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What is RIFE Therapy?

Rife asserts that each disease or bacteria has a specific frequency that resonates with it and by matching this frequency with body cells, Rife therapy can destroy any microorganisms without harming their surrounding ecosystem. This forms the basis for its application in treatment.

Some clients experience a Herxheimer reaction after Rife treatments as their body eliminates dead organisms – this is an encouraging sign that the treatment is working!

RIFE therapy

RIFE therapy is an alternative healing approach that utilizes specific frequencies to target and eradicate disease-causing microorganisms. It works on the principle of sympathetic resonance, where like objects vibrate at similar frequencies. When harmful microorganisms come in contact with these frequencies that resonate with them, their cell membranes are destroyed thus killing off any remaining microbes.

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A Rife machine produces low-energy electromagnetic waves that are released through plasma tubes into the body, as well as transmitted through tissues and organs. According to its theory of operation, all viruses, bacteria, and parasites have an individual frequency that resonates with them – by tuning into this frequency Spooky2 Rife device is able to destroy these organisms without harming other cells or processes in your body.

Many patients report improved symptoms after receiving RIFE therapy; however, its use remains controversial due to its lack of scientific support and clinical trials. Still, its use continues to rise among Lyme disease sufferers; in one instance using the Spooky2 Rife machine was even successful at fully eliminating all bacteria responsible for his Lyme disease!

In addition to treating pathogens, RIFE therapy can also boost your body’s natural detoxification processes. Drink plenty of water following each session so as to flush away dead microbes from your system and combine RIFE therapy with an ionic foot bath in order to remove all toxins from the body.


RIFE Therapy stands out from conventional medicine by not using drugs or surgery; rather, its focus lies on using resonant frequencies to help heal and strengthen the body’s natural immunity system without the risk of side effects or any form of intrusiveness.

People worldwide use RIFE therapy to aid Lyme disease recovery, ease chronic fatigue symptoms and increase energy. An increasing number of wellness centers now offer this unique modality as part of an holistic approach to health and wellbeing.

Rife machines

Many patients suffering from Lyme disease report positive results after using Rife machines, which use specific frequencies that are believed to target and kill disease-causing microorganisms. Rife machines were first developed by Royal Raymond Rife who developed one of the most advanced microscopes available at that time and first saw bacteria and viruses for himself for the first time, leading him to theorize that each virus or microbe has a unique electromagnetic frequency which could then be used against it without harming healthy cells.

Rife machines generate low-energy electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves. When applied to the body, these waves create an electromagnetic field which disrupts and disintegrates pathogens – just as an opera singer would use soundwaves to shatter glass without damaging surrounding objects.

Rife practitioners use frequencies programmed into a machine by Rife practitioners to precisely target bacteria, viruses and other microbes that contribute to disease. They may be combined with antibiotics or antiparasitic medications for optimal results; additionally RIFE practitioners often recommend drinking plenty of water after each session to flush away dead microbes and other toxins from your system.

Although Rife therapy has had some anecdotal success stories, there is limited scientific support for its efficacy. Unlike most drugs which undergo extensive clinical trials before approval by regulatory bodies, most benefits associated with Rife devices have only been verified through anecdotal or uncontrolled studies; their lack of validation has limited mainstream medicine use of these devices.

Thankfully, there are several treatment options available to those diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease. Before making any major dietary or lifestyle changes on your own, always check in with a healthcare provider first.

This episode of “Advancements with Ted Danson” examines improvements to Rife technology developed by Royal Raymond Rife during the 1920s. TrueRife, a company which makes Rife technology more user-friendly for everyone, is featured as well.

Rife frequency generators

Rife frequency generators are machines designed to produce specific frequencies that target and kill disease-causing microorganisms. Their design relies on the principle that each organism has its own resonant frequency; by identifying them, Rife generators are able to destroy pathogens without harming healthy cells.

RIFE generators utilize PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) technology to produce these frequencies, with low-energy PEMF frequencies not having any negative side-effects on human tissue like those produced by devices such as x-rays or radiotherapy devices; it should be noted however, that PEMF frequencies should not be seen as an alternative solution or replacement for professional medical advice or diagnosis.

Royal Raymond Rife developed this experimental electrotherapy device in the 1920s; it emits electromagnetic waves programmed to replicate specific frequencies associated with bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. Each microorganism has its own resonant frequency that can be matched against vibration rates of diseased cells; then these frequencies can be used to destroy those diseased cells while leaving healthy ones intact.

Resonant frequency therapy remains controversial owing to a lack of rigorous scientific testing. Due to regulatory approval and clinical evidence issues, mainstream medicine remains skeptical; however many individuals have found RIFE frequency therapy beneficial in improving their wellbeing.

The RIFE app provides an intuitive experience of this therapy without leaving home. Users have access to a library of frequencies tailored specifically to individual health goals; for example, those suffering joint pain might choose one to relieve stress; after consulting its knowledge database and selecting their frequency from this list, the app creates an audio file with this frequency which can then be played through headphones at low volume to ease pain relief.

Apart from alleviating stress, this app features frequencies to promote detoxification, meditation and mindfulness as well as boost energy levels and support overall well-being.

RIFE frequency therapy at The Apathecary Natural Health Center

The RIFE frequency generator works by emitting frequencies that resonate with pathogenic cells, disabling and helping your body eliminate them. It’s an ideal tool for anyone experiencing chronic health issues as it works to support the natural healing processes. Plus, unlike invasive surgical procedures or medications prescribed to you by physicians or healthcare practitioners RIFE is safe, noninvasive and suitable for everyone to use – plus won’t interfere with other therapies or medications you might be taking!

Royal Raymond Rife was an innovator and scientist who created Rife therapy during the 1920s. His studies with microscopes demonstrated that microorganisms vibrated at specific frequencies; his theory postulated that using these frequencies to attack harmful organisms within the body without harming healthy ones was considered the earliest known form of biofield medicine. Rife therapy has been successfully utilized to treat Lyme disease caused by Borrelia bacteria spread by ticks from Ixodes genus ticks.

Frequency-based treatment is noninvasive, painless, and has no side effects. It can be combined with other therapies for maximum effect; also used to treat various health issues including arthritis and multiple sclerosis – however individual results will differ between people.

RIFE operates under the principle that every cell in our bodies, as well as diseased organisms like bacteria, viruses and mold, have their own electromagnetic frequency. To generate low-energy electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves but undetectable by humans. These waves are then transmitted into our bodies using electrodes placed on feet or held by hands – an effect called Spooky2 Rife machine produces these low-energy waves which then travel through electrodes attached to feet and hands to reach every part of us.

Each frequency is tailored to specific microorganisms; for instance, if you have a Candida Albicans overgrowth, using its matching frequency will cause it to “shatter” and die off, allowing your body’s detoxification systems to remove them more effectively from your system. One integrative treatment protocol led to partial remission of metastatic colon cancer in eight months using standard anti-angiogenesis treatments, high dose IV herbal and nutrient therapies, oral consumption of repurposed medication/supplements plus targeted EMF/Rife frequency therapy.


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