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Rife Therapy For Lyme Disease

In the US, oral antibiotics such as doxycycline are generally successful at treating Lyme disease (LD). Unfortunately, however, post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS), including seventh nerve palsy, cranial neuropathy, and cognitive disturbances has been reported following treatment with antibiotics like these.

UMass Amherst researchers working at the New England Vector-borne Disease Center (NEWVEC) may have created a solution to help alleviate persistent symptoms associated with tick bites.


Many people with Lyme disease have reported positive results from Rife therapy, an ultrasound frequency treatment that uses ultrasound frequencies to address microbial infections. Rife has often been likened to opera singers able to shatter glass with just one note; electromagnetic frequencies seem to work the same way on microbes found within our bodies. Mark Jordan, a chiropractor and pastoral counselor will explain how Rife works, its history and how it might fit into treatment plans for Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.

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Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread by deer ticks. Its symptoms range from an expanding skin lesion known as an erythema migrans with bright red outer borders and a bull’s-eye center to early disseminated neurological involvement, including neuroborreliosis – characterized by severe headaches, brain fog, memory problems, difficulty thinking as well as difficulty speaking; to Bannwarth syndrome also known as tick-borne meningopolyneuritis and even cranial neuropathies similar to Bell’s palsy.

80 to 85 percent of cases involving Lyme disease can be successfully treated with four to six weeks of antibiotics; for a small but substantial minority however, chronic symptoms persist despite efforts from scientists who don’t yet fully understand how best to address them.

One reason treatment is so challenging for Borrelia infections is their ability to hide in our bodies and outwit our immune systems. Spirochetes have many ways of changing their surface proteins or changing shape, making it harder for antibodies to detect. Furthermore, they can attach themselves to host cells which prevents our own bodies from eliminating the infection properly.


Now we know that ticks carrying Borrelia don’t just inject bacteria directly into their hosts; they also pick up other pathogens, including Bartonella, Ehrlichia and Babesia – when present in the bloodstream with Borrelia they may cause symptoms such as muscle and joint aches.


Lyme disease, caused by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria found in deer ticks belonging to Ixodes genera, has long been one of the most prominent vector-borne illnesses in America, but diagnosis and treatment remain challenging. Now however, new treatments could inhibit their spread to help people with persistent symptoms.

Rife Therapy uses an electromagnetic apparatus which emits variable frequency soundwaves. According to its inventor, Royal Rife, different microorganisms and cells within our bodies each possess their own resonant frequencies that can be detected and changed using a receiver. When combined with an experienced practitioner, Rife machines are an excellent way to destroy pathogens without harming healthy cells or altering other biological processes.

To kill Borrelia bacteria, this machine employs electromagnetic frequencies programmed by their practitioner to target specific pathogens. Patients may also be advised to consume an alkaline diet which is said to raise pH levels within the body and discourage bacteria growth. Overall, when immune systems struggle to keep Borrelia at bay, other microbes can take over, leading to dysbiosis – another condition.

Many patients suffering from chronic Lyme disease believe that the disease lays dormant, only to emerge months or years later with symptoms such as joint pain and memory problems. Relapses may also be brought on by stress, antibiotics and other factors.

Researchers from the University of Massachusetts Amherst recently conducted a study showing that Rife Therapy can inhibit bacterium’s production of an antibiotic-resistance compound by providing specific frequency patterns that stimulate Rife therapy exposure to these bacteria in the laboratory. When exposed to such frequencies patterns, production decreased substantially and less of this compound was produced.

Researchers are working on developing a pill that would deliver these frequency patterns, in the hopes that it can eradicate Lyme infection. Meanwhile, holistic practitioners such as chiropractors, homeopaths and acupuncturists use machines like this one to treat Lyme-related symptoms – these practitioners include chiropractors, homeopaths and acupuncturists among others. Furthermore, certain plant based supplements have also shown promise at weakening biofilms that build up over time due to chronic illness, as well as strengthening immunity systems and breaking down toxins, thus helping reduce ‘die off’ reactions.


Rife machines are electromagnetic devices that use variable audio waves to alter pathogens such as Lyme spirochete. Created by Royal Rife, who also invented a universal microscope allowing scientists to observe bacteria for the first time, their concept lies in that every microorganism has a particular frequency which when exposed can destroy it without harming healthy cells – much like how an opera singer may use an opera note to shatter glass; microscopically vibrating sound waves destroy fragments of glass while at the same time creating microscopic vibrations through soundwaves created through soundwaves destroy fragments of glass from being scattered into pieces from which harm may remain.

Early stages of Lyme disease infection often manifest with various symptoms in different parts of the body, most frequently an erythema migrane rash – commonly referred to as bull’s eye rash – along with fever and chills, muscle and joint pain, fatigue and sore throat. Neurologically speaking, an infection may lead to meningitis with headaches called radiculoneuritis as well as cranial neuropathy and pareses in extremities; and, rarely, CSF (Central nervous system fluid), leading to brain inflammation known as Encephalomyelitis.

Antibiotics such as Doxycycline are often the best approach for early Lyme disease treatment, though they don’t always work when dealing with chronic infections or later stages.

Researchers from NEWVEC in Amherst, Massachusetts have been investigating whether a therapy typically used to inhibit tumor cell growth might also work against Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria responsible for Lyme disease. Their research revealed that both organisms share an identical metabolic process that utilizes energy from one specific molecule.

Researchers used enzyme inhibitors to disrupt this process and kill off the spirochetes in laboratory tests. When applied to patients suffering chronic Lyme disease, they found they worked as effectively as traditional antibiotics; their results were published in Pathogens journal. While their findings are preliminary, researchers encourage further studies of this approach towards treating PTLD.

Side Effects

Doxycycline antibiotic is generally effective at treating Lyme disease early on; however, in some patients the bacteria may linger and lead to chronic symptoms including joint pain and memory problems that persist despite traditional antibiotic treatments; some doctors believe these lingering infections could be caused by microbes that remain undetected within our tissues after taking medications like doxycycline; for these people alternative methods such as Rife Therapy may help target and eliminate specific germs more effectively.

Rife machines produce electromagnetic waves designed to cause vibrations in a particular germ’s covering – such as Borrelia bacterium that cause Lyme disease – which should eventually break down and kill it, much like when an opera singer uses their voice waves to shatter glass windows with sound waves. There are various manufacturers offering rife machines for sale and these devices are often utilized by practitioners treating Lyme disease and related conditions.

Royal Raymond Rife was an outstanding inventor who designed microscopes that helped scientists detect germs for the first time, as well as electromagnetic machines designed to destroy them. While his claims may never have been scientifically confirmed, many practitioners have found evidence to back his claims up by finding some bacteria responding positively to certain electromagnetic frequencies and being killed off as a result.

When a tick bites, they inject Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria directly into the bloodstream, infecting tissues and bloodstream. For Lyme disease to develop, the bacteria must fight their way past immune system defenses before reaching tissues and bloodstream – though the immune system usually keeps this in check quite successfully; but Borrelia can still create biofilms on tissues and joints to evade capture by immune response systems.

This protects Lyme bacteria from antibiotics and the body’s natural detoxification processes, such as detoxifying through diet. Certain supplements, like ionic silver and homeopathic remedies, have been shown to dislodge biofilms; diet changes can enhance immune system performance while helping reduce toxins; while herbal and homeopathic medicines can even kill off Lyme bacteria directly. Julee Radonich has launched a campaign to raise funds and awareness around Lyme disease through her YouCaring page where people can donate money directly for her battle and raise awareness through donations – youCaring gives people the opportunity to donate money directly towards her campaign!


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