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SCIO Therapy

scio therapy

SCIO is an advanced device used by health practitioners to identify energetic imbalances within your body. Like scanning for viruses on a computer, SCIO performs scans on your body that detect weaknesses such as infections, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities and other toxicities that may exist within.

The device measures electric reactions in order to provide stress reduction programs that take advantage of your body’s incredible self-healing capacity. It tests for everything including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids hormones and emotions.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

It is a non-invasive therapy

The scio is a non-invasive device that measures subtle electrical reactions of the body to help reduce stress and improve health. Utilizing computerized analysis of energy flow within each part of the body and pinpoint imbalances, this system creates an individualized treatment plan designed to target root causes of illness while encouraging healing. Clients may experience various sensations during and after sessions; such as feeling energized, relaxed or emotional – which are normal responses when old patterns of dysfunctional energy are released, making room for healthier energetic circuits to form; drinking several glasses of water daily can support this process and encourage this transformational journey.

Scio’s scientific foundation rests on the principle that everything in nature is energy. Human bodies, too, contain electromagnetic fields which we absorb through diet and lifestyle choices as electromagnetic waves pass through us and create physical phenomena. According to Scio philosophy, balance exists when there are no blockages to energy flow – any imbalance on any level – physical, mental or emotional could stop this energy moving freely and lead to disease if left unchecked by toxins and diet restrictions among other things.

SCIO (Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System) is one of the world’s most advanced energetic medicine systems. As an innovative biofeedback device, it works to boost our body’s incredible self-healing potential by detecting and relieving stress from our bodies – used by amateur and professional athletes alike to increase performance while alleviating symptoms from chronic diseases like digestive disorders, allergies, headaches and depression.

During each session, SCIO measures voltage, amps, resistance and temperature changes in electrodes attached to straps around your head and limbs. Based on this information, it analyzes it in order to pinpoint stressors or imbalances within your body and provides specific dietary recommendations, herbal remedies, vitamins or supplements to rebalance it’s energy levels.

The device also screens for specific food and environmental allergies and intolerances. Testing is conducted at biological speed, meaning thousands of items can be tested at once. Screened substances include foods, chemicals, vitamins and minerals, herbs, homeopathy products, homeopathics as well as worms, parasites, viruses bacteria enzymes hormones cellular energy emotions spiritual energy etc – providing valuable data that will allow individualized stress reduction programs tailored specifically to an individual.

It is a painless therapy

The SCIO system is a noninvasive and painless therapy using electromagnetic frequencies to balance and harmonize energy fields of the body. Developed to complement pharmaceutical interventions and increase effectiveness of other therapeutic modalities, SCIO can also help identify root causes of illness to prevent future recurrences – providing holistic healing without drugs or side effects.

The system scans the whole body simultaneously, measuring bio-energetic responses of all fifty-five parameters simultaneously and identifying any possible sources of stress or disease on emotional, mental and physical levels. The scanning process is rapid allowing it to scan thousands of items within biological speed at biological speed (1/100th of a second), including toxins, diseases, vitamins minerals enzymes foods cellular communication hormones RNA/DNA proteins viruses bacteria fungal infections genetics chromosomes emotions etc.

Under the care of a trained health practitioner, this system detects imbalances in the subtle energy field and tracks them to isolate which source(s) of illness is most likely responsible. It then sends corrective energies that establish energetic equilibrium – for instance zapping pathogens, stimulating repair processes, desensitizing allergies, reducing stress levels, balancing emotions, increasing immunity levels and more.

Once the scanning is complete, a practitioner can review its results to detect recurring patterns that indicate potential issues that go beyond conscious awareness, including mental and emotional stresses, nutritional suggestions, food sensitivities, digestive needs and elimination needs and more. They then apply the appropriate frequencies to resolve these imbalances, leading to improved health and vitality in clients’ bodies.

Clients typically report feeling either energized, relaxed, and emotionally uplifted as dysfunctional energetic patterns are broken and replaced with healthy ones. Following each session, clients should drink multiple glasses of water in order to facilitate detoxification and the removal of toxins from their bodies. After several sessions have taken place, clients should begin experiencing improvements in symptoms.

It is a holistic therapy

SCIO is an advanced biofeedback device that uses computerized scanning of your body to detect energetic imbalances. The SCIO scan identifies problem areas and offers specific programs – nutritional supplements, exercises or homeopathic remedies – to rebalance them. Unlike blood tests or X-rays, SCIO focuses on your energetic body to provide more comprehensive data; additionally it can identify sources of stress while offering holistic solutions.

This scanner detects excesses and deficiencies that lead to stress in the body, energy levels, hormone balances, and other vital substances. Results are displayed on a computer screen for easy understanding by clients; sessions typically last up to two hours with extremely accurate results that do not interfere with any medications prescribed by medical professionals.

SCIO can not only identify problems but also utilize muscle re-education techniques that reduce pain, improve circulation and revitalize the entire body. It does this through electrodes placed on the head, wrists and ankles that send electromagnetic signals directly to the brain while wearing a soft and comfortable brace while it works its magic on them – an entirely painless, safe experience!

Once the test has been administered, the client receives a comprehensive report outlining all its findings. It includes an inventory of scanned items and their status; potential causes; as well as recommendations for treatments and lifestyle changes to address potential underlying conditions. Afterward, their practitioner can create a personalized healthcare plan designed specifically for each person undergoing testing.

Subconscious signals indicate which treatment or remedies will be most successful for an individual, while programs can identify any physical ailments they might be suffering from, including parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungus and toxins; nutritional deficiencies; emotional disturbances or disturbances caused by another factor might all contribute to making life less than ideal. With our help, the resultant program will enable clients to overcome imbalances and achieve optimal health.

It is a spiritual therapy

The SCIO biofeedback system emphasizes energetic healing. It recognizes and balances the invisible energy found within every cell, organ and meridien of the body – this early warning system can detect imbalances much sooner than overt physical disease can reveal itself. SCIO utilizes quantum physics theory to regulate this intelligent energy source.

At each session, clients are placed in a recliner and strapped with electrodes around their ankles, wrists and head to allow a machine to scan more than 9,000 frequency signatures at an incredible 1/100th of a second per item – sending back correcting frequencies that restore balance by identifying issues, balancing emotions, unblocking energy flow and eliminating pathogens – among many other effects.

A trained practitioner will review these readings and identify the areas most in need of improvement first, by analyzing recurring patterns within your body. They’ll use these results as guidance for nutrition, dietary suggestions, stress reduction strategies and more.

This device can also scan for emotional trauma and remove it at the cellular level – an integral step to healing, since clearing away emotional energy will ensure that our bodies don’t react similarly in future to situations which triggered trauma in the first place.

Another key benefit of SCIO system is its ability to detect toxins, nutritional deficiencies and other health issues – from digestive tract disorders and vitamin deficiencies to food sensitivities and more. Furthermore, the system can identify imbalances within chakras or any other aspect of energetic bodies.

The SCIO is an advanced energetic medicine system, working naturopathically to stimulate and tap into the power of our bodies’ self-healing capabilities. As one of the world’s most sophisticated energetic medicine systems available today, its computer system combines mathematical, electrical engineering, quantum physics, fractal dynamics and subspace theory with various healing modalities such as naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture and Rife resonator biofeedback; additionally it delivers feedback for wound healing, pain relief and relaxation via electrical stimulation.


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