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Reverse Aging Study Finds Three Essential Nutrients That Reverse Aging

reverse aging study

Scientists had only ever succeeded in temporarily slowing or stopping aging before now; in a study published this month, scientists have shown they can partially reverse biological age in middle-aged mice by resetting their cells.

The study involves using a six-chemical cocktail that rejuvenates senescent (old) cells by changing DNA methylation patterns without losing cell identity.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) uses pure oxygen under pressure to assist the body’s natural healing processes. It works by creating an environment in which oxygen-rich blood can reach injured tissues more quickly; normally this oxygen travels as far as hemoglobin or red blood cells can carry it; under pressurized conditions however, plasma becomes supersaturated with it and more of it reaches into your tissues than ever before.

Increased oxygen concentration helps repair damaged tissues and boost your energy levels by allowing cells to use more of the glucose they produce for fuel. Furthermore, white blood cells kill bacteria to prevent infections of wounds or injuries that are difficult to heal.

HBOT can be used alone or as an adjunct therapy alongside medications, such as antibiotics. Adherence to your full course of therapy has been shown to significantly improve outcomes – typically 90 minutes of chamber time five times weekly over four to eight weeks is required for optimal results.

Before beginning HBOT therapy, it’s essential to be aware of its possible side effects. These may include experiencing an occasional popping sensation in your ears that can be minimized by clearing them prior to each treatment session. Smoking should also be avoided prior and during sessions since this could reduce oxygen transport in your body and block its use more efficiently.

Initial steps towards receiving HBOT include receiving an initial evaluation and authorization from a doctor specializing in hyperbaric medicine. This evaluation will determine if HBOT is suitable for you, as well as outline an effective course of treatment. Sessions take place inside a sealed chamber pressurized with 100% pure oxygen; you’ll wear a mask while covering your head with a plastic drape to shield eyes from airborne oxygen during treatment sessions.

An HBOT course typically spans four to eight weeks and involves 40 sessions; your doctor will review your progress at each treatment and decide when you should progress into the next phase of your program.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient, necessary to the formation and maintenance of connective tissues including bones and blood vessels, healing wounds, boosting the immune system and providing antioxidant protection from cancer and cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, it also plays an integral part in eye health by shortening duration and severity of common cold symptoms while decreasing stroke risks.

Researchers from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies were able to reverse some hallmarks of aging by activating genes that turn adult cells back into embryonic-like ones. Their experiments found that this process rejuvenated mouse and human cells both in vitro as well as prolonging life of an accelerated-ageing mouse, and improving recovery from injury in middle-aged mice.

The team, led by Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, discovered that turning on four genes for even just a brief time period restored embryonic-like states back into cells. Their work could potentially serve as a cure for aging; however, further study is required in order to ascertain whether similar effects can be replicated among living humans.

Although vitamin C offers many health benefits, it’s wise to follow the recommended daily allowance (RDA). Doing so could potentially cause side effects like diarrhea and kidney stones if taken in larger doses than recommended. Getting vitamin C through food sources such as vegetables is best, though you can also get it through supplements or fortified products.

If you are struggling to obtain enough vitamin C in your diet, try increasing the citrus fruits and vegetables you eat such as tomatoes, oranges, kale, broccoli, red peppers and dark leafy greens as good sources. Fortified yogurts, cereals and juices may also contain this important nutrient.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential dietary components that your body cannot produce on its own and must obtain from your food or supplements, including fish oil. Omega-3s come in three varieties – alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They can be found in flaxseed, fish, as well as supplements like fish oil. Omega-3s may offer many health advantages including decreased risks of heart disease, depression and arthritis as well as helping prevent cognitive decline. Research suggests some potential health benefits; possibly lower risks of heart disease as well as cognitive decline.

Studies have demonstrated that those who consume more omega-3 fatty acids may be at a reduced risk of colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and reduced triglyceride levels. Omega-3s may also help decrease inflammation caused by some diseases.

Omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to play an essential role in brain function and have been linked with lower risks of Alzheimer’s and dementia; however, further research needs to be completed to substantiate these claims.

Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in oily fish such as salmon, trout and sardines; walnuts, chia seeds, soybeans and spinach also provide sources of these essential nutrient. In general, aim for at least 1.6-2.6 grams daily from your diet.

Studies have demonstrated a correlation between higher intake of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). This could be related to their ability to help decrease blood triglyceride and cholesterol levels as well as protecting against vascular dysfunction by blocking platelet aggregation and inflammation response molecules.

Researchers have long sought to identify an optimal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids to lower CVD risk; however, this has yet to be proven. It has become widely agreed upon among most researchers that raising EPA and DHA blood levels would have more of an effect than simply decreasing linoleic acid and arachidonic acid levels, since these components serve as building blocks of cell membrane phospholipids which play key roles in signaling, metabolic processes and cell signaling processes.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fatty acid-derived hormone that aids calcium absorption and maintains normal blood levels of calcium and phosphate. People can get their source of Vitamin D from sunlight exposure on the skin, certain foods or dietary supplements – however many adults are deficient.

Lack of vitamin D may be caused by limited sun exposure, skin pigmentation (which reduces absorption of UVB rays by the body), age and other health conditions. Low vitamin D intake has been linked with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and other disorders; getting adequate amounts can lower these risks while helping prevent fractures and bone loss.

Recent studies have demonstrated the benefits of vitamin D to improve muscle function, bone strength and blood glucose regulation; reduce inflammation; and possibly act as cancer prevention agents. Multiple observational studies and one large clinical trial demonstrated this correlation; higher vitamin D levels have been linked with reduced cancer rates and risk of heart disease – yet researchers conducting one of the largest clinical trials conducted on vitamin D found no clear impact on overall cancer mortality among participants with lower blood levels at the beginning of study.

Recently, scientists have unveiled that a “chemical cocktail” can reverse the aging process in mice by rejuvenating old cells within muscles, tissues and organs. Researchers injected six chemical compounds directly into each mouse that helped rewind cellular clocks without altering DNA; their work was published in the journal Aging.

E5, an anti-aging compound derived from young pig plasma, reversed biological clocks of aged rats by up to 75% on average – more than any previous studies had achieved – on average. While its effects are only temporary – eventually age returns with treatment stopped – Belmonte believes this approach could be implemented into human medicine.

He has created a system to deliver Yamanaka factors directly into human bodies and believes this treatment could reverse epigenetic changes and effectively reset biological age by reversing epigenetic modifications, with subsequent treatments performed periodically so as to keep aging at bay.
