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Rife Therapies For Lyme Disease

Rife machines utilize specific frequencies to disrupt pathogen vibrations and provide noninvasive yet natural therapy for treating Lyme disease.

Each organism and molecule produces its own individual frequency that resonates through its electromagnetic field.

A 52-year old male with metastatic colon cancer successfully underwent an eight month protocol of integrative therapies involving standard anti-angiogenesis treatments, high dose IV herbal and nutrient therapies, targeted EMF/Rife frequency therapies and 4 months of targeted EMF/Rife frequency therapies to achieve substantial tumor response and partial remission.

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RIFE Frequency Therapy

At The Boughton Clinic, we’re pleased to be offering Rife Therapy; an electronic device which emits frequencies used to treat various conditions including cancer. Rife produces low energy waves known as radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RFEMFs) from its electrodes which may alter electromagnetic fields around diseased cells so they cannot perform normally and break down naturally into smaller components for elimination by the body – helping its natural healing processes without resorting to surgery or chemotherapy treatments.

The Rife device is inspired by Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971) who created an advanced microscope capable of magnifying living microorganisms at their highest magnification ever achieved. He discovered that certain microorganisms and disease-causing substances had distinct resonant frequencies which could kill them, so he spent years searching his laboratory for that exact frequency that could effectively eliminate dangerous organisms. He discovered that herpes virus, polio virus, spinal meningitis virus and influenza virus each had its own distinct frequency. By increasing intensity of frequencies that resonated naturally with these organisms, he saw them die through structural stress.

Many websites promote the Rife machine as a cancer cure without offering scientific evidence that this machine actually works. People claiming that Rife machines can cure cancer usually offer personal accounts of how it helped them, without providing scientific proof for such claims.


Rife sessions typically involve the client being seated comfortably on an electrotherapy seat with their feet on footplate electrodes connected to plasma tubes in their hands, receiving frequencies in both normal and radio wave forms for targeted body areas. After such sessions the client often feels extremely tired; to help their body flush away the waste products produced from treatment they should drink plenty of water to flush away waste products more efficiently.

Rife Machine

Royal Rife developed an effective device in the 1920s for killing bacteria and microbes by using specific frequencies that resonated with them. He reasoned that each disease-carrying cell has its own frequency; exposed to it, these cells would be destroyed without harming any healthy ones – thus leading to his famous “universal microscope,” enabling scientists to view viruses and bacteria for the first time ever.

Rife machines provide low energy electromagnetic frequencies in two forms – normal and radio wave – to clients sitting with their feet on footplate electrodes while holding plasma tubes in their hands, so that they may receive them both ways: normal through their feet and radio wave form through their hands.

When used during sessions, a Rife machine emits frequencies programmed by its practitioner to match those emitted by particular pathogenic microbes. Once applied to the body, these frequencies cause disease-carrying cells to vibrate at a lethal frequency and destroy them effectively.

One symptom that may follow using a Rife machine is fatigue similar to having the flu. This is likely caused by your liver and kidneys working to flush away toxins and dead microbes that your Rife sessions help release. Drink plenty of water after each session to aid this process and use frequencies such as Rife’s to balance cells within your body and facilitate detoxification; doing this may strengthen immunity against disease and improve your ability to resist future attack.

Ion Prowave

The Ion Pro Wave is not a Rife machine but does use light frequencies. This unit produces ions in water and utilizes over 700 computer-controlled frequency programs designed to activate processes in your body that support cleansing and germ clearance.

Frequency energy enters through the feet and travels throughout the body in a similar fashion to reflexology and acupuncture, stimulating internal organs, stimulating lymphatic flow, mobilizing toxins from treatment bowls through feet. Ionic foot baths also create beneficial ions which neutralize acid waste such as lactic, carbonic, pyruvic, butyric, and acetic acids within our bodies.

Ionization – The Ion Pro Wave device creates ionization by placing an electrode module in a foot bath that changes the dynamics of water molecules from positive to negative, creating what’s known as “scrubbing action”, drawing toxins out of cells of your body and helping cleanse your system of harmful waste products.

Ionized water passes through an ion generator before being circulated back through to your body for detoxification and elimination of toxins and debris. As different organ systems detoxify, its color may change indicating organ system health or functioning effectively as a diagnostic tool.

Herxheimer Reaction

The Herxheimer Reaction (die-off), is a natural immune response triggered by any protocol which eliminates large numbers of harmful bacteria or microbes at once. As their sudden demise releases toxic waste into the bloodstream, overwhelming detoxification pathways and creating an exaggerated inflammatory reaction similar to flu symptoms – fatigue, joint and muscle aches, fever, chills, anxiety levels rising abruptly and flushed face as symptoms emerge – that lasts several days or weeks depending on its duration.

Herxheimer reactions do not indicate that a treatment is ineffective; rather, they signal the body’s attempt to rid itself of spirochetal infections from infection sites and move toward healing. While Herxheimer reactions can be uncomfortable, they should be expected as part of any successful infection-reversing protocol.

Herxheimer reactions can occur in any treatment that kills or erodes spirochetal bacteria, such as RIFE frequencies, herbal antimicrobials, energy therapies like BEMER, ozone sauna and far-infrared therapy. Symptoms of Herxheimer reactions resemble those experienced with common colds, influenza or bacterial infections and include fatigue, joint and muscle aches, fever, sweats headache rashes anxiety – it may even be difficult to distinguish from an allergic reaction to medications if symptoms include itching hives or rash rashing!

Adolf Jarisch and Karl Herxheimer first noted the Herxheimer reaction while treating patients for syphilis in the late 1800s and early 1900s. These dermatologists observed that many who received mercury or arsenic-based treatments would initially worsen before improving; this phenomenon became known as Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction or simply Herxing.

Herxheimer reactions vary in duration and may last anywhere from one week to multiple months, depending on numerous factors including severity of condition being treated and whether antibiotics are being taken by patient. An extended Herxheimer reaction could potentially damage tissue as endotoxins and cytokines are released, and Dr. Marra chooses her antibiotic dosage so that most cases will only show 5 of 10 severity in her Herxheimer reaction rating scale.


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