What is rife therapy?
Rife therapy machines use electromagnetic waves programmed by their practitioner into exact frequencies associated with specific bacteria, viruses or microbes that the practitioner hopes will destroy without harming healthy cells in your body. Rife machines may be combined with diet and nutritional therapies in order to boost immunity and alleviate symptoms related to Lyme disease and co-infections.
Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease, can sometimes evade detection with standard blood tests; only about 50% have any chance of actually detecting its pathogen initially. Many patients who receive antibiotics for Lyme experience long-term symptoms known as Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLD), often caused by tick-borne co infections like Babesia and Bartonella.
Though there’s no scientific proof, some individuals claim certain home remedies help treat chronic Lyme disease symptoms, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy where you breathe oxygen into a chamber similar to what wound healers use for wound care. Unfortunately, Johns Hopkins-trained infectious diseases expert Gary Wormser cautions there’s no scientific proof this treatment works against Lyme disease; indeed it could even be harmful.
Home treatments also include frequency healing devices that emit electromagnetic frequencies to kill microbes. But as using such machines may lead to temporary increases in toxicity levels as microbes die off, it’s wise to consult a trained practitioner who can monitor progress closely.
Some individuals report improved vision after participating in cranial manipulation therapy, which involves adjusting joints around the eyes and optic nerve. This technique is based on the theory that bacteria infections can worsen macular degeneration – one of many side effects associated with Lyme disease. Some patients have also noted a decrease in their psychiatric symptoms – possibly related to Lyme disease’s potential interference with brain function.
What are the side effects of rife therapy?
Rife therapy‘s efficacy can vary considerably, with some patients reporting improved symptoms while others experiencing no noticeable changes. Practitioners may recommend specific frequencies for specific illnesses; others utilize multiple frequencies simultaneously in order to address multiple health concerns and facilitate detoxification. Though Rife machines should not be considered cures for Lyme disease symptoms and holistic wellness journeys alike.
Are You Thinking about Alternative Therapy? Know This First Those considering alternative therapy should realize it can be a lengthy and complex process that could take weeks before seeing results. Therefore, keeping a journal and tracking progress with any positive or negative impacts. Symptom monitoring should also take place to make the best plan based on individual needs; diet and lifestyle modifications alone may not suffice; exploring other complementary treatments like herbal supplements and acupuncture is also recommended; getting enough restful sleep will also help lower stress levels significantly.
Rife devices are electromagnetic frequency generators designed to target germs and kill them by vibrating their outer covering and disrupting genetic material. It was named for Royal Raymond Rife, an inventor who invented a microscope which enabled him to observe microbes, discovering they responded differently to different electromagnetic frequencies.
Rife machines have long been believed to provide relief for various medical ailments, ranging from Lyme disease and cancer, by emitting energy frequencies which resonate with and destroy specific pathogens such as Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria by emitting waves whose specific frequencies’shatter’ them, much in the same way singing can shatter glass. Furthermore, proponents claim these frequencies help decompose and flush away such microbes from our bodies.
One set of frequencies believed to work effectively against Lyme disease and coinfections are gamma, kappa, epsilon, delta and zeta frequencies. These frequencies aim at targeting pathogen cyst forms for destruction or disrupting their cellular membranes to cause detachment from surrounding tissue.
What are the benefits of rife therapy?
Rife therapy is an alternative treatment option for Lyme disease that employs electromagnetic frequencies to target and destroy pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, while supporting natural healing processes within the body. Rife therapy has proven successful at relieving many symptoms associated with Lyme disease, including fatigue and inflammation.
Royal Raymond Rife was an inventor and scientist. He believed electromagnetic frequencies could target and destroy pathogens such as bacteria and viruses without harming healthy tissues. Rife created a groundbreaking universal microscope which allowed scientists to see microbes for the first time – this discovery led him to believe each microbe had its own electromagnetic frequency that resonated with it, leading him to believe these could also be used to kill microbes by vibrating with them.
An Rife machine works by connecting it to an electrical source and positioning electrodes or plasma tubes on the body. A practitioner will program this device with frequencies they believe resonate with whatever microbe or virus needs treating, for example when treating Lyme disease they would use frequencies which resonate with Borrelia burgdorferi.
Once a session is over, patients may experience sensations like warmth or tingling that last up to an hour after treatment has finished. When using Rife machines it is crucial that patients abide by the directions given by their practitioner as any improper usage could lead to unintended side effects.
Before considering rife therapy as a potential treatment for Lyme disease, it is wise to consult a qualified healthcare provider. After receiving a diagnosis from such an expert, patients should also carefully consider their individual health history and symptoms when making this decision. It’s also essential that individuals become informed on all available alternatives to medicine for Lyme disease – their risks and benefits alike.
Rife therapy offers an exciting new option for treating Lyme disease. While not approved by the FDA, Rife can provide valuable adjunct treatments in holistic treatment plans designed to address Lyme.