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Rife Machine Therapy

Royal Raymond Rife pioneered true rife machine therapy using specific frequencies to inhibit harmful microorganisms without harming healthy cells, providing an easy and noninvasive method to treat any part of your body.

Red light therapy can provide an effective antidote to depression. It increases energy levels while awakening every cell’s self-healing potential and helping thrush to clear. Furthermore, red light reduces thrush while improving tooth sensitivity.

Red Light

Red light therapy is an innovative natural method of relieving inflammation and increasing cell energy without incurring pain. Studies have also demonstrated how red light therapy speeds healing time and relieves associated aches and pains. FDA has approved red light for certain skin conditions like acne and psoriasis as well as some joint ailments like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Red light absorbed by skin works to stimulate and activate mitochondria, which produce energy for all parts of an organism. Red LED lighting has also been proven to boost ATP production and gene expression; both essential for cell functioning. Eventually this can lead to increased circulation, anti-inflammatory benefits, or changes in cytokines that lead to stronger immunity systems.

Red light therapy applied topically can help ease inflammation caused by conditions like eczema, dry skin and itchy patches by stimulating blood flow to those areas. Red light can also reduce redness associated with psoriasis as well as speed up wound-healing; some studies even demonstrate its ability to rejuvenate and revitalize skin by diminishing signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles.

Red light therapy has been found to increase production of fibroblasts – key players in scar tissue formation – so can be an effective means of treating and preventing scarring, cysts and nodules formation as well.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of red light therapy on improving symptoms associated with arthritis conditions such as rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Red light treatment reduced pain while simultaneously increasing function based on 13 research trials reviewed for review.

Experts advise seeking out an experienced provider of red light therapy, whether at a spa or integrated health center or by purchasing devices online. Furthermore, lifestyle changes like stress reduction and healthy eating should be combined with red light therapy for maximum benefits.

Blue Light

Blue light often garners negative press for being detrimental to sleep and circadian rhythm, yet it’s present everywhere – from daylight and natural sunlight, through LED screens and devices (eReaders and smartphones), etc. Blue light emits wavelengths with short and high energy frequencies which occur naturally, so its effects are everywhere you turn your head.

But if you use these types of products too frequently or with poor usage habits, overexposure to blue light can pose numerous problems for both your skin and eyes. One primary effect of overexposure to blue light is altering your circadian rhythm – impacting mood, hormone production and sleep quality in particular – leading to depression, obesity or macular degeneration among many other serious medical problems.

Overexposure to blue light poses another major risk: it can damage the cells that make up your skin. Studies have revealed that exposure can shrink cells, contributing to skin aging. Furthermore, blue light is known to trigger cell death in certain cells leading to pigmentation and inflammation.

However, there are ways to mitigate the negative impacts of blue light overexposure. First and foremost, make sure your skin is regularly cleansed and broad-spectrum sunscreen used on it every day. Furthermore, avoid staring into direct sunlight for long periods as this could cause permanent eye damage.

When it comes to rife light therapy, make sure that you use a high-quality device with a filter to prevent overexposure. Your aesthetic nurse will provide protective goggles to wear during treatment.

Studies on blue light therapy for acne show its efficacy at treating mild to moderate acne cases. One key benefit is its ability to combat inflammation response. This makes blue light treatment more effective at reducing pustule size and redness in an affected area as well as speeding up healing time and mitigating acne scarring.

Green Light

Green light therapy offers an innovative new route to mental wellbeing. This special color of light has a gentle impact on circadian rhythm, helping people stabilize their mood and alleviate depression and SAD symptoms. Furthermore, its soothing treatment may offer hope to migraine sufferers or chronic pain patients as well.

Studies led by pharmacologist Mohab Ibrahim revealed that green light therapy helps reduce headaches while simultaneously improving quality of life. Researchers discovered that when exposed to green light, neural pathways modulating pain are disrupted and this provides relief without using medications or other potentially risky substances.

Underlying this phenomenon, however, is that green light causes our brains to respond in different ways than other colors. Research indicates that it triggers endogenous opioid and cannabinoid receptor release for improved mood and pain tolerance as well as increased activity of gamma brain waves to enhance focus and cognitive performance.

While more research needs to be conducted, anecdotal reports have demonstrated the efficacy of green light therapy as an adjunct therapy in helping those suffering from depression, SAD or other mood disorders. People who use it report it provides an effective alternative to medications or more invasive therapies; it can even be easily integrated into daily routines by scheduling 30-60 minute sessions either early morning or late evening for maximum effect.

Studies conducted on people suffering from migraines show how beneficial green light therapy may be; one published by Cephalagia showed that 80% of patients reported that exposure to green light didn’t worsen their pain, while 20% of participants in another migraine study felt their discomfort was reduced as a result of exposure. These figures suggest green light therapy as an effective tool in combatting migraines; it should be combined with other pain management approaches such as exercise, massage therapy, relaxation techniques or diet changes for maximum effectiveness.

IR Infrared

The sun provides our world with vast amounts of energy that is utilized for both heating and lighting, with humans taking in some of this energy through their skin or eyes and using it to facilitate many metabolic processes. Without adequate access to this source, individuals may become deficient and experience health complications; Infrared light therapy (IR light) therapy provides a natural and safe solution that stimulates these important functions – pain relief, joint health enhancement, wound healing are just a few uses that come to mind!

Studies have demonstrated the importance of proper irradiance and duration for producing desired effects from infrared treatments. Studies have determined a specific wavelength is ideal to achieve this result, while it’s crucial that irradiance doesn’t exceed a certain threshold to avoid over-stimulating cells and potentially harmful side-effects.

Studies have demonstrated the ability of infrared (IR) light to promote ATP synthesis, growth factor production, anti-apoptosis and other beneficial processes that may help lower risks associated with brain injury and other conditions such as dementia or Parkinson’s disease. This technology may offer significant medical benefits.

One of the greatest advantages of IR light therapy for patients is in improving circulation. This can be accomplished through vasodilation, where blood vessels relax to allow more blood to pass through them, leading to improved delivery of nutrients to tissues as well as removal of waste products from cells.

IR light can also assist in killing bacteria and other microorganisms by creating reactive oxygen species (ROS) within mitochondria of cells, stimulating signal transduction at moderate levels but potentially damaging organelles directly when produced at excessive levels. Studies have also demonstrated that infrared light induces this response both within cancerous as well as non-cancerous cells.

Finally, IR light has been proven to have anti-aging effects on skin by diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, increasing collagen production, making skin firmer and younger looking, as well as being effective against various skin disorders such as psoriasis, acne, eczema and other inflammatory conditions.
