles and organs, thus improving blood flow. When tested on aged mice, this molecule increased their exercise endurance levels to levels that rivaled or even exceeded that seen among younger animals.

Sinclair intends to use NMN to increase circulation among healthy individuals as well as speed the healing of wounds and the creation of new blood vessels. He believes improved blood flow could even aid elite athletes train harder and perform better, or allow older people to return faster after surgery or injury recovery. NMN can safely be taken daily as an oral tablet or capsule supplement.

3. Reduces Glycation

Human studies indicate that NMN may help decrease protein glycation by activating CD73, an enzyme which deactivates enzymes responsible for protein glycation. This effect may help slow down aging by decreasing advanced glycosylation end products. Glycation can lead to insulin resistance, chronic inflammation and cardiovascular issues – making NMN an essential supplement.

NMN not only reverses glycation but also enhances mitochondrial protein function and decreases free radical damage to cells – helping protect against the effects of aging and restore damaged genes’ functionality.

In 2016, researchers conducted the inaugural human clinical trial to explore the effects of oral NMN in humans, concluding that one dose was well tolerated without causing any harmful side effects. Participants took daily doses for eight weeks and underwent physiological tests; results demonstrated reduced blood pressure, improved sleep quality, increased exercise endurance in participants as well as lower serum glucose levels and greater muscle insulin sensitivity from taking this drug.

While this study’s results were promising, researchers determined that more research would be necessary to establish whether NMN can be safely taken over an extended period. They suggested liposomal formulation of NMN might facilitate its absorption by gut microbiomes and increase effectiveness of oral supplementation with this drug.

Current human clinical trials focusing on long-term administration of NMN supplements are studying their impact on antiaging indicators such as insulin sensitivity, sleep quality, exercise performance and skin health, while slowing the aging of tissues and organs. Studies have demonstrated the benefits of such supplements such as increasing insulin sensitivity, improving sleep, increasing exercise performance or slowing the aging process overall.

David Sinclair, Harvard University professor and author of The Better You Get, takes an NMN supplement daily and has reported increased energy and feeling younger as a result. Furthermore, his lipid profile has seen dramatic improvements and blood markers are closer to those seen at 31 years old than before taking this product. When selecting such products it is crucial that no extra ingredients or fillers are present, so look for GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) label or USP (United States Pharmacopeia) logo to ensure you’re receiving only authentic product.

4. Boosts Immune System

Scientists have recently drawn attention to NMN/NAD+ metabolite’s anti-aging effects in human cells. These include DNA repair, mitochondrial health improvements and autophagy induction – not only helping promote healthy aging but also alleviating pathological conditions associated with age. Furthermore, these discoveries have resulted in numerous preclinical and clinical trials for this compound.

NMN boosts NAD+ levels in cells by converting it into nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). It can then be transported either through secretory pathways or the transporter protein Slc12a8; its activation by NAD activates NR kinase which in turn activates NMN which in turn is used by enzymes like Nma1, Nma2, NAD hydroxylase and PNC1 for NAD+ production.

NMN not only increases NAD+ levels but can also stimulate SIRT1 activity to strengthen our immune systems and protect us against diseases. Furthermore, research shows it can slow aging by increasing lifespan and inhibiting accumulation of senescent cells.

Additionally, NMN can improve metabolic markers and promote weight loss while supporting reproductive health, cognitive function and reproductive wellness. In addition, it reduces inflammation and enhances cardiovascular risk factors – so much so that some anti-ageing drugs have shown similar effectiveness when treating chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

Recent research is making headlines with its remarkable findings that NMN can reverse egg cell aging. By adding it to postmenopausal women’s eggs, researchers were able to restore their chromosomes back to those seen in younger egg cells; as a result, these women produced more eggs. This marks the first time any drug has ever been used to reverse egg aging and could ultimately be used as a treatment for menopause.

These promising results indicate that NMN could serve as an effective anti-aging supplement in humans, however more research needs to be conducted into its dosage and delivery method, and its effect on other genes and pathways involved with the aging process.


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