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Rife Therapy For Lyme Disease

Lyme disease, an infectious bacterial disease treatable with antibiotics, often manifests itself with fatigue, headaches and joint pain as its symptoms. While antibiotics can help, some individuals still experience persistent symptoms which don’t respond to treatment.

Tumor cells and the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria responsible for Lyme disease share an unusual feature when it comes to their growth; both depend on glycolysis for energy production.


Lyme disease, the most prevalent vector-borne infection in the US, is spread via infected deer ticks infected by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria that cause it. Estimates put Lyme cases at around 476,000 per year – however not always responding to antibiotics – which has researchers searching for new strategies to inhibit its growth – such as those offered at University of Massachusetts Amherst’s New England Vector-borne Emerging Diseases Center (NEWVEC). One such team believes they may have discovered an effective means of doing just this: using targeted deer tick bites has led them directly towards Lyme infection – perhaps an ideal candidate!

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Researchers have discovered that certain frequencies emitted by the Rife machine can help break down cell walls of Borrelia burgdorferi and other microorganisms without harming healthy cells, much like how an opera singer singing an exact note can shatter glass even though you may not perceive it that way.

Researchers conducted experiments using lactate dehydrogenase. When exposed to frequencies that inhibited its ability to produce lactate, bacteria died. This finding suggests a similar strategy could be used against parasites and viruses which cause various symptoms.

This work could be the start of something bigger – medical therapies to treat persistent Lyme disease symptoms that do not respond to antibiotic treatment, including fatigue, pain and cognitive problems that impact quality of life. Our research will begin with mouse models before expanding to humans – an essential step due to lack of understanding around this disease.

Untreated Lyme disease symptoms typically include arthritic joints, a bull’s-eye skin rash and neurological symptoms like memory loss, headaches and numbness. Because these signs could mimic other health conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome depression or anxiety it is essential that those suspecting Lyme receive proper diagnosis.

Chiropractic practitioners don’t treat infectious diseases, but they can use an array of therapies to manage symptoms. Ionic silver has been demonstrated to augment antibiotic effectiveness while homeopathic and plant-based supplements may help break down bacterial biofilms associated with chronic Lyme disease.


People suffering from symptoms associated with Lyme disease often don’t realize this is what’s causing their issues. Fatigue, headaches and joint pain are among the more commonly reported complaints; their source could be as simple as an infection with Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria which produces biofilms in our bodies that prevent our immune systems from attacking it directly. Rife technology and Bioresonance devices like Rife machines may be effective ways of breaking down these biofilms to unlock our bodies’ natural healing mechanisms and allow it to heal itself naturally.

Lyme Disease (or Lyme Associated Dermatitis, LAD, as it’s sometimes known) is a vector-borne infection spread by infected deer ticks. An estimated 476,000 people per year contract this potentially debilitating illness; its early symptoms include rashes and flu-like sensations before progressing to neurological symptoms later. If left untreated, permanent brain and heart damage could result. Although most recover after antibiotic treatment is completed successfully, some develop Post Treatment Lyme Disease (PTLD), which includes severe symptoms as well as neurologic involvement.

Risk of PTLD increases with severity of initial symptoms, presence of neurologic symptoms and duration of initial disease. Genetic predispositions and immunological variables are thought to play a part in its occurrence.

Concerns have been expressed that climate change will lead to an increase in PTLD as warmer winters favour tick populations and urbanization expands the spread of tick-borne diseases.

Alternative treatments have also been proposed as potential remedies for PTLD, including diet changes, herbal remedies, homeopathy treatments and ionic silver to bolster antibiotic effects; while homeopathic and plant based supplements have been found to boost immune function and decrease die-off reactions in the body.

At this workshop, guest speaker Mark Jordan will explore the use of Rife machines in treating Lyme disease, along with their history and potential role in healing chronically ill patients.


Many patients suffering from Lyme disease report that Rife frequency healing therapy can aid their recovery. This form of healing utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to target and kill microorganisms causing Lyme disease; furthermore, Rife frequency healing therapy also offers many other health advantages.

A Rife machine emits waves that are programmed by its practitioner to target and destroy these organisms without harming healthy cells. It is thought that these frequencies penetrate microorganisms’ membranes and disrupt their cell function – similar to how opera singers use sound waves to shatter glass – just as Rife machines kill germs with similar frequencies.

Some practitioners suggest using both the Rife device and detox protocols in conjunction with taking various supplements designed to boost immunity during treatment, including high-quality probiotics, dietary modifications and exercise. Doing this may reduce symptoms associated with Herxheimer reactions due to antibiotic treatment.

Alternative treatments for Lyme disease may include herbal protocols designed to kill bacteria and enhance the body’s natural detoxification processes, and can be used either alone or alongside antibiotics. A recent survey indicated that herbal protocols were the most popular and effective alternative treatment option, with 68% of those who tried them reporting moderate or very effective results with minimal side effects.

Some doctors consider the Marshall Protocol the optimal method for treating Lyme disease, consisting of taking 100mg of minocycline twice a day for 30 days to treat its objective manifestations such as erythema migrans and certain neurologic and cardiac manifestations, as well as chronic symptoms like fatigue and musculoskeletal pain which do not respond to standard antibiotic treatments. It should be noted, however, that these treatments cannot prevent long-term complications or completely eradicate Lyme bacteria that causes it.


Lyme disease, one of the most prevalent vector-borne illnesses in America, is often spread by deer ticks infected with Lyme bacteria and may not respond well to antibiotics. Many individuals suffering from chronic Lyme symptoms have been written off by doctors or sent for specialists who offered limited relief; but now there is another alternative treatment solution – Rife therapy.

Royal Raymond Rife invented the Rife machine, an experimental electrotherapy device which employs low-energy electromagnetic frequencies to destroy bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. Each organism is believed to possess its own specific frequency that, when exposed to, will result in its destruction without harming healthy cells in the body – much like how an opera singer shatters glass by singing certain notes; similarly when microorganisms are exposed to their correct frequency.

Lyme disease isn’t solely about Borrelia; ticks that carry it may also carry other infections, including Bartonella, Ehrlichia and Babesia – each can exacerbate symptoms while altering other bacteria within your body resulting in dysbiosis – an imbalance between beneficial bacteria and harmful ones that causes health complications.

This book, written by Richard Loyd and featuring an introduction by noted rife machine researcher Marc Fett, provides stories from patients who have used rife technology to treat Lyme disease symptoms with success. It is designed for non-rife machine users who may benefit, providing easy reading comprehension as well as references to documented scientific research on Lyme pathology.

The authors have attempted to make their book as comprehensive as possible; the final chapter contains a guide for patients in finding an appropriate practitioner using rife therapy to treat Lyme disease symptoms. They hope that this book will become an essential resource for people suffering from Lyme disease; furthermore, their goal is also to raise awareness about this growing epidemic that still needs adequate treatments available to many undiagnosed patients who cannot access adequate healthcare solutions.


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