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SCIO Device Price Announced on Kickstarter

Israel-based Consumer Physics team has developed a pocket-sized device capable of scanning molecular fingerprints of physical objects and sending that data directly to users’ smartphones, which could help detect avocado ripening more accurately or help farmers monitor soil conditions more easily.

SCIO’s software can detect energetic imbalances caused by emotional, spiritual, and physical stressors. Though the database begins with limited data points initially, its rapid user growth should soon see this expand significantly.

Quantum Biofeedback

Quantum Biofeedback is a noninvasive therapy that works by correcting imbalances in the body’s electrical energy field. This therapy can help alleviate physical, mental and spiritual stresses that cause disruptions in body systems; by balancing energies using biofeedback biofeedback can facilitate healing within and restore wellness in individuals.

The INDIGO Biofeedback system scans your energetic body for numerous factors such as vitamin levels, amino acids, food substances, minerals, toxins, bacteria, viruses, chemical imbalances, hormonal problems, emotional patterns and stressors to identify your highest stressors and identify possible underlying reasons for chronic illnesses. It then compares that data against its database of 18,000 frequencies to pinpoint your highest stressors; helping de-stress your body and potentially identify root causes of chronic illness.

QXCI/SCIO biofeedback devices measure electromagnetic responses of your body against a vast database of frequencies and are the latest advancement in this technology. Utilizing an advanced computer, these devices measure biological resonance and response of fight or flight reactions of environmental toxins and pathogens as well as nutritional imbalances, food sensitivities or any potential irritants below conscious awareness.

Quantum relaxation therapy (QRT) is a safe, non-invasive form of stress management based on quantum physics principles that uses only gentle touch to alleviate symptoms. QRT is an innovative form of energy medicine based on the principle that your body is electric in nature and intelligent; given the right stimuli or circumstances it has the capability of healing itself if given enough stimulation or guidance.

INDIGO device connects with clients through four electrodes on wrist, ankles and 8 on forehead (transcutaneous voltametric evoked potential) to monitor autonomic nervous system interaction through electro-dermal responses and analyze results using transcutaneous voltametric evoked potential (TVEP). Once results have been analyzed it recommends an individualized program of nutrition, detoxification and relaxation techniques that aim at de-stressing their bodies including nutrition, detoxification and frequency-based interventions that reeducate TVEP results using frequency-based interventions (TVEP).

Stress Elimination

Stress is a natural part of everyday life, but prolonged exposure to excess levels of it can be harmful. To protect your health, it is vital that you identify its sources and devise effective management techniques to alleviate its symptoms. Eliminating potential sources of strain will reduce risks such as cardiovascular disease, digestive disorders and depression while developing effective coping mechanisms may help alleviate potential discomforts that lead to illness in general.

The SCIO device listens in on your body’s electrical communication pathways and analyzes their data in order to detect imbalances caused by allergies, deficiencies, toxins, bacteria, viruses, radiation exposure, emotional mindset and nutrition habits – including how your immune system may be straining. It can even tell if your immunity system has become overburdened with strain.

SCIO is a new molecular reader that utilizes similar technology found in laboratory spectrometers but in a much more compact package. Consumer Physics claims the device can be used for testing anything with molecular structure such as foods, drugs and supplements; its first app, TellSpec specializes in food and will allow users to scan a picture of a package to see what is inside without reading labels.

SCIO devices are currently available to early supporters who can purchase one for $299, providing continuous access to a supporting app and cloud storage for scans taken with it. In future releases, additional apps will be developed so people can test various items or therapies. A multidisciplinary R&D effort involving software engineers, chemists and material scientists aims to create an “universal molecular reader” suitable for public use – eventually with an app capable of telling watermelon from pineapple!

Nutritional Advice

Consumer Physics’ SCIO device may be your solution to trying to estimate how many calories are in a watermeal or mistrusting the nutritional data on food labels. After raising over $2 million on Kickstarter and now being sold directly by Consumer Physics, the SCIO scans objects such as tomatoes to reveal their nutritional properties.

Spectrometers can detect food, drugs and chemicals. A demo showed it differentiating between Advil and Aleve – however this might not apply to every prescription medication available today. In addition to that, SCIO can identify areas in your body where you may be subject to excessive stress; thus decreasing levels and eliminating oxidative stress that is responsible for serious illnesses such as cancer, atherosclerosis, heart attack or premature ageing.

Effective energy medicine works by communicating with the subtle energies of your body and identifying which parts no longer resonate on their natural rhythm. It can also determine if any substances cause allergic reactions and offer advice for improving diet and health habits that could improve overall wellness. Furthermore, energy imbalances including emotional or mental stress as well as deficiencies or imbalances of nutrients, food sensitivities, radiation exposure, bacteria parasites or viruses can be identified through energy medicine treatments.
