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What is Rife Therapy?

Rife therapy is an alternative cancer therapy treatment method using electromagnetic frequencies to destroy harmful cells and microorganisms. Rife is also widely used to treat chronic Lyme disease and other health conditions.

The Rife machine uses low-energy electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves that cannot be heard, to send low-level electric pulses throughout your body and disrupt virus, bacteria, fungi and parasite membranes and shatter them into pieces.

The Rife machine

The Rife machine uses low electromagnetic energy waves that are similar to radio waves. These frequencies can promote healing by targeting harmful cells and microorganisms; reduce stress levels; enhance mood; as well as provide relief for relieving symptoms associated with cancer treatments. Cancer patients have used Rife machines extensively, though prior consultation is always advised; furthermore it should not be used if you have a pacemaker or any implanted medical devices such as pacemakers.

This device, named for Royal Raymond Rife, works under the theory that every cell, including cancerous ones, operates at its own frequency. These frequencies can be detected using high-powered microscopes and used to destroy harmful cells; however, evidence supporting this concept is limited – some researchers claim the Rife machine can kill viruses and bacteria; however, others warn of potential side effects.

Rife machines can be an invaluable resource in treating numerous conditions, from parasite infections to cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, frequency healing provides the opportunity to restore cell communication and optimize sleep patterns – offering new avenues for improving one’s health and well-being.

The Rife machine combines plasma ray tubes and radiofrequency (RF) technology to deliver targeted therapy, featuring over 1,300 distinct protocols designed to address specific microorganisms or conditions. Furthermore, its RF technology can penetrate deep into tissue layers to address any underlying issues. Furthermore, this portable device makes treatment sessions easy at home – usually lasting 30-60 minutes each session, clients usually receive one every week or fortnight.

Plasma ray tubes

Plasma ray tubes are an electrical device used to convert electron tracks into X-ray radiation. Composed of an electron gun, hollow cathode, and beam reflector; powered by high voltage; the high-voltage causes electrons to collide with gas molecules present in the cathode, producing a blue-ish purple glow; these electrons then accelerate in their flight path before emitting low-energy electromagnetic waves which damage cell membranes and disrupt structures, as well as induce apoptosis by ionizing molecules within cells thus killing cancerous cells altogether.

Royal Raymond Rife, who created the Rife machine, used a microscope to observe viruses and bacteria. Through his research he found that each virus had its own specific frequency that caused oscillation until collapse and self-destructing occurred; similar to how sound waves interact with objects and make them vibrate.

He also discovered the resonant frequencies for other pathologies, including herpes-type viruses, Borrelia bacteria, tuberculosis and hepatitis. After finding their respective frequencies he would apply these directly onto patients bodies using picoammeters with electrical connections – usually by applying frequency via electrical pulses from picoampmeters and wired circuits.

At each session, patients sit before a plasma ray tube while holding electrodes on their hands or feet. The device emits low-energy electromagnetic frequencies into their bodies in order to destroy cancerous cells and other pathologies, with it’s believed that cancerous cells’ resonant frequencies vibrating apart, leaving healthy cells unaffected.

Radiofrequency (RF) technology

The Rife machine utilizes plasma ray tubes to produce electromagnetic fields that emit frequencies designed to disrupt cancerous cells without harming healthy ones or altering metabolism. Furthermore, these frequencies can also be used against microorganisms like viruses, molds, bacteria, or parasites that could otherwise threaten our wellbeing.

Royal Raymond Rife developed the theory that all living organisms and diseases possess their own electromagnetic frequency. He theorized that each frequency could be recorded and detected, with diseases or viruses destroyed by focusing on their resonant frequency. For this purpose he designed a microscope equipped with specific features to monitor such frequencies, while simultaneously creating a device emitting electromagnetic waves at these specific frequencies.

Today, Rife machines can be purchased online and used by patients worldwide to treat various conditions. Rife therapy is non-invasive and doesn’t require medications or anesthetics – making it an affordable and popular option among patients worldwide. Furthermore, its safe and effective nature mean no side effects.

Rife therapy can be an excellent treatment option for cancer, but it also has multiple other applications. Rife has proven its worth in eliminating parasites, treating viral infections and altering physiological processes such as circulation and sleep patterns – as well as helping with chronic ear infections, Lyme disease and other autoimmune disorders.

Studies have also demonstrated that exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) causes a reduction in mitochondrial activity – the energy source for cancer cells. According to one study, researchers discovered that LEAM RF EMF exposure caused a significant drop in oxygen consumption rate (OCR) of cancer cells as well as alteration in their morphology from proliferating into quiescent.

Customized protocols

Rife machine therapy offers an innovative alternative to conventional cancer therapies. This holistic approach works to identify and neutralize bacteria, viruses and parasites which pose threats to our bodies, while simultaneously strengthening its natural immunity system. Due to its noninvasive nature and flexible application for various health conditions – including cancer – Rife machine therapy makes an attractive option for those concerned about potential side effects from traditional treatments.

Royal Raymond Rife first developed this groundbreaking electromagnetic frequency device in the 1930s; it employs electromagnetic frequencies to eliminate cancer cells and pathogens. Plasma glass tubes are at the core of this machine’s operation, generating electromagnetic frequencies using radiofrequency technology that create targeted electromagnetic waves to disrupt cancerous cell growth without harming healthy cells. Clients sitting comfortably, with their hands or feet held against a plasma tube. This setup allows the machine to transmit electromagnetic frequencies for 30-60 minutes at a time; these RF frequencies and session lengths enable Rife therapy machines to target different types of cancer as well as various micro-organisms.

Side effects

Rife machines emit low-energy electromagnetic soundwaves that are specifically tailored to kill cancer cells and other pathogens by matching their resonant frequencies. According to Royal Raymond Rife, every disease-causing cell and microorganism has a distinct frequency which can be detected. When confronted by electric energy these frequencies are then neutralized and cause them to disintegrate into nothingness.

Rife therapy is non-invasive and does not require anesthetics or sedation; each session lasts just a few minutes and may be repeated multiple times per week. Rife therapy provides an effective alternative to more traditional cancer treatments like surgery and chemotherapy that have side effects and may not completely destroy all malignant cells.

Case study results of an 8-month protocol of integrative therapies demonstrated that a 52-year-old with metastatic colon cancer experienced significant tumor response and partial remission using integrative therapies. Her regimen consisted of standard anti-angiogenesis treatment, high dose intravenous nutrition therapy, oral intake of repurposed medication and supplements and 4 months of targeted electromagnetic field frequency therapy with Rife frequency; EMF/Rife treatments caused a drop in CTC count while inducing apoptosis of tumour cells as evidenced by follow up MRI images.

Rife machines also can help treat chronic infections such as Lyme Disease. The bacteria responsible for Lyme disease lay dormant in muscle tissue, often leading to persistent symptoms even after antibiotic treatment has been attempted. Rife therapy can identify and identify the resonant frequency of Borrelia bacteria to destroy them at their dormant stage and bring relief.

The Spooky2 Rife machine emits low-energy sound frequencies to address various health problems. Dr. Anthony Apa, PharmD, CFMP of The Apathecary Natural Health Center in Clarksville Tennessee utilizes this machine to harness soundwave healing power for treating chronic disease and muscle soreness. Call or book online appointment to gain more knowledge of this Rife machine and its potential health benefits for yourself or a loved one.
