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Rife Therapy For Lyme Disease

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Most Lyme disease can be effectively treated with antibiotics; however, for a significant minority this treatment won’t suffice.

Individuals exposed to Lyme disease may develop post treatment Lyme disease syndrome, or PTLD. This syndrome is characterized by persistent fatigue, muscle and joint pain and cognitive issues following treatment for Lyme disease.

What is a Rife Machine?

A rife machine emits electromagnetic frequencies to alter specific pathogens, such as Lyme spirochete. It was originally developed by Royal Rife, who was both biochemist and inventor. Rife believed that every disease-causing organism has its own specific frequency that can be detected and eliminated without harming healthy cells; for this reason he also created an instrument capable of seeing invisible toxins such as heavy metals.

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Devices used to detect and eliminate resonance frequencies consist of four parts: an amplifier, capacitor box, wire coil, and voltage generator. When electrodes in the coil come in contact with specific frequencies, an oscillator will produce its resonance frequency to damage bacteria or viruses. While original rife machines were large and costly to operate, modern engineering has enabled smaller, less expensive solutions that are easier to use and affordable for everyday users.

Researchers are exploring the use of rife therapy in treating Lyme disease patients. So far they have discovered that certain resonance frequencies, like those related to Borrelia burgdorferi spirochete, are effective at killing this bacteria and could provide an alternative therapy more effective than current oral antibiotic treatments.

Modern medicine’s approach to treating Lyme disease has an additional flaw: it only treats one strain of bacteria: Borrelia burgdorferi; while failing to address other tick-borne illnesses like Bartonella, Ehrlichia, or Babesia that could impact immune systems negatively and lead to chronic illness. This imbalance often manifests itself through chronic symptoms that persist despite treatment efforts.


Herxheimer reactions from antibiotics can be dangerous; to reduce this risk, detoxifying is thought to help. Rife machines have also been known to use different frequencies that support lymphatic drainage systems. No matter your condition, exploring rife therapy might benefit your wellbeing; contact The Apathecary Natural Health Center now for more information!

Why is the Rife Machine Used in Lyme Disease Treatment?

Lyme disease, the most prevalent vector-borne illness in the US, has numerous treatment options. Caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex spirochetes that spread via deer tick bites, its mainstay of standard therapy is Doxycycline from the Tetracycline family; other oral antibiotics with activity against Borrelia bacteria may also be utilized; many individuals recover within four to six weeks with oral antibiotic therapy; however a substantial minority continue suffering chronic symptoms that remain difficult to manage.

Chronic Lyme disease can result from any number of factors. These may include not having adequate antibodies against B. burgdorferi and other microbes associated with the illness; having an impaired immune system due to stress, drug use, poor diet or other factors; an imbalance of body’s bacterial populations (dysbiosis) as well as chronic infection with these microbes that results in fatigue, joint and muscle pain headaches gastrointestinal distress swollen gland fever chills sleep disturbance psychotic manifestations as well as cranial nerve problems such as tingling sensations, vertigo or tinnitus.

Rife machines are experimental electrotherapy devices that utilize electromagnetic frequencies to destroy bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms without harming healthy cells. Their technology relies on the idea that each organism has its own frequency; when exposed to this frequency it can be destroyed without harming its host organism.

University of Massachusetts Amherst researchers have created a medical device using sound waves to kill Lyme disease-causing bacteria, according to a report in Scientific Reports. Dubbed as the “beyond vaccine” for Lyme disease, the device consists of a portable laptop which generates frequencies within the ultraviolet and infrared spectrums; these frequencies are transmitted into liquid within plastic containers that house targeted bacteria; once inside, this liquid absorbs its energy before discharging it back onto target cells killing instantly.

How Does the Rife Machine Work?

The Rife Machine produces low-energy electromagnetic waves similar to radio frequencies that you cannot hear, which are designed to destroy harmful cells and microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and molds in your body. Each cell and microorganism has an individual frequency signature which can be detected by the Rife Machine before being changed into something toxic for them – thus providing healing benefits through destruction.

Royal Raymond Rife was an eminent scientist, inventor, and medical researcher best known for creating the revolutionary universal microscope which allowed scientists to first view microbes such as pneumonia bacteria. Rife also created his infamous Rife machine which claimed to kill cancerous cells while curing infectious diseases like Lyme disease.

Rife machines have become popular in alternative medicine circles because they do not go through the usual scientific process to demonstrate their efficacy. While some studies show how low frequency waves from rife machines may have some impact against cancerous cells, most have not been replicated and tend to be anecdotal in nature.

There are various methods of administering rife frequencies, but the most prevalent method is through the Plasma Tube device. It’s designed to deliver low-energy electromagnetic frequencies via electrodes connected by hand cylinders or TENS pads connected directly to your body – all programmed with specific frequencies for contact or noncontact applications.

Although not FDA-approved for marketing as a Rife machine, alternative and natural health centers sometimes use this device as part of a rife therapy treatment plan. It’s important to remember that depending on this device may delay seeking proven and effective treatments for illness; doing so could have more dire health effects in the end.

Lyme disease spirochetes can be difficult to kill with conventional antibiotics and even after four to six weeks of therapy, many patients still experience symptoms that persist. While the rife machine may not provide a complete cure for Lyme, it has proven successful at alleviating some lingering symptoms by killing bacteria that cause them. For more information about using the rife machine as part of Lyme disease treatment, schedule an appointment with Dr. Apa at The Apathecary Natural Health Center now.

What Are the Side Effects of Rife Therapy?

Rife machines, named for their creator Royal Raymond Rife, are devices designed to emit specific frequencies intended to target and destroy disease-causing microorganisms. Operating on the principle that every pathogen has an electromagnetic frequency that can be altered or disrupted to kill off pathogens without harming human cells, Rife machines are believed to effectively combat pathogens without having any negative impact on human cells.

However, Rife therapy should be seen as alternative medicine because there is limited or no scientific evidence supporting its efficacy and FDA approval for it. Although Rife therapy may help people living with Lyme disease or other health problems, before starting any form of alternative medication consult your physician first.

Many chronic illness sufferers can encounter considerable skepticism when discussing their symptoms, particularly for tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease. There’s often the perception that Lyme disease symptoms are just slightly worse than usual and people complaining of symptoms are malingerers or hypochondriacs; unfortunately this makes getting the help needed harder.

Skepticism about Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses is gradually changing thanks to activists. More people are aware of tick-borne diseases and demanding better care from their physicians, yet many misconceptions still remain regarding chronic illness, which need to be dispelled.

Misconceptions about chronic illnesses often exist. This is particularly prevalent for those living with Lyme disease who have not received proper care; research has demonstrated that people untreated with Lyme often develop persister forms of Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria that become resistant to antibiotics, leading to long-term symptoms and reduced quality of life.

Antibiotics and herbal therapies are both available as effective ways to treat Lyme disease. A recent survey among Lyme disease sufferers revealed that herbal protocols were voted as being most effective, and included supplements like Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Guava Leaf Leaf and Ghanaian Quinine which can help to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.


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