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Scio Device Biofeedback

scio device biofeedback

The SCIO is an evoked potential biofeedback machine. It scans your body at computer-speed to detect everything that causes stress to your systems – be it vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids hormones or emotions.

Frequencies can also help balance viruses, weaknesses, toxins and food sensitivities that arise, by scanning for viruses, weaknesses, toxins and sensitivities and applying frequencies accordingly.

It is a high technology therapy for the 21st century

The SCIO device is a safe and powerful evoked potential biofeedback system designed for both diagnosis (when administered by health professionals) and healing. Created by Professor Bill Nelson, SCIO uses cutting-edge technology and decades of research to tap into your body’s electrical communication pathways and identify imbalances using focused energetic therapy naturopathy.

This system is completely non-invasive and painless for clients to experience. They wear headband, wrist and ankle straps which deliver electromagnetic signals into their bodies, measuring response from organs and systems across an enormous test array, measuring imbalances that cause stress or block energy flow, then providing information regarding possible origins for such imbalances – using either its comprehensive suite of therapeutic programs, or suggesting non-electromagnetic therapies as therapies of choice.

Like a computer virus scan, the SCIO scan identifies and reports imbalances in your body such as viruses, nutritional deficiencies, weakness, toxins, allergies, abnormalities and food sensitivities. In addition, it assesses each system’s biological reactivity and resonance to provide insight into your needs, dysfunctions and vulnerabilities; its findings differ significantly from more traditional medical tests such as blood work or X-rays.

During testing, this device vibrates against hundreds of tissues, organs, vitamins, minerals, foods, enzymes, fungi, chemicals and toxins for one hundredth of a second in order to compare results against its database of normal responses. This enables it to accurately identify your unique resonance pulse, then feed back an alternate, beneficial resonance which you respond to by changing your reactance pulse – this allows the device to identify which setting works and maintain it until its beneficial nature diminishes, changing accordingly if the reaction indicates otherwise. It maintains each setting until reaction indicates otherwise; then changes accordingly as necessary based on reaction.

The device can also measure how the body responds to electromagnetic fields that represent harmful factors, including electro-smog and pollution, radiation exposure and cell inflammation. Furthermore, the device can identify various emotional and psychological issues including fear, panic attacks depression addictions phobias. Furthermore, it may even identify parasites or bacteria infections present.

It is based on the principles of quantum physics

The SCIO is an advanced biofeedback device designed for ease of use and profound healing, working naturopathically to stimulate and channel our incredible capacity for self-healing. By reading your body’s bioenergetics and resonance frequencies, the SCIO provides information far beyond traditional X-rays or blood tests: imbalances, deficiencies and vulnerabilities can be easily identified while providing a holistic view of where energy is being directed in your body.

Quantum SCIO utilizes transcutaneous voltametric evoked potential (trans-VEP) technology and includes both hardware and software components. The hardware consists of 4 electrodes placed at wrists, ankles and forehead (12 points total). The software runs on PC platform using mathematical calculations and high-end graphics for smooth communication with client’s energetic field through complex series of algorithms to collect bioenergetic data in an easy-to-interpret format.

SCIO employs a program that measures your body’s subtle reactions to a database of biological, psychological and medical items in electro-magnetic form. Once identified as likely sources of stress, frequencies designed to address or neutralize destructive wave patterns are fed back.

This process is similar to how scales and thermometers measure bio-energetic factors; the main difference being that SCIO measures your body’s response to over 12,000 electromagnetic frequencies at biological speed – meaning it can determine if something is healthy or not.

Your body needs the appropriate frequency in order to restore equilibrium, so this technology works by sending that frequency directly. It can help with many imbalances such as unblocking energy flow, eliminating pathogens and stimulating repair processes as well as desensitizing allergies, reducing stress levels, balancing emotions and resetting chakras – these and many others can all be addressed through using biofeedback technology.

When the SCIO recognizes a stressor, it outlines programs for 72 different health modalities to address it. If it detects that you’re eating too much sugar, nutritional therapies are provided as ways to correct that imbalance; similarly if an infection has set in then remedies will also be offered by this program.

It is safe

The Scio Device Biofeedback is a noninvasive and painless means of testing for and balancing subtle charges that cause stress in the body. A sophisticated software program records electrical impulses from organs and systems of the body to identify imbalances or toxins; enabling practitioners to balance energies of patients to facilitate healing and restore harmony; while measuring energy levels within cells and tissues to reveal where healing needs may lie in order to facilitate healing and restore harmony.

The SCIO is one of the most advanced energetic medicine machines available today. It’s a safe, powerful evoked-potential biofeedback system designed to stimulate our bodies’ natural ability for self-healing, much like how computer virus scanners scan for threats like viruses. The SCIO scans your body like it would any computer virus scanner would, looking out for everything from virus infections, deficiencies, food sensitivities and abnormalities as well as emotional, mental and spiritual stressors that might exist within you.

At this test, you wear magnetic headbands, wrist and ankle straps connected to a SCIO device, which is then connected to a computer program for scanning. It resonates with thousands of tissues, organs, nutrients, toxins and allergens for one hundredth of a second each before recording how your body responds. This method is known as the Xrroid process.

Once the scanning process has concluded, the program provides you with a map of your energetic state and frequencies to be balanced. SCIO can transmit approximately 50 corrective energies that help the body establish energetic equilibrium for health and well-being – such as unblocking energy flows, killing pathogens, stimulating repair processes, detoxification programs, desensitising allergies, reducing stress levels, balancing emotions and chakras.

The SCIO can also help identify underlying causes of your issues, such as emotional blocks, negative thought patterns or physical traumas. Once identified, electromagnetic waves or currencies may be transmitted that allow the body to release these blockages; for example, in one instance it confirmed that an emotionally distraught teenage boy had parasites not detected by other tests and used electromagnetic frequencies to effectively remove them from his system.

It is effective

The Scio Device is an Evoked Potential Biofeedback machine which enables you to take control of your own physiological functions. It’s often used for stress management, muscle tension and pain relief, digestive issues, allergies, headaches and asthma symptoms among many other issues. This technology employs electromagnetic waves to measure your body’s electrical responses and then provides feedback. Working at the cellular level, it can identify imbalances such as poor circulation or inflammation quickly and address them effectively. Process takes 30-45 minutes; during which you will lie on a couch while electrodes are placed on your ankles, wrists, and head to collect data. After scanning is completed, SCIO device analyzes it before sending back the results back to a therapist who interprets them.

A therapist can then use the information from these assessments to devise a biofeedback session tailored specifically to address your particular issues. For instance, they could use it to identify which foods or chemicals may be triggering stress for you and recommend changes to diet as part of an antioxidation stress mitigation strategy and restore healthy cell function.

Additionally, your therapist can utilize SCIO to address emotional and mental stressors that might be impacting on your wellbeing, including incorrect diet choices, harmful lifestyle practices, lack of sleep due to too much work load or long-term pharmacological treatments such as those found at IHI or elsewhere. This will enhance your sense of well-being and reduce effects from chronic stress that could cause serious illness. Stressful situations could include incorrect dietary choices or lifestyle practices; inadequate rest due to work load or long-term treatment and more.

Though SCIO can be an incredible effective tool, it’s important to keep in mind that this device is not diagnostic in nature and cannot give a definitive diagnosis of anything affecting your health. What it can provide however is an accurate picture of energy and resonance within your body and points towards any issues which could be contributing to its impairment – food sensitivities, mineral deficiency or blockages within organs could all have an effect on it.

Also, it helps detect pathogens and toxic substances within your body and balances your energy at a subtle energy level. This could involve finding and unblocking energy flows, eliminating parasites and viruses, desensitizing allergies, relieving stress, balancing emotions and supporting detoxification processes.
